< Egzòd 28 >

1 “Epi fè Aaron, frè ou a vin pre ou menm, avèk fis pa li yo avè l, pami fis Israël yo pou sèvi kòm prèt pou Mwen—Aaron, Nadab, avèk Abihu, Éléazar, ak Ithamar, fis Aaron yo.
“Summon your [older] brother Aaron and his sons—Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. ([Set them apart/They are the ones whom I have chosen]) from [the rest of] the Israeli people, in order that they can serve me [by being] priests.
2 “Ou va fè vètman sen pou Aaron, frè ou a, pou onore li, e pou l byen parèt.
[Tell the people to] make beautiful clothes for Aaron, clothes that are [suitable for one who] has this dignified and sacred [work].
3 Ou va pale avèk tout moun ki kapab yo, sa yo ke M te bay yon lespri sajès, pou fè vètman Aaron yo pou konsakre li, pou li kapab sèvi Mwen kòm prèt.
Talk to all the skilled workmen, those to whom I have given special ability. [Tell them] to make clothes for Aaron, for him to wear when he is (set apart/dedicated) [to become] a priest to serve me.
4 “Sa yo se vètman ke yo va fè: yon pyès pou kouvri lestomak yo, yon efòd, avèk yon gwo manto, yon tinik avèk yon modèl kare, yon tiban pou tèt la, yon sentiwon ki fèt an twal. Yo va fè vètman sen yo pou Aaron, frè ou a ak fis li yo, pou li kapab sèvi kòm prèt pou Mwen.
These are the clothes that they are to make: A sacred pouch for Aaron to wear over his chest, a sacred apron, a robe, an embroidered tunic/gown, a (turban/cloth to wrap around his head), and a sash/waistband. These are the clothes that your [older] brother Aaron and his sons must wear as they serve me [by doing the work that] priests do.
5 Yo va pran lò a avèk twal ble, mov, wouj, ak twal fin blan an.
The skilled workmen must use fine linen and blue, purple, and red yarn/thread to make these clothes.”
6 “Yo va osi fè efòd la avèk lò, avèk twal ble, mov, wouj, ak twal fen blanc ki byen tòde, travay a yon mèt ouvriye byen prepare.
“The skilled workmen must make the sacred apron from fine linen, and skillfully embroider it with blue, purple, and red yarn/thread.
7 Li va gen de pyès zepòl ki jwenn nan pwent li yo, pou li kapab jwenn ansanm.
It must have two shoulder straps, to join the front part to the back part.
8 Bann tise ki fèt avèk yon bòdi byen prepare sou li a, va menm jan ak kalite travay a li menm nan, avèk menm twal la: an lò, ble, mov, e wouj, avèk twal fen blan byen tòde a.
A carefully-woven sash, which must be made from the same materials as the sacred apron, must be [sewn] onto the sacred apron.
9 “Ou va pran de pyè oniks, e grave sou yo non a fis Israël yo.
[A skilled workman] must take two [expensive] onyx stones and engrave on them the names of the twelve sons of Jacob.
10 Sis nan non yo va sou yon pyè, e sis ki rete yo sou lòt pyè a, selon lòd nesans yo.
He must engrave the names in the order in which Jacob’s sons were born. He must engrave six names on one stone, and the other six names on the other stone.
11 Ak travay a yon mèt grave sou bijou, tankou fèt pou yon so, ou va grave sou pyè yo selon non a fis Israël yo. Ou va monte monti fèt an lò yo.
A gem-cutter should engrave these names on the stones. Then he should enclose the stones in (settings/tiny gold frames).
12 Ou va mete de pyè sa yo sou pyès zepòl yo nan efòd la, kòm pyè pou toujou sonje fis Israël yo. Konsa, Aaron va pote non pa yo devan SENYÈ a sou de zepòl li yo tankou yon bagay komemoratif.
Then he should fasten the stones onto the shoulder straps [of the sacred apron], to represent the twelve Israeli tribes. In that way, Aaron will carry the names of the tribes on his shoulders in order that [I], Yahweh, will never forget [my people] (OR, in order that [he will always] remember that [those tribes belong to] Yahweh).
13 Ou va pozisyone l sou yon monti fèt an lò,
The settings for the stones must be made from gold.
14 ak de chèn an lò pi, Ou va fè yo tankou èv kòd ki tòde, e ou va mete chèn trese yo sou monti lò yo.
[Tell them to] make two tiny chains that are braided like cords, and fasten the chains to the settings.”
