< Jeremi 44 >

1 Pawòl ki te rive kote Jérémie pou tout Jwif ki te rete nan peyi Égypte yo, sila ki te rete nan Migdol yo, Tachpanès Noph ak nan peyi a Pathros yo. Li te di:
[the] word which to be to(wards) Jeremiah to(wards) all [the] Jew [the] to dwell in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt [the] to dwell in/on/with Migdol and in/on/with Tahpanhes and in/on/with Memphis and in/on/with land: country/planet Pathros to/for to say
2 “Konsa pale SENYÈ dèzame yo, Bondye Israël la: ‘Nou menm, nou te wè tout malè ke M te mennen sou Jérusalem ak tout vil Juda yo. Gade byen, nan jou sa a, yo fin kraze nèt e pèsòn pa rete nan yo,
thus to say LORD Hosts God Israel you(m. p.) to see: see [obj] all [the] distress: harm which to come (in): bring upon Jerusalem and upon all city Judah and look! they desolation [the] day: today [the] this and nothing in/on/with them to dwell
3 akoz mechanste ke yo te fè pou pwovoke M a lakòlè, akoz yo te kontinye brile sakrifis pou sèvi lòt dye ke yo pa t konnen, ni yo, ni nou menm, ni zansèt nou yo.
from face: because distress: evil their which to make to/for to provoke me to/for to go: went to/for to offer: offer to/for to serve: minister to/for God another which not to know them they(masc.) you(m. p.) and father your
4 Malgre sa, Mwen te voye bannou tout sèvitè mwen yo, pwofèt yo, ankò e ankò e Mwen te di: “Ah, pa fè bagay abominab sila ke m menm rayi a.”
and to send: depart to(wards) you [obj] all servant/slave my [the] prophet to rise and to send: depart to/for to say not please to make: do [obj] word: because [the] abomination [the] this which to hate
5 Men yo pa t koute, ni panche zòrèy yo pou kite mechanste yo, pou yo pa brile sakrifis a lòt dye yo.
and not to hear: hear and not to stretch [obj] ear their to/for to return: repent from distress: evil their to/for lest to offer: offer to/for God another
6 Akoz sa, kòlè Mwen ak mekontantman Mwen te vide e te brile nan vil Juda yo ak nan ri a Jérusalem yo, jiskaske yo vin detwi nèt e vin yon dezolasyon jis rive jodi a.’
and to pour rage my and face: anger my and to burn: burn in/on/with city Judah and in/on/with outside Jerusalem and to be to/for desolation to/for devastation like/as day: today [the] this
7 “Alò, konsa pale SENYÈ a, Bondye Israël la: ‘Poukisa n ap fè gwo mal sa a nou menm, pou nou ta koupe retire nèt de nou menm, gason, fanm, pitit, ak tibebe, pou kite tèt nou san retay.
and now thus to say LORD God Hosts God Israel to/for what? you(m. p.) to make distress: evil great: large to(wards) soul: myself your to/for to cut: eliminate to/for you man and woman infant and to suckle from midst Judah to/for lest to remain to/for you remnant
8 Epi pwovoke M a lakòlè avèk zèv men nou, brile sakrifis a lòt dye nan peyi Égypte yo, kote nou ap antre pou rezide, pou nou kab vin koupe retire nèt e devni yon madichon ak yon repwòch pami tout nasyon sou latè yo?
to/for to provoke me in/on/with deed hand your to/for to offer: offer to/for God another in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt which you(m. p.) to come (in): come to/for to sojourn there because to cut: eliminate to/for you and because to be you to/for curse and to/for reproach in/on/with all nation [the] land: country/planet
9 Èske nou fin bliye mechanste a papa zansèt nou yo, mechanste a wa a Juda yo, mechanste a madanm yo, pwòp mechanste pa nou, mechanste a madanm pa nou yo, ke yo te komèt nan peyi Juda a ak nan ri Jérusalem yo.
to forget [obj] distress: evil father your and [obj] distress: evil king Judah and [obj] distress: evil woman: wife his and [obj] distress: evil your and [obj] distress: evil woman: wife your which to make in/on/with land: country/planet Judah and in/on/with outside Jerusalem
10 Men yo pa t repanti, menm jis rive jodi a, ni yo pa t gen lakrent, ni mache nan lalwa Mwen, ni règleman ke M te mete devan nou yo ak devan papa zansèt nou yo.’
not to crush till [the] day: today [the] this and not to fear: revere and not to go: walk in/on/with instruction my and in/on/with statute my which to give: put to/for face: before your and to/for face: before father your
11 “Pou sa, konsa pale SENYÈ dèzame yo, Bondye Israël la: ‘Gade byen, Mwen ap fikse fas Mwen kont nou pou malè, menm pou koupe retire tout Juda.
