< Ezekiyel 39 >

1 “Ɗan mutum, ka yi annabci a kan Gog ka ce, ‘Ga abin da Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka yana cewa ina gāba da kai, ya Gog, babban sarkin Meshek da Tubal.
“You, son of man, prophesy against Gog, and say, ‘The Lord Yahweh says: “Behold, I am against you, Gog, prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal.
2 Zan juya ka in kuma ja ka. Zan kawo ka daga can arewa in aike ka don ka fāɗa wa duwatsun Isra’ila.
I will turn you around, will lead you on, and will cause you to come up from the uttermost parts of the north; and I will bring you onto the mountains of Israel.
3 Sa’an nan zan karya bakan da take a hannun hagunka, in sa kibiyoyin da suke a hannun damanka su fāɗi.
I will strike your bow out of your left hand, and will cause your arrows to fall out of your right hand.
4 A kan duwatsun Isra’ila za ka fāɗi, kai da sojojinka da kuma al’ummai da suke tare da kai. Zan bayar da kai ka zama abinci ga tsuntsaye da namun jeji masu cin nama.
You will fall on the mountains of Israel, you, and all your hordes, and the peoples who are with you. I will give you to the ravenous birds of every sort and to the animals of the field to be devoured.
5 Za ka mutu a fili, gama haka ni na faɗa, in ji Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka.
You will fall on the open field, for I have spoken it,” says the Lord Yahweh.
6 Zan aika da wuta a kan Magog da kuma a kan waɗanda suke zama lafiya a bakin teku, za su kuwa san cewa ni ne Ubangiji.
“I will send a fire on Magog and on those who dwell securely in the islands. Then they will know that I am Yahweh.
7 “‘Zan sanar da sunana mai tsarki a cikin mutanena Isra’ila. Ba zan ƙara bari a ɓata sunana mai tsarki ba, kuma al’ummai za su san cewa Ni Ubangiji Mai Tsarki ne a cikin Isra’ila.
“‘“I will make my holy name known among my people Israel. I won’t allow my holy name to be profaned any more. Then the nations will know that I am Yahweh, the Holy One in Israel.
8 Yana zuwa! Tabbatacce zai faru, in ji Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka. Ranar da na yi magana ke nan.
Behold, it comes, and it will be done,” says the Lord Yahweh. “This is the day about which I have spoken.
9 “‘Sa’an nan waɗanda suke zama a garuruwan Isra’ila za su fita su tattara makamai su hura wuta da su su kuma ƙone su, manya da ƙanana garkuwoyi, bakkuna da kibiyoyi, kulake da māsu. Shekara bakwai za su yi amfani da su don hura wuta.
“‘“Those who dwell in the cities of Israel will go out and will make fires of the weapons and burn them, both the shields and the bucklers, the bows and the arrows, and the war clubs and the spears, and they will make fires with them for seven years;
10 Ba za su yi wahalar zuwa jeji don neman itacen hura wuta ba, domin za su yi amfani da makamai don hura wuta. Za su kuma washe waɗanda suka washe su ganima, in ji Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka.
so that they will take no wood out of the field, and not cut down any out of the forests; for they will make fires with the weapons. They will plunder those who plundered them, and rob those who robbed them,” says the Lord Yahweh.
11 “‘A ranar zan yi wa Gog makabarta a cikin Isra’ila, a kwarin waɗanda suke tafiya wajen gabashin Teku. Za tă tare hanyar matafiya, domin za a binne Gog da dukan mutanensa a can. Ta haka za a kira wurin Kwarin Haman Gog.
“‘“It will happen in that day, that I will give to Gog a place for burial in Israel, the valley of those who pass through on the east of the sea; and it will stop those who pass through. They will bury Gog and all his multitude there, and they will call it ‘The valley of Hamon Gog’.
12 “‘Watanni bakwai gidan Isra’ila zai yi ta binne su don a tsarkake ƙasar.
“‘“The house of Israel will be burying them for seven months, that they may cleanse the land.
13 Dukan mutanen ƙasar za su binne su, kuma ranar da za a ɗaukaka ni za tă zama ranar tuni a gare su, in ji Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka.
Yes, all the people of the land will bury them; and they will become famous in the day that I will be glorified,” says the Lord Yahweh.
14 “‘Za a ɗauki mutane kullum don tsabtacce ƙasar. Waɗansu za su ratsa ƙasar, ƙari da waɗannan, waɗansu za su binne gawawwakin da suka ragu a ƙasar. A ƙarshen watanni bakwai ɗin za su fara bincikensu.
“‘“They will set apart men of continual employment who will pass through the land. Those who pass through will go with those who bury those who remain on the surface of the land, to cleanse it. After the end of seven months they will search.
