< Ezekyèl 30 >

1 Pawòl SENYÈ a te vin kote m ankò e te di:
Another message from the Lord came to me, saying,
2 “Fis a lòm, pwofetize e di: ‘Konsa pale Senyè BONDYE a, “Rele ‘Anmwey! Elas pou jou a!’
“Son of man, prophesy and announce that this is what the Lord God says: Weep! This is a terrible day!
3 Paske jou a pwòch. Menm jou SENYÈ a pwòch. Li va yon jou nwaj, yon tan fènwa pou nasyon yo.
The day is soon coming—the Day of the Lord is near. It will be a gloomy, cloudy day, a time of judgment for the nations.
4 Yon nepe va rive sou Égypte e gwo doulè va rive Ethiopie, lè sila yo touye yo tonbe an Égypte. Yo va retire tout richès li yo e fondasyon li yo va fin demoli nèt.
A sword will come to attack Egypt, and there will be anguish in Cush when people are killed in Egypt, when it's robbed of its wealth and the country ruined.
5 “‘“Ethiopie, Puth, Lud, tout Arabie, Cub, ak tout moun peyi ki nan gwoup aliyans yo va tonbe ak yo pa nepe.”
Cush, Put, and Lud, and many other peoples, as well as Arabia, Kub, and the people of the promised land, they all, like Egypt, will be killed by the sword.
6 “‘Konsa pale SENYÈ a: “Anverite, sila ki sipòte Égypte yo va tonbe. Ògèy a pouvwa li a va tonbe. Soti nan Migdol jis rive Syène, yo va tonbe pa nepe,” deklare Senyè BONDYE a.
This is what the Lord says: Egypt's allies will fall, and the country will lose its prestigious position. From Migdol in the north to Syene in the south, they will be killed by the sword, declares the Lord God.
7 Yo va vin dezole nan mitan peyi ki dezole yo. Konsa, vil li yo va nan mitan vil k ap devaste yo.
Egypt will become more of a wasteland than any other country, and its towns will be left in ruins.
8 Yo va konnen ke Mwen se SENYÈ a, lè M limen dife an Égypte la, e tout sila ki te ede l yo vin kraze nèt.
Then they will acknowledge that I am the Lord when I set fire to Egypt and all its allies are crushed.
9 “‘“Nan jou sa a, mesaje yo va ale soti devan Mwen sou bato pou entimide Ethiopie akoz lenpridans. Gwo doulè va vin sou yo menm jan ak jou Égypte la; paske gade byen, l ap vini!”
At that time I will send messengers in ships to shock Cush out of its sense of security. They will tremble in fear when disasters hit Egypt. Watch out! It's definitely coming!
10 “‘Konsa pale Senyè BONDYE a: “Anplis Mwen va fè gwo foul lame Égypte la vin sispann pa men Nebucadnetsar, wa Babylone nan.
This is what the Lord God says: I will use Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon to take away Egypt's wealth.
11 Li menm ak pèp li a avè l, pi mechan pami nasyon yo va antre pou detwi peyi a. Yo va rale nepe yo kont Égypte, e plen peyi a ak mò yo.
He and his army from the cruelest nation in the world will be brought to destroy the country. They will use their swords to attack Egypt, and they will fill the land with dead bodies.
12 Anplis, Mwen va seche kanal larivyè Nil yo, e vann peyi a pou antre nan men moun mechan yo. Mwen va fè peyi a vin dezole ak tout sa ki ladann pa men etranje yo. Mwen, SENYÈ a, fin pale.”
I will dry up the rivers and sell the land to wicked people. Using these foreigners I will ruin the land and everything in it. I the Lord have spoken.
13 “‘Konsa pale Senyè Bondye a: “Anplis, Mwen va detwi zidòl yo, e fè imaj yo sispann nan Noph. P ap gen prens ankò nan peyi Égypte. Mwen va mete laperèz nan peyi Égypte.
This is what the Lord God says: I'm going to destroy the idols and get rid of the images in Memphis. There won't be a prince in Egypt any longer, and I will make everyone in the country terrified.
