< Resansman 19 >

1 Seyè a pale ak Moyiz ansanm ak Arawon, li di yo konsa:
And he spoke Yahweh to Moses and to Aaron saying.
2 -Men yon regleman Seyè a bay lòd pou yo swiv tankou yon lwa: Men sa li di: Mande moun pèp Izrayèl yo pou yo fè ou jwenn yon gazèl pwal koulè wouj, ki pa gen okenn enfimite e ki poko janm travay.
This [is] [the] statute of the law which he has commanded Yahweh saying speak - to [the] people of Israel so they may bring to you a heifer red unblemished which there not in it [is] a blemish which not it has gone up on it a yoke.
3 W'a renmèt Eleaza, prèt la, li. L'a fè l' soti andeyò limit kan kote moun yo rete a, epi l'a fè yo touye l' devan je li.
And you will give it to Eleazar the priest and he will take out it to from [the] outside of the camp and someone will slaughter it before him.
4 Apre sa, Eleaza va pran ti gout nan san an. Epi, kote l' kanpe a, avèk dwèt li, l'a voye san an sèt fwa nan direksyon Tant Randevou a.
And he will take Eleazar the priest some of blood its with finger his and he will spatter to before [the] face of [the] tent of meeting some of blood its seven times.
5 Lèfini, y'a boule tout bèt la nèt devan je prèt la: po a, vyann lan, san an ansanm ak tout tripay la.
And he will burn the heifer to eyes his skin its and flesh its and blood its with offal its he will burn.
6 Prèt la va pran kèk moso bwa sèd, kèk branch izòp, yon moso twal wouj, l'a jete yo nan boukan dife kote gazèl la ap boule a.
And he will take the priest wood of cedar and hyssop and scarlet of scarlet stuff and he will throw [them] into [the] middle of [the] burning of the heifer.
7 Apre sa, prèt la va lave rad ki te sou li, l'a benyen nan gwo dlo. Lèfini, l'a tounen antre nan kan an. Prèt la p'ap nan kondisyon pou l' fè okenn sèvis pou Bondye jouk aswè.
And he will wash clothes his the priest and he will wash body his with water and after he will come into the camp and he will be unclean the priest until the evening.
8 Moun ki te boule gazèl la va lave rad ki te sou l' a, epi l'a benyen nan gwo dlo tou. Li menm tou, li p'ap nan kondisyon pou l' fè okenn sèvis pou Bondye jouk aswè.
And the [one who] burns it he will wash clothes his with water and he will wash body his with water and he will be unclean until the evening.
9 Yon lòt moun ki nan kondisyon pou fè sèvis pou Bondye va ranmase tout sann gazèl wouj la, l'a mete l' yon kote ki apa pou Bondye andeyò limit kan kote moun yo rete a. Y'a konsève sann lan pou lè moun pèp Izrayèl yo va bezwen pran ladan l' pou pare dlo y'a sèvi pou mete nenpòt bagay nan kondisyon pou fè sèvis Bondye ankò, lè y'ap fè sèvis pou mande Bondye padon pou sa yo fè ki mal.
And he will gather - a man clean [the] ash[es] of the heifer and he will deposit [them] from [the] outside of the camp in a place clean and it will become for [the] congregation of [the] people of Israel something kept to water of impurity [is] a sin offering it.
10 Nonm ki te ranmase sann gazèl la va lave rad ki te sou l' a, epi li p'ap nan kondisyon pou l' fè okenn sèvis pou Bondye jouk aswè. Sa se va yon regleman pou tout moun nan peyi a toujou swiv, kit se moun pèp Izrayèl yo, kit se moun lòt nasyon k'ap viv nan mitan yo.
And he will wash the [one who] gathers [the] ash[es] of the heifer clothes his and he will be unclean until the evening and it will become for [the] people of Israel and for the sojourner who sojourns in midst of them a statute of perpetuity.
11 Depi yon moun manyen kadav yon moun mouri, pandan sèt jou apre sa, li p'ap nan kondisyon pou l' fè sèvis pou Bondye.
The [one who] touches a dead [body] of every corpse of a person and he will be unclean seven days.
12 L'a fè sèvis pou mande Bondye gras avèk dlo yo pare pou sa a sou twazyèm jou a ak sou setyèm jou a. Apre sa, l'a nan kondisyon pou l' fè sèvis Bondye. Men, si li pa fè sèvis pou mande Bondye gras sou twazyèm jou a ak sou setyèm jou a, li p'ap nan kondisyon pou l' fè sèvis Bondye.
He he will purify himself with it on the day third and on the day seventh he will be pure and if not he will purify himself on the day third and on the day seventh not he will be pure.
13 Depi yon moun manyen kadav yon moun mouri, si li pa fè sèvis pou mande Bondye gras, piga li pwoche bò Tant Randevou a pou li pa derespekte tant lan. Si li fè sa, se pou yo touye l'. Se pou yo konsidere moun sa a tankou yon moun ki pa fè pati pèp Bondye a, paske yo pa t' voye dlo pou mete nan bon kondisyon an sou li, li pa nan kondisyon pou l' sèvi Bondye. Toutotan yo pa fè sèvis la pou li, l'ap rete nan kondisyon sa a.
