< Zakari 11 >

1 Ou menm peyi Liban, louvri pòtay ou yo pou dife ka boule tout pye sèd ou yo.
Open your doors, Lebanon, that the fire may devour your cedars.
2 Nou menm, pye sikren yo, plenn sò nou! Paske pye sèd la tonbe. Gwo pyebwa yo fini! Nou menm, pye bwadchenn peyi Bazan yo, rele, plenn sò nou! Paske gwo rak plen bwa a kraze!
Wail, fir tree, for the cedar has fallen, because the stately ones are destroyed. Wail, you oaks of Bashan, for the strong forest has come down.
3 Kote ou pase, ou tande chèf yo ap plenn! Yo fini, yo pèdi pouvwa a yo. Kote ou pase, ou tande jenn ti lyon yo ap plenn! Yo koupe tout bèl rakbwa ki sou bò larivyè Jouden yo.
A voice of the wailing of the shepherds. For their glory is destroyed: a voice of the roaring of young lions. For the pride of the Jordan is ruined.
4 Seyè a, Bondye mwen an, di m' konsa: -Ou pral swen mouton y'ap pare pou labatwa.
Thus says the LORD my God: "Feed the flock of slaughter.
5 Moun k'ap achte yo a ap touye yo. Pesonn pa ka mande yo kont. Moun k'ap vann yo menm ap di: Lwanj pou Bondye! Gade jan nou rich non! Ata gadò mouton yo pa gen pitye pou yo.
Their buyers slaughter them, and go unpunished. Those who sell them say, 'Blessed be the LORD, for I am rich;' and their own shepherds do not pity them.
6 (Seyè a di: Mwen p'ap gen pitye pou moun ki rete nan peyi a. Se mwen menm ki pral lage yo nan men pwòp chèf yo ak pwòp wa yo ankò. Chèf yo pral fini ak peyi a. Mwen p'ap fè anyen pou m' wete yo anba men yo.)
For I will no more pity the inhabitants of the land," says the LORD; "but, look, I will deliver the men everyone into his neighbor's hand, and into the hand of his king. They will strike the land, and out of their hand I will not deliver them."
7 Se konsa, moun k'ap fè trafik mouton yo peye m' pou m' swen mouton y'ap pare pou labatwa yo pou yo. Mwen pran de baton. Mwen rele yonn Favè, mwen rele lòt la Tèt ansanm. Epi mwen tanmen pran swen mouton yo.
So I fed the flock of slaughter, especially the oppressed of the flock. I took for myself two staffs. The one I called "Favor," and the other I called "Union," and I fed the flock.
8 Gadò yo ban m' degoutans. Nan yon mwa, mwen te chanje twa gadò yonn apre lòt. Yo menm tou, yo pa t' vle wè m'.
I cut off the three shepherds in one month; for my soul was weary of them, and their soul also loathed me.
9 Lè sa a, mwen di pèp la: -Mwen p'ap swen nou ankò. Sa ki pou mouri mèt mouri! Sa ki pou disparèt mèt disparèt! Sa ki rete yo menm, yonn mèt manje lòt.
Then I said, "I will not feed you. That which dies, let it die; and that which is to be cut off, let it be cut off; and let those who are left eat each other's flesh."
10 Lèfini, mwen pran baton Favè a, mwen kase l' de bout. Ki vle di, mwen kase kontra mwen menm, Seyè a, mwen te pase ak tout nasyon yo.
I took my staff Favor, and cut it apart, that I might break my covenant that I had made with all the peoples.
11 Jou sa a, kontra a te kase. Moun k'ap fè trafik mouton yo te rete la ap gade m'. Yo vin konprann sa m' te fè a. Yo rekonèt se yon mesaj Seyè a t'ap ba yo.
It was broken in that day; and thus the poor of the flock that listened to me knew that it was the word of the LORD.
12 Mwen di yo: -Si nou vle peye m', nou mèt peye m'. Si nou pa vle tou, sa pa fè anyen. Y'a l' pran lajan an, yo peye m' trant pyès an ajan pou sa m' te fè a.
I said to them, "If you think it best, give me my wages; and if not, keep them." So they weighed for my wages thirty pieces of silver.
13 Men, Seyè a di m' konsa: -Al bay lajan an pou yo mete l' nan kès tanp lan. Konsa, mwen pran trant pyès an ajan yo, bèl pri yo te wè pou yo te ban m' pou travay mwen te fè a, mwen mete yo nan kès tanp lan.
The LORD said to me, "Throw it to the potter, the handsome price that I was valued at by them." I took the thirty pieces of silver, and threw them to the potter, in the house of the LORD.
14 Apre sa, mwen kase dezyèm baton m' lan, sa mwen te rele Tèt Ansanm lan, pou fè konnen pa gen tèt ansanm ankò ant moun Jida yo ak moun Izrayèl yo.
Then I cut apart my other staff, even Union, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.
15 Apre sa, Seyè a di m': -Pran pòz gadò ou ankò. Men, fwa sa a, yon gadò ki pa vo anyen.
The LORD said to me, "Take for yourself yet again the equipment of a foolish shepherd.
16 Paske mwen pral mete yon gadò pou okipe bann mouton m' yo. Men, lè yon mouton pèdi, se pa pou li sa. Si yonn egare, li pa pral chache l'. Si yonn blese, li p'ap fè anyen pou geri l'. Si yonn bouke, li p'ap fè anyen pou soutni l'. Okontrè, l'ap manje sa ki pi gra yo, l'ap fann zago tout lòt yo.
For, look, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, who will not visit those who are cut off, neither will seek those who are scattered, nor heal that which is broken, nor feed that which is sound; but he will eat the flesh of the fat sheep, and will tear their hoofs in pieces.
17 Madichon pou move gadò a! Li kouri kite mouton yo pou kont yo. Se pou lagè fini ak pouvwa l' la. Se pou bra l' vin pòk, se pou li pa wè nan je dwat li.
Woe to the worthless shepherd who leaves the flock. The sword will be on his arm, and on his right eye. His arm will be completely withered, and his right eye will be totally blinded."

< Zakari 11 >