15 “Ou va fè yon pyès jijman pou lestomak, èv a yon mèt ouvriye; tankou èv efòd la, ou va fè li: avèk lò, twal ble, mov, e wouj, tòde byen fen ou va fè li.
“[Tell the skilled workman to] make a sacred pouch for Aaron to wear over his chest. [He will use the things he puts into the pouch] to determine [my answers to the questions he asks]. It must be made of the same materials as the sacred apron, and embroidered in the same way.
16 Li va kare, plwaye doub, yon epann lajè yon men louvri nan lajè, e yon epann nan longè.
It is to be square, and the material must be folded double, so that it is (9 in./22 cm.) on each side.
17 “Ou va monte sou li kat ranje nan pyè yo; premye ranje a va yon ranje avèk woubi, topaz ak emwod;
[The skilled workman must] fasten four rows of valuable stones onto the pouch. In the first row he must put a [red] ruby, a [yellow] topaz, and a [red] garnet.
18 epi dezyèm ranje a yon tikwaz, yon safi, avèk yon dyaman;
In the second row he must put a [green] emerald, a [blue] sapphire, and a [clear/white] diamond.
19 epi twazyèm ranje a, yon opal, yon agat, ak yon ametis;
In the third row he must put a [red] jacinth, a [white] agate, and a [purple] amethyst.
20 epi nan katriyèm ranje a, yon krizolit, yon oniks, avèk yon jasp; yo va plase nan monti an lò yo.
In the fourth row he must put a [yellow] beryl, a [red] carnelian, and a [green] jasper.
21 Pyè yo va selon non fis Israël yo: douz selon non pa yo. Yo va grave yo tankou sa ki fèt nan selil yo, yo chak selon non pa yo pou douz tribi yo.
A gem-cutter should engrave on each of these twelve stones the name of one of the sons of Jacob. These names will represent the twelve Israeli tribes.
22 “Ou va fè sou pyès lestomak la, chèn tankou kòd ki tòde, yon zèv ki fèt avèk lò pi.
The two [chains] that are made from pure gold and braided like cords are for [attaching] the sacred pouch [to the sacred apron].
23 Ou va fè nan pyès lestomak la de wondèl an lò, e ou va mete de wondèl yo nan de pwent yo nan pyès lestomak la.
[The workman must] make two gold rings, and attach them to the upper corners of the sacred pouch.
24 Ou va mete de kòd lò yo nan de wondèl yo nan pwent a pyès lestomak yo.
[He must make] two gold cords, and fasten one end of each cord to one of the rings.
25 Ou va mete lòt de pwent kòd yo nan de monti fèt byen fen yo, e mete yo sou pyès zepòl a efòd la, pa devan li.
He must fasten the other end of each cord to the two settings [that enclose the stones]. In that way, the sacred pouch will be attached to the shoulder straps of the sacred apron.
26 “Ou va fè de wondèl an lò e ou va plase yo sou de pwent pyès lestomak yo, akote li, ki se bò kote anndan efòd la.
Then [he must] make two more gold rings, and attach them to the lower corners of the sacred pouch, on the inside edges, next to the sacred apron.
27 Ou va mete de wondèl an lò e ou va mete yo nan pati anba pyès efòd yo, pa devan li, toupre plas kote li jwenn nan, anwo bann tise byen fen nan efòd la.
[He must] make two more gold rings, and attach them to the lower part of the front of the shoulder straps, near to where [the shoulder straps] are joined [to the sacred apron], just above the carefully-woven sash/waistband.
28 Yo va atache pyès lestomak la pa wondèl li yo ak wondèl efòd yo avèk yon kòd an ble, pou li kapab sou bann nan ki trese byen fen nan efòd la, pou pyès lestomak la pa vin detache nan efòd la.
The skilled workman must tie the rings on the sacred pouch to the rings on the sacred apron with a blue cord, so that the sacred pouch is above the sash/waistband and does not come loose from the sacred apron.
29 “Aaron va pote non a fis Israël yo nan pyès lestomak jijman an sou kè li lè l ap antre nan lye sen an, kòm yon souvni pou tout tan devan SENYÈ a.
In that way, Aaron will have the names of the twelve Israeli tribes in the sacred pouch close to his chest when he enters the Holy Place. This will remind him that I, Yahweh, [will never forget my people] (OR, [that he represents my people when he talks to me, Yahweh]).
30 Ou va mete nan pyès lestomak jijman an, Ourim nan avèk Toumim nan, e yo va sou kè Aaron lè l ap antre devan SENYÈ a. Konsa, Aaron va pote jijman a fis Israël yo sou kè li tout tan devan SENYÈ a.