15 Yayinda suke ratsa ƙasar, in waninsu ya ga ƙashin mutum, zai kafa shi kamar alama a gefe sai masu haƙa kabari sun binne shi a Kwarin Haman Gog.
Those who search through the land will pass through; and when anyone sees a man’s bone, then he will set up a sign by it, until the undertakers have buried it in the valley of Hamon Gog.
16 Akwai wani garin da ake kira Hamona zai kasance a can. Ta haka za su tsabtacce ƙasar.’
Hamonah will also be the name of a city. Thus they will cleanse the land.”’
17 “Ɗan mutum, ga abin da Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka yana cewa, ka gayyato kowane irin tsuntsu da dukan namun jeji, ‘Ku taru ku kuma zo wuri ɗaya daga ko’ina don hadayar da nake shirya muku, babbar hadaya a kan duwatsun Isra’ila. A can za ku ci nama ku kuma sha jini.
“You, son of man, the Lord Yahweh says: ‘Speak to the birds of every sort, and to every animal of the field, “Assemble yourselves, and come; gather yourselves on every side to my sacrifice that I sacrifice for you, even a great sacrifice on the mountains of Israel, that you may eat meat and drink blood.
18 Za ku ci naman manyan mutane ku kuma sha jinin sarakunan duniya sai ka ce an yanka raguna da’yan tumaki, awaki da bijimai, dukansu turkakkun dabbobi daga Bashan.
You shall eat the flesh of the mighty, and drink the blood of the princes of the earth, of rams, of lambs, and of goats, of bulls, all of them fatlings of Bashan.
19 A hadayar da nake shirya muku, za ku ci kitse sai kun ƙoshi ku kuma sha jini sai kun bugu.
You shall eat fat until you are full, and drink blood until you are drunk, of my sacrifice which I have sacrificed for you.
20 A teburina za ku ci iya ƙoshiyarku da naman jama’a da kuma mahaya, manyan mutane da sojoji na kowane iri,’ in ji Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka.
You shall be filled at my table with horses and charioteers, with mighty men, and with all men of war,” says the Lord Yahweh.’
21 “Zan nuna ɗaukakata a cikin al’ummai, kuma dukan al’ummai za su ga hukuncin da zan yi da kuma hannu mai nauyin da zan ɗora a kansu.
“I will set my glory among the nations. Then all the nations will see my judgment that I have executed, and my hand that I have laid on them.
22 Daga wannan rana zuwa gaba gidan Isra’ila zai san cewa ni ne Ubangiji Allahnsu.
So the house of Israel will know that I am Yahweh their God, from that day and forward.
23 Al’ummai kuma za su san cewa mutanen Isra’ila sun tafi zaman bauta saboda zunubinsu, domin sun yi rashin aminci gare ni. Saboda haka na kawar da fuskata daga gare su na miƙa su ga abokan gābansu, suka kuwa mutu ta takobi.
The nations will know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity, because they trespassed against me, and I hid my face from them; so I gave them into the hand of their adversaries, and they all fell by the sword.
24 Na yi da su gwargwadon rashin tsabtarsu da laifofinsu, na kuma kawar da fuskata daga gare su.
I did to them according to their uncleanness and according to their transgressions. I hid my face from them.
25 “Saboda haka ga abin da Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka yana cewa zan komo da Yaƙub daga zaman bauta zan kuma yi wa dukan Isra’ila jinƙai, zan kuma yi kishi saboda sunana mai tsarki.
“Therefore the Lord Yahweh says: ‘Now I will reverse the captivity of Jacob and have mercy on the whole house of Israel. I will be jealous for my holy name.
26 Za su manta da kunyar da suka sha da dukan rashin amincin da suka nuna mini sa’ad da suke zama lafiya a ƙasarsu inda ba wanda zai tsorata su.
They will forget their shame and all their trespasses by which they have trespassed against me, when they dwell securely in their land. No one will make them afraid
27 Sa’ad da na komo da su daga al’ummai na kuma tattara su daga ƙasashen abokan gābansu, zan nuna kaina mai tsarki ta wurinsu a gaban al’ummai masu yawa.
when I have brought them back from the peoples, gathered them out of their enemies’ lands, and am shown holy among them in the sight of many nations.
28 Sa’an nan za su san cewa ni ne Ubangiji Allahnsu, gama ko da yake na tura su zaman bauta a cikin al’ummai, zan tattara su zuwa ƙasarsu, ba tare da barin wani a baya ba.
They will know that I am Yahweh their God, in that I caused them to go into captivity among the nations, and have gathered them to their own land. Then I will leave none of them captive any more.
29 Ba zan ƙara kawar da fuskata daga gare su, gama zan zuba Ruhuna a kan gidan Isra’ila, in ji Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka.”
I won’t hide my face from them any more, for I have poured out my Spirit on the house of Israel,’ says the Lord Yahweh.”

< Ezekiyel 39 >