< Jòb 18 >

1 Epi Bildad, Shuach la te reponn:
Then Bildad the Shuhite answered,
2 “Pou jiskilè ou va chase pawòl? Montre bon sans ou pou nou kab pale.
"How long will you hunt for words? Consider, and afterwards we will speak.
3 Poukisa nou gade tankou bèt, tankou sòt nan zye ou?
Why are we counted as animals, which have become unclean in your sight?
4 O ou menm ki chire pwòp kò ou menm nan kòlè ou, èske se pou lakoz ou menm ke tè a ta abandone, oswa wòch la deplase nan plas li?
You who tear yourself in your anger, shall the earth be forsaken for you? Or shall the rock be removed out of its place?
5 “Anverite, limyè a mechan an va etenn, e flanm dife li pap bay limyè.
"Yes, the light of the wicked shall be put out, The spark of his fire shall not shine.
6 Limyè nan tant li an vin fènwa, e lanp li etenn sou li.
The light shall be dark in his tent. His lamp above him shall be put out.
7 Gran pa dyanm li yo vin kout, e pwòp manèv li a vin desann li.
The steps of his strength shall be shortened. His own counsel shall cast him down.
8 Paske li tonbe nan pèlen an akoz pwòp pye li e li mache sou file a.
For he is cast into a net by his own feet, and he wanders into its mesh.
9 Yon pèlen pran l pa talon, e yon filè vin fèmen sou li.
A snare will take him by the heel. A trap will catch him.
10 Yon pyèj kache pou li nan tè a, e yon zatrap sou chemen li.
A noose is hidden for him in the ground, a trap for him in the way.
11 Patou laperèz fè l sezi e kouri dèyè l nan chak pa ke li fè.
Terrors shall make him afraid on every side, and shall chase him at his heels.
12 Fòs li vin epwize e gwo dega parèt akote li.
His strength shall be famished. Calamity shall be ready at his side.
13 Kò li devore pa maladi; premye ne lanmò a devore manm kò li yo.
The members of his body shall be devoured. The firstborn of death shall devour his members.
14 Li fin chire soti nan sekirite tant li an e yo pran l pou l parèt devan wa laperèz la.
He shall be rooted out of his tent where he trusts. He shall be brought to the king of terrors.
15 Anyen pa rete nan tant li ki pou li; souf gaye toupatou sou abitasyon li.
There shall dwell in his tent that which is none of his. Sulfur shall be scattered on his habitation.
16 Rasin li vin sèch anba li, e branch li fin koupe pa anwo.
His roots shall be dried up beneath. Above shall his branch be cut off.
17 Memwa li fin disparèt sou tè a men li pa gen non nan okenn lòt peyi.
His memory shall perish from the earth. He shall have no name in the street.
18 Li bourade pouse lwen limyè a pou rive nan tenèb, e chase jis deyò mond kote moun rete a.
He shall be driven from light into darkness, and chased out of the world.
19 Li pa gen ni desandan ni posterite pami pèp li a, ni okenn moun ki rete kote li te demere.
He shall have neither son nor grandson among his people, nor any remaining where he sojourned.
20 Sila nan lwès yo vin revòlte de desten li e sila nan lès yo vin sezi ak laperèz.
Those who come after shall be astonished at his day, as those who went before were frightened.
21 Anverite, se konsa abitasyon a mechan yo ye a. Sa se plas a sila ki pa konnen Bondye a.”
Surely such are the dwellings of the unrighteous. This is the place of him who doesn't know God."

< Jòb 18 >