< Maimaitawar Shari’a 19 >

1 Sa’ad da Ubangiji Allahnku ya hallakar da al’ummai waɗanda yake ba ku ƙasarsu, sa’ad da kuka kore su, kuka kuma zauna a birane da gidajensu,
When Yahweh your God cuts off the nations whose land Yahweh your God gives you, and you succeed them and dwell in their cities and in their houses,
2 sai ku keɓe wa kanku birane uku waɗanda suke a tsakiyar ƙasar da Ubangiji Allahnku yake ba ku ku mallaka.
you shall set apart three cities for yourselves in the middle of your land, which Yahweh your God gives you to possess.
3 Ku gina hanyoyi zuwa cikinsu, ku kuma raba ƙasar da Ubangiji Allahnku yake ba ku gādo kashi uku, saboda duk wani da ya yi kisankai yă iya gudu zuwa can.
You shall prepare the way, and divide the borders of your land which Yahweh your God causes you to inherit into three parts, that every man slayer may flee there.
4 Ga doka game da mutumin da ya kashe wani, ya kuma gudu don yă cece ransa, wani wanda ya kashe maƙwabcinsa ba da gangan ba, ba kuwa da wata ƙiyayya a tsakaninsu a dā ba.
This is the case of the man slayer who shall flee there and live: Whoever kills his neighbor unintentionally, and didn’t hate him in time past—
5 Misali, in mutum ya je jeji da maƙwabcinsa domin yankan itace, sai ruwan gatarinsa ya kwaɓe daga ƙotar yayinda yake saran itacen, ya sari maƙwabcin har ya mutu. Mutumin nan zai iya gudu zuwa ɗaya daga cikin waɗannan birane don yă ceci ransa.
as when a man goes into the forest with his neighbor to chop wood and his hand swings the ax to cut down the tree, and the head slips from the handle and hits his neighbor so that he dies—he shall flee to one of these cities and live.
6 In ba haka ba mai neman ɗaukan fansa jini, zai iya binsa cikin fushi, yă cim masa, saboda nisan hanyar, har ya kashe shi, ko da yake bai cancanci mutuwa ba, tun da yake ba ƙiyayya tsakaninsa da abokinsa a dā.
Otherwise, the avenger of blood might pursue the man slayer while hot anger is in his heart and overtake him, because the way is long, and strike him mortally, even though he was not worthy of death, because he didn’t hate him in time past.
7 Wannan ne ya sa na umarce ku ku keɓe wa kanku birane uku.
Therefore I command you to set apart three cities for yourselves.
8 In Ubangiji Allahnku ya fadada yankinku, kamar yadda ya alkawarta da rantsuwa wa kakanninku, ya kuma ba ku ƙasar gaba ɗaya kamar yadda ya yi musu alkawari,
If Yahweh your God enlarges your border, as he has sworn to your fathers, and gives you all the land which he promised to give to your fathers;
9 idan dai kun lura, kuka kiyaye umarnin da nake ba ku a yau, wato, ta wurin ƙaunar Ubangiji Allahnku, kuka kuma yi tafiya kullum cikin hanyoyinsa, to, sai ku keɓe ƙarin birane uku.
and if you keep all this commandment to do it, which I command you today, to love Yahweh your God, and to walk ever in his ways, then you shall add three cities more for yourselves, in addition to these three.
10 Ku yi haka don kada a zub da jinin marar laifi a ƙasar da Ubangiji Allahnku yake ba ku gādo, don kada ku kuma zama masu laifin zub da jini.
This is so that innocent blood will not be shed in the middle of your land which Yahweh your God gives you for an inheritance, leaving blood guilt on you.
11 Amma idan wani mutum yana ƙin maƙwabcinsa, ya kuma yi kwanto yana fakonsa, ya yi masa rauni, har ya kashe shi, sa’an nan ya gudu zuwa ɗaya daga cikin waɗannan birane,
But if any man hates his neighbor, lies in wait for him, rises up against him, strikes him mortally so that he dies, and he flees into one of these cities;
12 dattawan garinsa za su aika a kawo shi, a dawo da shi daga birnin, a miƙa shi ga mai neman fansar jini don yă kashe shi.
then the elders of his city shall send and bring him there, and deliver him into the hand of the avenger of blood, that he may die.
13 Kada ku ji tausayinsa. Dole ku fid da laifin zub da jinin marar laifi daga Isra’ila, don ku sami zaman lafiya.
Your eye shall not pity him, but you shall purge the innocent blood from Israel that it may go well with you.
14 Kada ka gusar da dutsen nuna shaidar iyakar maƙwabcinka wanda kakanni suka sa, a gādon da ka samu a ƙasar da Ubangiji Allahnka yake ba ka mallaka.
You shall not remove your neighbor’s landmark, which they of old time have set, in your inheritance which you shall inherit, in the land that Yahweh your God gives you to possess.
15 Shaidar mutum guda ba tă isa a tabbatar cewa mutum yana da laifi game da laifin da ake tuhumarsa ba, ko kuwa a kan wani laifin da ake zaginsa da aikata ba. Dole a tabbata da batun ta bakin shaidu biyu, ko uku.
One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin that he sins. At the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall a matter be established.
16 In wani ɗan sharri ya tashi ya yi wa wani sharri, don a sami wani da laifi,
If an unrighteous witness rises up against any man to testify against him of wrongdoing,
17 dole mutanen nan biyu da suke rikici su tsaya a gaban Ubangiji, a gaban firistoci da alƙalai waɗanda suke aiki a lokacin.
then both the men, between whom the controversy is, shall stand before Yahweh, before the priests and the judges who shall be in those days;
18 Dole alƙalan su yi bincike sosai, in kuma aka tabbatar mai ba da shaida maƙaryaci ne, yana ba da shaidar zur a kan ɗan’uwansa ne,
and the judges shall make diligent inquisition; and behold, if the witness is a false witness, and has testified falsely against his brother,
19 to, sai a yi da shi yadda ya yi niyya yă yi da ɗan’uwansa. Dole ku fid da mugu daga cikinku.
then you shall do to him as he had thought to do to his brother. So you shall remove the evil from among you.
20 Sauran mutane za su ji wannan su kuma ji tsoro, ba kuwa za a ƙara yin irin wannan mugun abu a cikinku ba.
Those who remain shall hear, and fear, and will never again commit any such evil among you.
21 Kada ku ji tausayi, rai yă zama a maimakon rai, ido a maimakon ido, haƙori a maimakon haƙori, hannu a maimakon hannu, ƙafa a maimakon ƙafa.
Your eyes shall not pity: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.

< Maimaitawar Shari’a 19 >