< Sòm 146 >

1 Lwanj pou Seyè a! Wi, kite m' fè lwanj Seyè a!
Praise the LORD! Praise the LORD, my soul.
2 M'ap pase tout lavi m' ap fè lwanj Seyè a. M'ap chante pou Bondye mwen pandan tout tan m'ap viv.
While I live, I will praise the LORD. I will sing praises to my God as long as I exist.
3 Pa mete konfyans nou nan grannèg, nan moun ki pa ka delivre nou.
Don’t put your trust in princes, in a son of man in whom there is no help.
4 Kou souf yo koupe, yo tounen pousyè. Lamenm, tou sa yo te gen nan tèt yo disparèt.
His spirit departs, and he returns to the earth. In that very day, his thoughts perish.
5 Ala bon sa bon pou moun ki gen Bondye Jakòb la pou tout sekou l', pou moun ki mete tout espwa l' nan Seyè a, Bondye li!
Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD, his God,
6 Se li menm ki fè syèl la, tè a ak lanmè a, ansanm ak tou sa ki ladan yo. L'ap toujou kenbe pawòl li.
who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them; who keeps truth forever;
7 Li rann jistis an favè tout moun k'ap sibi lenjistis. Li bay tout moun ki grangou manje pou yo manje.
who executes justice for the oppressed; who gives food to the hungry. The LORD frees the prisoners.
8 Seyè a fè prizonye yo soti nan prizon. Seyè a fè avèg yo wè ankò. Li bay tout moun ki nan lafliksyon kouraj. Seyè a renmen moun ki mache dwat devan li.
The LORD opens the eyes of the blind. The LORD raises up those who are bowed down. The LORD loves the righteous.
9 Seyè a pwoteje etranje k'ap viv nan peyi a. L'ap pran swen vèv yo ak timoun ki san papa yo. Men, li detounen plan mechan yo gen nan tèt yo.
The LORD preserves the foreigners. He upholds the fatherless and widow, but he turns the way of the wicked upside down.
10 Seyè a ap gouvènen pou tout tan. Nou menm, moun Siyon, Bondye nou an ap gouvènen pou tout tan. Lwanj pou Seyè a!
The LORD will reign forever; your God, O Zion, to all generations. Praise the LORD!

< Sòm 146 >