Every [one who] touches a dead [body] [the] corpse of person who he will die and not he will purify himself [the] tabernacle of Yahweh he has made unclean and it will be cut off the person that from Israel for [the] water of impurity not it was sprinkled on him unclean he will be still uncleanness his [will be] on him.
14 Men regleman pou yo swiv: lè yon moun mouri nan yon kay, tout moun ki te nan kay la lè lanmò a, ou ankò tout moun ki vin antre nan kay la apre sa, p'ap nan kondisyon pou fè sèvis Bondye pandan sèt jou.
This [is] the law anyone if he will die in a tent every [one who] goes into the tent and every [one] who [is] in the tent he will be unclean seven days.
15 Tout veso ki pa kouvri ak yon kouvèti byen mare sou li p'ap ka sèvi pou moun ki nan kondisyon pou sèvi Bondye.
And every vessel open which there not [is] a cover of a cord on it [is] unclean it.
16 Konsa tou, depi yon moun k'ap mache nan jaden manyen kadav yon moun mouri, kit moun lan mouri mò natirèl, kit se ansasinen yo te ansasinen l', osinon depi yon moun manyen zosman yon moun mouri oswa tonm kote yo antere yon moun mouri, moun sa a p'ap nan kondisyon pou l' sèvi Bondye pandan sèt jou.
And every [one] who he will touch on [the] face of the field [one] slain of a sword or a dead [body] or a bone of a human or a grave he will be unclean seven days.
17 Si yon moun ta rive nan kondisyon sa a konsa, y'a pran ti gout nan sann gazèl yo te boule pou wete peche a, y'a mete l' nan yon veso, epi y'a vide ti gout dlo dous sou li.
And people will take for the unclean [person] some of [the] dust of [the] burning of the sin offering and he will put on it water living into a vessel.
18 Nan premye ka a, yon moun ki nan kondisyon pou fè sèvis Bondye va pran yon branch izòp, l'a plonje l' nan dlo a, epi l'a voye dlo sou kay la, sou tout bagay ki ladan l' ak sou tout moun ki te la nan kay la. Nan dezyèm ka a, l'a voye dlo a sou moun lan, kit li te manyen zosman moun mouri osinon kadav moun yo te ansasinen, osinon kadav moun ki te mouri mò natirèl, kit li te manyen yon tonm moun mouri.
And he will take hyssop and he will dip [it] in the water a person clean and he will spatter [it] on the tent and on all the vessels and on the people who they were there and on the [one who] touched the bone or the [one] slain or the dead [body] or the grave.
19 Sou twazyèm jou a ak sou setyèm jou a, nonm ki nan kondisyon pou fè sèvis pou Bondye a va voye dlo a sou moun ki pa nan kondisyon pou sèvi Bondye a. Sou setyèm jou a, l'a fè sèvis pou mande Bondye gras pou nonm lan. Apre sa, nonm lan va lave rad ki sou l' a, l'a benyen nan gwo dlo. Men, se lè solèy va fin kouche la nan kondisyon ankò pou l' fè sèvis Bondye.
And he will spatter [it] the clean [person] on the unclean [person] on the day third and on the day seventh and he will cleanse from sin him on the day seventh and he will wash clothes his and he will wash with water and he will be pure in the evening.
20 Men lè yon nonm pa nan kondisyon pou fè sèvis Bondye, si li pa fè sèvis pou mande Bondye gras, se pou yo konsidere l' tankou yon moun ki pa fè pati pèp Bondye a. Li pa ka pwoche bò Tant Randevou a pou l' pa derespekte l'. Toutotan yo pa fè pou li sèvis voye dlo ki pou mete l' nan bon kondisyon an, l'ap rete nan kondisyon pou l' pa ka fè sèvis Bondye.
And a person who he will be unclean and not he will purify himself and it will be cut off the person that from among the assembly for [the] sanctuary of Yahweh he has made unclean water of impurity not it has been sprinkled on him [is] unclean he.
21 Se va la yon regleman pou yo toujou swiv tout tan. Moun ki te voye dlo sou lòt la pou mete l' nan bon kondisyon an, va gen pou l' lave rad ki te sou l' a tou. Depi yon moun manyen dlo pou mete nan bon kondisyon an, li p'ap nan kondisyon pou l' fè sèvis pou Bondye jouk nan aswè menm jou a.
And it will become for them a statute of perpetuity and [the] [one who] spatters [the] water of impurity he will wash clothes his and the [one who] touches [the] water of impurity he will be unclean until the evening.
22 Depi yon nonm ki pa nan kondisyon pou sèvi Bondye manyen yon bagay, moun ki nan kondisyon pou sèvi Bondye pa ka sèvi ak bagay sa a. Depi yon moun manyen yon bagay konsa, li menm tou, li p'ap nan kondisyon pou l' sèvi Bondye jouk aswè rive.
And all that he will touch it the unclean [person] it will be unclean and the person who touches [it] it will be unclean until the evening.

< Resansman 19 >