to/for so thus to say LORD Hosts God Israel look! I to set: make face my in/on/with you to/for distress: harm and to/for to cut: eliminate [obj] all Judah
12 Epi Mwen va retire retay Juda ki te fikse panse yo sou antre nan peyi Égypte pou abite la, e yo va tout twouve move desten pa yo. La, nan peyi Égypte, yo va tonbe pa nepe e rankontre desten yo nan gwo grangou. Yo va devni yon madichon, yon objè degoutan, yon anatèm ak yon repwòch.
and to take: take [obj] remnant Judah which to set: make face their to/for to come (in): come land: country/planet Egypt to/for to sojourn there and to finish all in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt to fall: kill in/on/with sword in/on/with famine to finish from small and till great: large in/on/with sword and in/on/with famine to die and to be to/for oath to/for horror: appalled and to/for curse and to/for reproach
13 Epi Mwen va pini sila ki rete an peyi Égypte, kon mwen te pini Jérusalem, ak nepe a, ak grangou, ak bèt ki ravaje chan e ak epidemi.
and to reckon: punish upon [the] to dwell in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt like/as as which to reckon: punish upon Jerusalem in/on/with sword in/on/with famine and in/on/with pestilence
14 Konsa, p ap gen moun ki chape, ni ki retounen nan retay Juda ki te antre nan peyi Égypte pou rezide la ak entansyon pou retounen nan peyi Juda, kote yo gen anvi retounen viv la. Paske okenn moun p ap retounen sof ke kèk grenn ki chape.’”
and not to be survivor and survivor to/for remnant Judah [the] to come (in): come to/for to sojourn there in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt and to/for to return: return land: country/planet Judah which they(masc.) to lift: trust [obj] soul: appetite their to/for to return: return to/for to dwell there for not to return: return that if: except if: except survivor
15 Epi tout sila ki te konnen ke madanm yo t ap brile sakrifis a lòt dye yo, ansanm ak tout fanm ki te kanpe la yo, yon gwo asanble, menm ak tout moun ki te rete Pathros nan peyi Égypte la, te reponn a Jérémie. Yo te di:
and to answer [obj] Jeremiah all [the] human [the] to know for to offer: offer woman: wife their to/for God another and all [the] woman [the] to stand: stand assembly great: large and all [the] people [the] to dwell in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt in/on/with Pathros to/for to say
16 “Pou mesaj ke ou te pale nou nan non SENYÈ a, nou p ap koute ou!
[the] word which to speak: speak to(wards) us in/on/with name LORD nothing we to hear: hear to(wards) you
17 Men pito, nou va akonpli tout pawòl ki te sòti nan bouch pa nou, lè n ap brile sakrifis a rèn syèl la, e vide bwason devan l, menm jan ke nou menm, ak papa zansèt nou yo, wa nou yo, ak prèt nou yo te konn fè nan vil Juda yo ak nan ri a Jérusalem yo. Paske nan lè sa a, nou te gen kont manje, nou te byen alèz e nou pa t konn soufri malè.
for to make: do to make: do [obj] all [the] word: thing which to come out: speak from lip our to/for to offer: offer to/for queen [the] heaven and to pour to/for her drink offering like/as as which to make: do we and father our king our and ruler our in/on/with city Judah and in/on/with outside Jerusalem and to satisfy food and to be pleasant and distress: harm not to see: see
18 Men depi lè nou te sispann brile sakrifis a rèn syèl la ak vide bwason devan l, nou te vin manke tout bagay, e nou te vin anile pa nepe ak gwo grangou.”
and from the past to cease to/for to offer: offer to/for queen [the] heaven and to pour to/for her drink offering to lack all and in/on/with sword and in/on/with famine to finish
19 Fanm yo te pale: “Lè nou t ap brile sakrifis a rèn syèl la, e nou t ap vide ofrann bwason a li menm, èske se te san mari nou ke nou te fè pou li gato sakrifis nan imaj li e te vide ofrann bwason a li menm?”
and for we to offer: offer to/for queen [the] heaven and to/for to pour to/for her drink offering from beside human our to make to/for her bun to/for to shape her and to pour to/for her drink offering
20 Epi Jérémie te di a tout pèp la, a mesye yo ak fanm yo—menm a tout pèp ki t ap reponn li konsa yo—e li te di:
and to say Jeremiah to(wards) all [the] people upon [the] great man and upon [the] woman and upon all [the] people [the] to answer [obj] him word to/for to say
21 Pou sakrifis lafimen ke nou te brile nan vil a Juda yo ak ri a Jérusalem yo, nou menm ak papa zansèt nou yo, wa nou yo, ak prens nou yo e pèp peyi a, èske SENYÈ a pa t sonje yo, e èske tout sa pa t antre nan panse Li?
not [obj] [the] incense which to offer: offer in/on/with city Judah and in/on/with outside Jerusalem you(m. p.) and father your king your and ruler your and people [the] land: country/planet [obj] them to remember LORD and to ascend: rise upon heart his
22 Konsa, SENYÈ a pa t ka sipòte sa akoz mechanste a zak nou yo, akoz zak abominab ke nou te komèt yo. Se pou sa, peyi nou an fin detwi nèt, yon objè degoutan ak yon madichon, san pèsòn pou rete ladann, jan li ye jodi a.