Put into the sacred pouch the two things that the priest will use to determine my answers to the questions he asks. In that way, they will be close to his chest when he enters [the Holy Place to talk] to me. He will use them to find out what is my will for the Israeli people.”
31 “Ou va fè tout manto efòd la an ble.
“[Tell the workmen to] use only blue [cloth] to make the robe that is to be worn underneath the priest’s sacred apron.
32 Va genyen yon ouvèti nan tèt anwo li, nan mitan li. Ozanviwon ouvèti li va genyen yon bòdi ak zèv trese, tankou ouvèti nan yon pwotèj batay, pou li pa chire.
It is to have an opening through which [the priest] can put his head. They must sew a border around this opening, to keep the material from tearing.
33 Ou va fè nan woulèt li grenad ak materyèl ble, mov, e wouj, toutotou woulèt li, ak klòch an lò antre yo chak toutotou:
At the lower edge on the robe, they must fasten [decorations that look like] pomegranate fruit. They must be [woven from] blue, purple, and red yarn/thread.
34 yon klòch an lò ak yon grenad, yon klòch an lò ak yon grenad, toutotou woulèt manto a.
Between each of these decorations, they must fasten a tiny gold bell.
35 Li va sou Aaron lè l ap fè sèvis li; epi son li va tande lè l ap antre e soti nan lye sen an devan SENYÈ a, jis pou li pa mouri.
When Aaron enters the Holy Place [in the Sacred Tent] to do his work as a priest and when he leaves the Sacred Tent, the bells will ring [as he walks]. As a result, he will not die [because of disobeying my instructions].
36 “Ou va osi fè yon plak avèk lò pi, e li va grave sou li, jan li grave a yon so: “Sen a SENYÈ a.”
“[Tell them to] make a tiny ornament of pure gold, and tell a (skilled workman/gem-cutter) to engrave on it the words, ‘Dedicated to Yahweh.’
37 Ou va tache li avèk yon kòd ble, e li va rete sou tiban an; li va pa devan tiban an.
They should fasten this ornament to the front of the turban by a blue cord.
38 Li va sou fwon Aaron, e Aaron va retire inikite nan bagay sen ke fis Israël yo konsakre yo, selon tout ofrann sen pa yo; epi li va toujou sou fwon li, pou yo kapab aksepte devan SENYÈ a.
Aaron must always wear this on his forehead. In that way, Aaron himself will show [that he accepts] the guilt if the Israeli people offer [their sacrifices] to me in a way that is not correct, and I, Yahweh, will accept their sacrifices.
39 Ou va trese yon tinik avèk modèl kare avèk twal fen blan, ou va fè yon tiban avèk twal fen blan, e ou va fè yon sentiwon bwode, èv a yon bòs tiseran.
“[Tell them to] weave the long-sleeved tunic/gown from fine linen. Also, they must make from fine linen a turban and a sash/waistband, and embroider [designs on it].
40 Pou fis Aaron yo ou va fè tinik yo; ou va osi fè sentiwon pou yo. Ou va fè chapo pou yo, pou onore yo, e pou fè yo byen parèt.
“[Tell them to] make beautiful long-sleeved tunics/gowns, sashes, and caps for Aaron’s sons. Make ones that will be suitable for those who have this dignified work.
41 Ou va mete yo sou Aaron, frè ou a, sou fis li yo avèk li, epi ou va vide lwil sou yo pou fè òdonasyon yo e konsakre yo, pou yo kab sèvi Mwen kòm prèt.
Put these clothes on your [older] brother Aaron and on his sons. Then (set them apart/dedicate them) for this work by anointing them [with olive oil], in order that they may serve me [by being] priests.
42 “Ou va fè pou yo pantalon avèk len pou kouvri nidite yo. Yo va sòti nan ren yo jis rive nan kwis yo.
Also [tell them to] make linen undershorts for them. The undershorts should extend from their waists to their thighs, in order that no one can see their private parts.
43 Yo va sou Aaron avèk fis li yo lè y ap antre nan tant reyinyon an, oswa lè y ap pwoche lotèl la pou fè sèvis nan lye sen an, pou yo pa atire koupabilite, e mouri. “Sa va yon règleman pou tout tan pou li, e pou desandan apre li yo.”
Aaron and his sons must always wear those undershorts when they enter the Sacred Tent or when they come near to the altar to offer sacrifices in the Holy Place. If they do not obey this command, I will cause them to die. Aaron and all his male descendants must obey this rule forever.”

< Egzòd 28 >