14 Mwen va fè Pathros vin dezole, mete dife nan Tsoan, e egzekite jijman sou Nò.
I will destroy Pathros, set Zoan on fire, and punish Thebes.
15 Mwen va vide chalè kòlè Mwen sou Sin, sitadèl a Égypte la. Anplis, Mwen va koupe retire nèt gwo foul Nò yo.
I will pour out my wrath on Pelusium, Egypt's fortress town, and wipe out the army at Thebes.
16 Mwen va mete dife an Égypte. Sin va vin tòde ak gwo doulè. No va kraze an mòso, separe. Noph va gen brèch nèt ak gwo twoub chak jou.
I will set fire to Egypt, Pelusium will suffer, Thebes will be ripped apart, and Memphis will face trouble every day.
17 Jenn mesye a On ak Pi Béseth yo va tonbe pa nepe. Y ap antre an kaptivite.
The young soldiers of Heliopolis and Bubastis will fall by the sword, and the people from those towns will be taken captive.
18 Nan Tachpanès, jounen an va vin fènwa, lè M kraze jouk an fè Égypte la. Nan lè sa a, ògèy pouvwa li va sispann nan li. Yon nwaj va kouvri li, e fi li yo va antre an kaptivite.
It will be a dark day in Tahpanhes when I break Egypt's power and bring to an end their proud strength. It will be under a cloud as the people go into captivity.
19 Konsa Mwen va egzekite jijman sou Égypte. Konsa, yo va konnen ke Mwen se SENYÈ a.”’”
This is how I'm going to punish Egypt, and they will acknowledge that I am the Lord.”
20 Nan onzyèm ane, nan premye mwa, nan setyèm jou nan mwa a, pawòl SENYÈ a te vin kote mwen. Li te di:
On the seventh day of the first month of the eleventh year, a message from the Lord came to me, saying,
21 “Fis a lòm, Mwen te kase bra Farawon an, wa Égypte la. Gade byen, li pa t velope ak pansman pou l ta geri, ni ak bandaj pou l ta ka vin gen fòs pou kenbe nepe.
“Son of man, I have broken the arm of Pharaoh king of Egypt. You can see that it hasn't been bandaged up to heal it, or put it in a splint to provide enough strength to hold a sword.
22 Konsa, pale Senyè BONDYE a: ‘Gade byen, Mwen kont Farawon, wa Égypte la, e Mwen va kase bra li, ni sa ki gen fòs la ni sa ki kase deja a. Epi Mwen va fè nepe a tonbe kite men li.
So this is what the Lord God says: Watch out, because I'm condemning Pharaoh king of Egypt! I will break his arms, both the one that's still good and the one already broken, and I will make him drop his sword.
23 Mwen va gaye Ejipsyen yo pami nasyon yo e dispèse yo pami peyi yo.
I will scatter the Egyptians among the different nations and countries.
24 Paske Mwen va ranfòse men a wa Babylone nan, e mete nepe Mwen nan men l. Men Mwen va kase bra a Farawon, pou li ka vin plenyen nan gòj devan wa Babylone nan, ak plent a yon nonm ki blese jis a lamò.
I will make the arms of the king of Babylon strong, and put my sword in his hand, but I will break Pharaoh's arms, and he will moan in pain like someone who's about to die.
25 Konsa, Mwen va ranfòse bra a wa Babylone nan, men bra a Farawon yo va tonbe. Nan lè sa a, yo va konnen ke Mwen se SENYÈ a, lè M mete nepe M nan men a wa Babylone nan, e lè li lonje li kont peyi Égypte la.
I will make the arms of Babylon's king strong, but Pharaoh's arms will drop to his sides, weak and useless. Then they will acknowledge that I am the Lord, when I put my sword in the hand of the king of Babylon and he uses it to attack Egypt.
26 Lè Mwen gaye Ejipsyen yo pami nasyon yo, e dispèse yo pami peyi yo, alò, yo va konnen ke Mwen se SENYÈ a.’”
When I scatter the Egyptians among the different nations and countries, they will acknowledge that I am the Lord.”

< Ezekyèl 30 >