and not be able LORD still to/for to lift: bear from face: because evil deed your from face: because [the] abomination which to make and to be land: country/planet your to/for desolation and to/for horror: destroyed and to/for curse from nothing to dwell like/as [the] day: today [the] this
23 Akoz nou te brile sakrifis yo, nou te peche kont SENYÈ a e pa t obeyi vwa SENYÈ a, ni mache nan lalwa Li, règleman Li yo, ak temwayaj Li yo; akoz sa, gran malè sa a vin tonbe sou nou, jan li ye jodi a.
from face: because which to offer: offer and which to sin to/for LORD and not to hear: obey in/on/with voice LORD and in/on/with instruction his and in/on/with statute his and in/on/with testimony his not to go: walk upon so to encounter: chanced [obj] you [the] distress: harm [the] this like/as day: today [the] this
24 Konsa, Jérémie te di a tout pèp la, ansanm ak tout fanm yo: “Tande pawòl SENYÈ a, tout Juda ki rete nan peyi Égypte la,
and to say Jeremiah to(wards) all [the] people and to(wards) all [the] woman to hear: hear word LORD all Judah which in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt
25 Konsa pale SENYÈ dèzame yo, Bondye Israël la, konsa: ‘Pou nou menm ak madanm nou, nou te pale ak bouch nou, nou te akonpli sa ak men nou, e nou te di: “Anverite, nou va akonpli ve ke nou te fè yo, pou nou brile sakrifis a rèn syèl la, e vide bwason nou yo a li menm.” “‘Ale fè l, pou akonpli ve nou yo; e byen si, akonpli ve nou yo!’
thus to say LORD Hosts God Israel to/for to say you(m. p.) and woman: wife your and to speak: promise in/on/with lip your and in/on/with hand your to fill to/for to say to make: do to make: do [obj] vow our which to vow to/for to offer: offer to/for queen [the] heaven and to/for to pour to/for her drink offering to arise: establish to arise: establish [obj] vow your and to make: do to make: do [obj] vow your
26 “Sepandan, tande pawòl SENYÈ a, tout moun Juda ki rete nan peyi Égypte la: ‘Gade byen, Mwen te sèmante pa gran non Mwen,’ SENYÈ a di: ‘Pinga non Mwen janm nome ankò nan bouch a okenn moun Juda nan tout peyi Égypte la, pou ta di: “Jan Senyè BONDYE a viv la.”
to/for so to hear: hear word LORD all Judah [the] to dwell in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt look! I to swear in/on/with name my [the] great: large to say LORD if: surely no to be still name my to call: call to in/on/with lip all man Judah to say alive Lord YHWH/God in/on/with all land: country/planet Egypt
27 Gade byen, M ap veye sou yo pou malè yo, e pa pou byen yo. Tout mesye Juda ki nan peyi Égypte yo, va rankontre lafen pa yo ak nepe e ak gwo grangou jiskaske yo fin disparèt nèt.
look! I to watch upon them to/for distress: harm and not to/for welfare and to finish all man Judah which in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt in/on/with sword and in/on/with famine till to end: destroy they
28 Sila ki chape anba nepe yo va retounen sòti nan peyi Égypte pou rive Juda p ap gen anpil menm. Nan lè sa a, retay Juda ki te ale nan peyi Égypte pou rezide yo, va konnen pawòl a kilès k ap kanpe, si se pa M nan, oswa pa yo a’.
and survivor sword to return: return [emph?] from land: country/planet Egypt land: country/planet Judah man number and to know all remnant Judah [the] to come (in): come to/for land: country/planet Egypt to/for to sojourn there word who? to arise: establish from me and from them
29 “‘Sa va sèvi kon sign pou nou’, SENYÈ a di: ‘ke Mwen va pini nou nan plas sa a, pou nou ka konnen ke pawòl Mwen va, anverite, kanpe kont nou pou malè nou.’
and this to/for you [the] sign: miraculous utterance LORD for to reckon: punish I upon you in/on/with place [the] this because to know for to arise: establish to arise: establish word my upon you to/for distress: harm
30 Konsa pale SENYÈ a: ‘Gade byen, Mwen va livre Farawon Hophra, wa Égypte la, nan men lènmi li yo; nan men a sila k ap chache lavi li, menm jan ke m te livre Sédécias, wa Juda a, nan men Nebucadnetsar, wa Babylone nan, ki te ènmi li e ki t ap chache lavi li.’”
thus to say LORD look! I to give: give [obj] Pharaoh (Hophra) (Pharaoh)-hophra king Egypt in/on/with hand: power enemy his and in/on/with hand: power to seek soul: life his like/as as which to give: give [obj] Zedekiah king Judah in/on/with hand: power Nebuchadnezzar king Babylon enemy his and to seek soul: life his

< Jeremi 44 >