< Pwovèb 29 >

1 Moun k'ap fè tèt di lè y'ap rale zòrèy yo, se moun k'ap rete konsa y'ap tonbe san yo pa ka leve ankò.
A person of rebukes [one who] hardens a neck suddenly he will be broken and there not [will be] healing.
2 Lè se moun serye ki chèf, pèp la kontan. Men, lè se yon mechan k'ap gouvènen, pèp la nan lapenn.
When increase righteous [people] it rejoices the people and when rules a wicked [person] it sighs a people.
3 W'ap fè kè papa ou kontan si ou toujou ap chache bon konprann. Moun k'ap frekante jennès, se lajan l' l'ap gaspiye.
A person [who] loves wisdom he makes glad father his and [one who] associates with prostitutes he destroys wealth.
4 Lè yon wa pa nan patipri, peyi a kanpe byen fèm. Men, depi yon chèf nan resevwa lajan sou kote, se fini l'ap fini ak peyi a.
A king by justice he establishes a land and a person of contributions he breaks down it.
5 Moun k'ap flate moun, se yon pèlen y'ap pare sou wout yo.
A man [who] flatters to neighbor his a net [is] spreading on footsteps his.
6 Moun mechan pran nan mechanste y'ap fè. Men, moun ki mache dwat yo gen kè kontan, y'ap fè fèt.
[is] in [the] transgression of A person evil a snare and a righteous [person] he cries aloud and he rejoices.
7 Moun ki mache dwat konnen pou l' respekte dwa pòv malere. Men, mechan an pa konnen bagay konsa.
[is] knowing A righteous [person] [the] case of poor [people] a wicked [person] not he understands knowledge.
8 Moun ki pa gen respè pou lòt ap mache simen kont nan tout peyi a. Men moun ki gen konprann konnen pou l' kontwole tèt li lè li fache.
People of mockery they inflame a town and wise [people] they turn away anger.
9 Lè moun ki gen konprann al nan leta ak moun fou, fache pa fache anyen p'ap regle.
A person wise [who] enters into judgment with a person a fool and he rages and he laughs and there not [is] rest.
10 Depi yon moun serye, ansasen pa vle wè li. Men, moun ki mache dwat yo ap pwoteje l'.
People of blood they hate a blameless [person] and upright [people] they seek life his.
11 Lè moun fou ankòlè, li di sa ki vin nan bouch li. Men, moun ki gen bon konprann kontwole bouch li.
All spirit his he sends forth a fool and a wise [person] in backwards he calms it.
12 Lè yon chèf renmen tripotay, se mechan ase k'ap sèvi avè l'.
A ruler [who] pays attention on a word of falsehood all servants his [will be] wicked.
13 Gen yon bagay ni pòv la ni moun k'ap peze l' la gen ansanm: se Bondye ki bay ni yonn ni lòt je pou yo wè.
A poor [person] and a person of oppression they meet together [is] giving light to [the] eyes of both of them Yahweh.
14 Lè yon wa pran kòz malere yo pou l' defann dwa yo san patipri, wa sa a la pou l' gouvènen lontan.
A king [who] judges in truth poor [people] throne his for ever it will be established.
15 Baton ki korije timoun ap ba yo konprann. Men, timoun yo kite fè sa yo pito gen pou fè manman yo wont.
A rod and rebuke it gives wisdom and a youth let loose [is] putting to shame mother his.
16 Lè mechan an rive chèf nan yon peyi, gen plis mechanste k'ap fèt. Men, moun k'ap mache dwat yo va wè jan mechan yo ap tonbe.
When increase wicked [people] it increases transgression and righteous [people] on overthrow their they will look.
17 Korije pitit gason ou lan, li p'ap ba ou tèt chaje. L'a fè kè ou kontan.
Discipline son your so he may give rest you and he may give delights to self your.
18 Lè pa gen moun ki pou fè pèp la konnen sa pou l' fè, pèp la an debandad nèt. Men, ala bon sa bon pou moun k'ap fè sa lalwa mande!
When there not [is] vision it is let loose a people and [one who] keeps [the] law how blessed [is] he.
19 Pale anpil p'ap korije esklav. Menm lè li konprann, se pa sa k'ap fè l' obeyi.
By words not he will let himself be instructed a slave for he will understand and there not [will be one who] answers.
20 Gen plis espwa pou yon moun ki san konprann pase pou yon moun k'ap prese pale san kalkile.
Do you see? anyone hasty in words his hope [belongs] to a fool more than him.
21 Lè ou mou ak yon esklav depi li tou piti, rive yon lè l'ap konprann se pitit ou li ye.
[one who] pampers From youth slave his and end his it will be trouble.
22 Moun ki ankòlè fasil toujou ap fè bagay yo pa dwe fè. Moun ki gen san wo toujou nan goumen.
A person of anger he stirs up strife and a master of rage [is] great of transgression.
23 Awogans fè moun pèdi pye. Men, y'ap respekte moun ki soumèt devan Bondye.
[the] pride of A person it will bring low him and a [person] lowly of spirit he will attain honor.
24 Moun ki konplis yon vòlò, se moun ki rayi tèt li. Si li denonse vòlò a, y'ap pini l'. Si li pa denonse l', madichon Bondye ap tonbe sou li.
[one who] has shares With a thief [is] hating own self his an oath he hears and not he tells.
25 Si ou pè sa moun ap di, ou antrave. Men, si ou mete konfyans ou nan Seyè a, ou pa bezwen pè anyen.
Fear of a person it makes a snare and [one who] trusts in Yahweh he will be set on high.
26 Anpil moun ap kouri dèyè favè chèf. Men, se Bondye k'ap jije tout moun san patipri.
Many [people] [are] seeking [the] face of a ruler and [is] from Yahweh justice of a person.
27 Moun ki mache dwat pa vle wè mechan. Mechan pa vle wè moun k'ap mache dwat.
[is] an abomination of Righteous [people] a person of injustice and [is] an abomination of [the] wicked a [person] upright of way.

< Pwovèb 29 >