< Jowèl 1 >

1 Pawòl SENYÈ a te vin kote Joël, fis a Pethuel la.
The Lord’s message that came to Joel, son of Pethuel.
2 Koute sa ansyen nou yo, koute sa, tout abitan peyi a! Èske yon bagay konsa konn rive nan jou nou yo, oswa nan jou a papa zansèt nou yo?
Hear this, elders, pay attention, all inhabitants of the land. Has anything like this happened in your days, or in the days of your ancestors?
3 Pale pitit nou yo bagay sa a, e kite pitit nou pale pitit pa yo ak pitit a yon lòt jenerasyon.
Recount it to your children; let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the generation that follows.
4 Sa ke ti krikèt la te kite, gwo krikèt la fin manje. Sa ke gwo krikèt la te kite, ti cheni an te manje. Sa ke ti cheni an te kite, gwo cheni an te manje.
That which the cutting locust has left, the swarming locust has eaten, that which the swarming locust has left, the hopping locust has eaten, and that which the hopping locust has left, the destroying locust has eaten.
5 Moun sou yo, leve pou nou ka kriye! Rele fò, nou tout k ap bwè diven an, akoz diven dous lan, paske li deja retire pou l kite bouch nou.
Awake, drunkards, and weep, and wail, all drinkers of wine; the new wine is cut off from your mouth.
6 Paske yon nasyon deja anvayi peyi mwen an, ak gwo pwisans, fòs kantite moun depase kontwòl. Dan l se dan a yon lyon; gwo dan l yo se tankou dan a yon manman lyon.
For a nation has come up on my land, powerful, and numberless; its teeth are the teeth of a lion, and its jaw-teeth are like those of a lioness.
7 Li te fè chan rezen mwen an vin yon kote gate. Li te rache pye fig mwen an. Li fin rache li nèt nèt, e jete li. Branch yo te vin blanch.
It has laid waste my vines, and barked my fig tree; it has peeled and cast it away, bleached are the branches.
8 Rele fò tankou yon vyèj ki abiye ak twal sak pou fiyanse jenès li ki mouri.
Wail as a bride, clad in sack-cloth, for the husband of her youth.
9 Ofrann sereyal ak ofrann bwason an vin kou pe soti lakay SENYÈ a. Prèt yo, sèvitè a SENYÈ a, ap lamante.
Cut off are the cereal and drink-offerings from the house of the Lord; in mourning are the priests, who minister at the Lord’s altar.
10 Chan an vin gate nèt. Peyi a ap fè dèy. Paske tout sereyal la fin gate nèt. Diven nèf la fin seche, lwil fre a vin sispann.
The fields are blasted, the land is in mourning, for ruined is the corn, the new wine fails and the oil is dried up.
11 Se pou nou pa konprann anyèn, O kiltivatè yo! Rele anmwey, O nou menm k ap okipe pye rezen yo! Ble ak lòj la te peri nèt; rekòlt chan an fin detwi.
Be dismayed, farmers; wail, vine-dressers. For the wheat and the barley; for the harvest is lost from the fields.
12 Pye rezen an vin sèch, e pye fig la vin pa donnen. Pye grenad la, pye palmis lan ak pye pòm nan; menm tout pyebwa nan chan an fin cheche. Anverite Lajwa a vin seche soti pami fis a lòm yo.
The vine fails to bear fruit, and the fig tree is drooping; the pomegranate, palm, and apple, all the trees of the field are dried up. The people’s joy withers.
13 Mare senti nou ak twal sak e kriye fò, O prèt yo, Rele anmwey! O sèvitè a lotèl yo, Vin pase nwit lan ak twal sak, chèf sèvitè a Bondye mwen yo. Paske ofrann sereyal la ak ofrann bwason an p ap antre lakay Bondye nou an.
Put on sackcloth, and beat your breasts, priests; wail, ministers of the altar; come, lie all night in sack-cloth, ministers of God; for cereal-offering and drink-offering are cut off from the house of your God.
14 Vin konsakre jèn nan! Pwoklame asanble solanèl lan! Rasanble tout ansyen yo ak tout moun ki rete nan peyi a, pou yo vini lakay SENYÈ a, Bondye nou an, pou kriye fò anvè SENYÈ a.
Sanctify a fast, summon an assembly, gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the Lord your God, cry to the Lord:
15 Elas pou jou a! Paske jou SENYÈ a vin pwòch. Li va vini tankou destriksyon ki soti nan Toupwisan an.
Alas for the day! Near at hand is the day of the Lord, and as destruction from the Almighty it comes.
16 Èske manje a pa t retire soti devan zye nou? Lajwa ak kè kontan soti lakay Bondye nou an?
Is not food cut off from before us, gladness and joy from the house of our God?
17 Jèm yo vin pouri anba bòl tè yo. Depo yo vin abandone. Kay depo yo fin demoli nèt, paske sereyal la vin sispann nèt.
The grains shrivel under their hoes, the storehouses are desolate, the barns broken down, for the corn is withered.
18 Ala plenyen bèt yo plenyen nan gòj! Twoupo bèf yo ap gaye toupatou, paske pa gen patiraj pou yo. Menm bann mouton yo ap soufri.
How the herds of cattle bellow in distress, for they have no pasture! The flocks of sheep are forlorn.
19 A Ou menm, O SENYÈ, Mwen kriye; paske dife fin devore patiraj nan savann yo, e flanm dife fin brile tout pyebwa nan chan yo.
To you, the Lord, I cry. For fire has devoured the pastures of the wilderness, and flame has scorched all the trees of the field.
20 Menm bèt chan yo rele vè Ou menm; paske sous dlo yo fin seche e dife a te devore tout patiraj nan savann yo.
The wild animals also look up to you longingly, for the water-courses are dried up, and fire has devoured the pastures of the wilderness.

< Jowèl 1 >