< 1 Samyèl 9 >

1 Alò, te gen yon mesye nan Benjamin ki te rele Kis ki te fis Abiel la, fis Tseror, fis Becorath, fis Aphiach, ki te fis a yon Benjamit. Se te yon nonm fò e plen kouraj.
And `a man was of Beniamyn, `Cys bi name, the sone of Abiel, sone of Seor, sone of Bethor, sone of Aphia, sone of the man Gemyny, strong in bodili myyt.
2 Li te gen yon fis ki te rele Saül, yon jennonm ki te byen bèl. Pa t gen yon moun ki te pi bèl pami fis Israël yo. Depi zepòl li monte, li te piwo pase tout moun nan pèp la.
And to hym was a sone, Saul bi name, chosun and good; and no man of the sones of Israel was betere than he; fro the schuldur and aboue he apperide ouer al the puple.
3 Alò, bourik ki te pou Kis yo, papa a Saül te pèdi. Epi Kis te di a Saül: “Alò, pran koulye a avè w youn nan sèvitè yo; leve, al chache bourik yo.”
Sotheli the femal assis of Cys, the fadir of Saul, perischyden. And Cys seide to Saul his sone, Take with thee oon of the children, and rise thou, and go, and seke the femal assis. And whanne thei hadden go bi the hil of Effraym,
4 Li te pase nan peyi ti kolin Éphraïm nan e te pase nan Schalisha, men yo pa t jwenn yo. Alò, yo te pase nan peyi Schaalim, men yo pa t twouve anyen. Alò, li te pase nan peyi Benjamin yo, men yo pat jwenn anyen.
and bi the lond of Salisa, and hadden not foundun, thei passiden also bi the lond of Salym, and tho weren not there; but also 'thei passiden bi the lond of Gemyny, and founden not.
5 Lè yo te rive nan peyi Tsuph, Saül te di a sèvitè ki te avèk li a: “Vini! Annou retounen, oswa papa m va sispann okipe afè bourik pou enkyete pou nou menm.”
Sotheli whanne thei hadden come in to the lond of Suph, and hadden not founde, Saul seide to his child that was with hym, Come thou, and turne we ayen; lest perauenture my fadir hath lefte the femal assis, and is bisy for vs.
6 Li te di li: “Gade byen konsa, genyen yon nonm Bondye nan vil sila a, yon nonm onore. Tout sa ke li konn di anverite vin pase. Alò, annou ale la. Petèt li kapab pale nou sou vwayaj ke nou kòmanse fè a.”
Which child seide to hym, Lo! the man of God is in this citee, a noble man; al thing that he spekith, cometh with out doute. Now therfor go we thidir, if perauenture he schewe to vs of oure weie, for which we camen.
7 Alò Saül te di a sèvitè li a: “Men gade byen, si nou ale, kisa nou va pote pou nonm sa a? Paske pen an fini nan sak nou e nanpwen kado pou pote bay nonm Bondye a. Kisa nou genyen?”
And Saul seide to his child, Lo! we schulen go; what schulen we bere to the man of God? Breede failide in oure scrippis, and we han no present, that we yyue to the man of God, `nether ony othir thing.
8 Sèvitè a te reponn Saül ankò e te di: “Gade byen, mwen gen nan men m yon ka sik ajan ke mwen va bay a nonm Bondye a, e li va pale nou chemen nou an.”
Eft the child answeride to Saul, and seide, Lo! the fourthe part of `a stater, that is, a cicle, of siluer is foundun in myn hond; yyue we to the man of God, that he schewe to vs oure weie.
9 (Lontan an Israël, lè yon nonm te monte pou konsilte Bondye li te konn di: “Vini, annou ale kote divinò a”, paske sila ki, koulye a, yo rele yon pwofèt la, lontan, te konn rele divinò.)
Sumtyme in Israel ech man goynge to counsel God spak thus, Come ye, and go we to the seere; for he, that is seid `to dai a profete, was clepid sumtyme a seere.
10 Saül te reponn a sèvitè a: “Byen pale! Vini, annou ale.” Konsa, yo te ale nan vil kote nonm Bondye a te ye a.
And Saul seide to his child, `Thi word is the beste; come thou, go we. And thei yeden in to the citee, `in which the man of God was.
11 Pandan yo te monte pant vè vil la, yo te twouve jenn fanm yo ki te sot rale dlo. Yo te mande yo: “Èske divinò a isit la?”
And whanne thei stieden in to the hiynesse of the citee, thei founden damesels goynge out to drawe watir, and thei seiden to the dameselis, Whether the seere is here?
12 Yo te reponn yo e te di: “Li la! Gade devan nou an! Fè vit, paske li fenk antre nan vil la jodi a. Pèp la gen yon sakrifis nan wo plas la jodi a.
Whiche dameselis answeriden, and seiden to hem, He is here; lo! he is bifor thee; `haste thou now, for to day he cam in to the citee; for to dai is sacrifice of the puple in the hiy place.
13 Depi nou antre nan vil la, nou va jwenn avèk li avan li monte nan wo plas pou manje, paske pèp la p ap manje jiskaske li vini, akoz li oblije beni sakrifis la. Apre sa, sila ki envite yo va manje. Pou sa, monte, paske nou va jwenn li talè.”
Ye schulen entre in to the citee, and anoon ye schulen fynde hym, bifor that he stie in to the hiy place to ete; for the puple schal not ete til he come, for he schal blesse the sacrifice, and afterward thei schulen ete that ben clepid. Now therfor stie ye, for to day ye schulen fynde hym.
14 Konsa, yo te monte lavil la. Pandan yo te antre nan vil la, vwala, Samuel t ap sòti bò kote yo pou monte nan wo plas la.
