< Zakari 13 >

1 “Nan jou sa a, va gen yon fontèn dlo ki va ouvri pou lakay David, e pou sila ki rete Jérusalem yo, pou peche ak salte.
In that day every place shall be opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for removal and for separation.
2 “Li va vin rive nan jou sa a”, deklare SENYÈ dèzame yo: “ke Mwen va koupe retire non a zidòl yo soti nan peyi a, e yo p ap sonje yo ankò. Mwen va osi retire pwofèt yo ak lespri pa pwòp la soti nan peyi a.
And it shall come to pass in that day, says the Lord of hosts, [that] I will utterly destroy the names of the idols from off the land, and there shall be no longer [any] remembrance of them: and I will cut off the false prophets and the evil spirit from the land.
3 Lè yon moun va pwofetize, alò, papa l ak manman l ki te fè l la va di li: ‘Ou p ap viv, paske ou pale sa ki fo nan non SENYÈ a.’ Konsa, papa li ak manman li ki te fè l la, va fwennen l lè li pwofetize.
And it shall come to pass, if a man will yet prophesy, that his father and his mother which gave birth to him shall say to him, You shall not live; for you has spoken lies in the name of the Lord: and his father and his mother who gave him birth shall bind him as he is prophesying.
4 Anplis, li va vin rive nan jou sa a, ke tout pwofèt yo va vin wont de vizyon yo fè, lè yo ap pwofetize. Yo p ap mete gwo wòb fèt an pwal pou twonpe moun;
And it shall come to pass in that day, [that] the prophets shall be ashamed every one of his vision when he prophesies; and they shall clothe themselves with a garment of hair, because they have lied.
5 men yon pwofèt va di: ‘Mwen pa yon pwofèt; mwen se yon kiltivatè tè a, paske mwen se yon sèvitè atache nèt depi mwen jèn.’
And [one] shall say, I am not a prophet, for I am a tiller of the ground, for a man brought me up [thus] from my youth.
6 Konsa, yon moun va vin di l: ‘Ki blesi sa ki nan mitan bra ou yo?’ Epi li va reponn: ‘Sa yo se blesi ke mwen te pran lakay zami mwen yo.’
And I will say to him, What are these wounds between your hands? and he shall say, [Those] with which I was wounded in my beloved house.
7 “Leve, O nepe, kont bèje Mwen an, e kont nonm nan ki byen pre M,” deklare SENYÈ dèzame yo. Frape bèje a pou mouton yo ka gaye; epi Mwen va vire men M kont jenn ti piti yo.
Awake, O sword, against my shepherds, and against the man [who is] my citizen, says the Lord Almighty: strike the shepherds, and draw out the sheep: and I will bring mine hand upon the little ones.
8 “Sa va vin rive nan tout peyi a” deklare SENYÈ a, “Ke de pati nan li va vin koupe retire pou l mouri; men twazyèm pati a va rete ladann l.
And it shall come to pass, [that] in all the land, says the Lord, two parts thereof shall be cut off and perish; but the third shall be left therein.
9 “Konsa, Mwen va mennen fè pase twazyèm pati a nan dife. Mwen va rafine yo tankou yo rafine ajan, e pase yo a leprèv tankou lò. Yo va rele non Mwen, e Mwen va tande yo. Mwen va di: ‘Yo se pèp Mwen’, e yo va di: ‘SENYÈ a, se Bondye mwen an.’”
And I will bring the third [part] through the fire, and I will try them as silver is tried, and I will prove them as gold is proved: they shall call upon my name, and I will hear them, and say, This is my people: and they shall say, The Lord [is] my God.

< Zakari 13 >