And thei stieden in to the citee. And whanne thei yeden in the myddis of the citee, Samuel apperide goynge out ayens hem, that he schulde stie in to the hiy place.
15 Alò, yon jou avan Saül te vini, Senyè a te montre sa a Samuel e te di:
Forsothe the Lord `hadde maad reuelacioun in the eere of Samuel `bifor o dai, that Saul cam, and seide,
16 “Vè lè sa a demen Mwen va voye yon mesye ki sòti nan peyi Benjamin yo kote ou menm. Konsa, ou va onksyone li kòm chèf sou pèp Mwen an, Israël, e li va delivre pèp Mwen an anba men a Filisten yo. Paske Mwen te gade sou pèp mwen an, akoz kri pa yo gen tan rive kote Mwen.”
In this same our which is now to morewe, Y schal sende to thee a man of the lond of Beniamyn, and thou schalt anoynte hym duyk on my puple Israel, and he schal saue my puple fro the hond of Filisteis; for Y haue biholde my puple, for `the cry of hem cam to me.
17 Lè Samuel te wè Saül, SENYÈ a te di li: “Gade byen, men mesye ke m te pale ou a! Sila a va renye sou pèp Mwen an, Israël.”
And whanne Samuel hadde biholde Saul, the Lord seide to Samuel, Lo! the man, whom Y seide to thee; this man schal be lord of my puple.
18 Saül te vin pwoche Samuel nan pòtay la e te di: “Souple, di m kote kay a divinò a ye.”
Forsothe Saul neiyede to Samuel in the myddis of the yate, and seide, Y preye, schewe thou to me, where is the hows of the seere?
19 Samuel te reponn Saül e te di: “Se mwen menm ki divinò a. Monte devan mwen nan wo plas la, paske w ap manje avè m jodi a. Epi nan demen, mwen va kite ou ale e mwen va fè ou konnen tout sa ki nan lespri ou.
And Samuel answeride to Saul, and seide, Y am the seere; stie thou bifor me in to the hiy place, that thou ete with me to dai, and Y schal delyuere thee in the morewtid, and Y schal schewe to thee alle thingis that ben in thin herte.
20 Pou afè bourik ou yo ki te pèdi twa jou pase yo, pa okipe yo, paske yo gen tan twouve. Epi se kilès ke tout Israël pito? Èske se pa ou ak pou tout lakay papa ou?”
And be thou not bisy of the femal assis, whiche thou lostist the thridde dai agoon, for tho ben foundun; and whose schulen be alle the beste thingis of Israel, whether not to thee, and to al the hows of thi fader?
21 Saül te reponn: “Èske mwen pa yon Benjamit? Pi piti nan tout tribi Israël yo? Fanmi pa m nan ki pi piti ke tout fanmi nan tribi Benjamin an? Poukisa ou pale mwen konsa?”
Sotheli Saul answeride, and seide, Whether Y am not a sone of Gemyny, of the leeste lynage of Israel, and my kynrede is the laste among alle the meynees of the lynage of Beniamyn? Whi therfor hast thou spoke to me this word?
22 Alò, Samuel te pran Saül avèk sèvitè li a. Li te mennen yo antre nan gran sal la, e li te ba yo yon plas devan, nan tèt sila ki te envite yo, ki te anviwon trant mesye.
Therfor Samuel took Saul, and his child, and ledde hem in to the chaumbur of thre ordris, and he yaf to hem a place in the bigynnyng of hem that weren clepid; for thei weren as thretti men.
23 Samuel te di chèf kwizin nan: “Mennen pòsyon ke m te di ou a, sila ke m te di ou a, Mete li akote.”
And Samuel seide to the cook, Yyue thou the part, which Y yaf to thee, and comaundide, that thou schuldist kepe bi it silf anentis thee.
24 Alò chèf kwizin nan te pran janm nan avèk sa ki te sou li a e li te plase li devan Saül. Konsa, Samuel te di: “Men sa ki te sere! Mete li devan ou e manje paske li te kenbe pou ou jis rive nan lè apwente a, akoz mwen te di ou ‘mwen te envite moun yo.’” Konsa, Saül te manje avèk Samuel nan jou sa a.
Sotheli the cook reiside the schuldir, and settide bifor Saul. And Samuel seide, Lo! that, that lefte, `sette thou bifor thee, and ete; for of purpos it was kept to thee, whanne Y clepide the puple. And Saul eet with Samuel in that dai.
25 Lè yo te kite plas anwo a pou antre nan vil la, Samuel te pale avèk Saül anwo twati a.
And thei camen doun fro the hiy place in to the citee; and Samuel spak with Saul in the soler, and Saul `araiede a bed in the soler, and slepte.
26 Yo te leve bonè. Lè li fenk jou, Samuel te rele Saül sou twati a. Li te di: “Leve pou m kab voye ou ale.” Konsa, Saül te leve, e li menm ansanm ak Samuel te ale nan lari.
And whanne thei hadden rise eerli, and `now it bigan to be cleer, Samuel clepide Saul in to the soler, and seide, Rise thou, that Y delyuere thee. And Saul roos, and bothe yeden out, that is, he, and Samuel.
27 Pandan yo t ap desann pou prèske fin kite vil la, Samuel te di Saül: “Pale sèvitè a pou l ale avanse devan nou. Men ou menm, rete kanpe koulye a pou m kapab fè ou tande pawòl Bondye a.”
And whanne thei yeden doun in the laste part of the citee, Samuel seide to Saul, Seie thou to the child, that he go bifor vs, and passe; forsothe stonde thou a litil, that Y schewe to thee the word of the Lord.

< 1 Samyèl 9 >