< Neemi 6 >

1 Sanbala, Tobija, Gechèm, moun peyi Arabi a, ansanm ak tout rès lènmi nou yo vin konnen nou te fin rebati miray la. Pa t' gen ankenn twou ladan l' ankò. Men lè sa a, nou pa t' ankò moute gwo batan pòtay yo.
And it was just when it was heard by Sanballat and Tobiah and by Geshem the Arab and by [the] rest of enemies our that I had rebuilt the wall and not it was left in it a breach also until the time that doors not I had set up in the gates.
2 Sanbala ak Gechèm voye yon mesaje vin di m' yo ta renmen kontre avè m' lavil Akkefirim, nan Fon Ono a. Men yo menm, yo t'ap chache yon jan pou yo fè m' mal.
And he sent Sanballat and Geshem to me saying come! so let us meet together at Kephirim in [the] plain of Ono and they [were] planning to do to me harm.
3 Se konsa mwen voye mesaje bò kote yo avèk repons sa a: -M' okipe ak yon travay enpòtan, m' pa ka desann. Si m' kite travay la pou m' ale kote nou, li pral sispann.
And I sent! to them messengers saying a work great I [am] doing and not I am able to go down why? will it cease the work when I will let drop it and I will go down to you.
4 An kat fwa, yo voye fè m' menm envitasyon an. Chak fwa, mwen voye menm repons lan ba yo.
And they sent to me according to the manner this four times and I sent back to them according to the manner this.
5 Lè sa a, Sanbala voye yon senkyèm mesaj ban mwen. Men fwa sa a, li renmèt yon lèt nan yon anvlòp tou louvri bay yonn nan moun k'ap sèvi l' yo pou mwen.
And he sent to me Sanballat according to the manner this a time fifth servant his and a letter open [was] in hand his.
6 Men sa ki te nan lèt la: Gen yon sèl bri k'ap kouri nan mitan moun lòt nasyon yo: Se Gechèm ki di m' sa. Li tande l' ak de zòrèy li. Ou menm ak pèp jwif la, nou fè lide pran lezam. Se poutèt sa n'ap rebati ranpa a. Yo di se ou menm y'a nonmen wa yo.
[was] written In it among the nations it has been heard and Gashmu [is] saying you and the Jews [are] planning to rebel there-fore you [are] rebuilding the wall and you [are] about to become of them king according to the words these.
7 Ou menm rive ranje ak kèk pwofèt pou yo mache fè konnen nan tout lavil Jerizalèm se ou menm ki wa peyi Jida a. Koulye a, tout bri sa yo pral rive nan zòrèy wa a. Se poutèt sa, mwen mande ou pou ou vin kote m' pou nou fè yon ti pale ansanm sou koze a.
And also prophets you have appointed to proclaim on you in Jerusalem saying a king [is] in Judah and now it will be heard by the king according to the words these and therefore come! so let us take counsel together.
8 Mwen voye reponn li: -Tou sa ou di la a se manti. Se ou menm menm ki fè koze a.
And I sent! to him saying not it has occurred according to the words these which you [are] saying that from heart your you [are] inventing them.
9 Yo t'ap chache kraponnen nou pou rete travay la. Yo t'ap di nan kè yo: Talè konsa y'a dekouraje avèk travay la, li p'ap janm fini. Aa, Bondye! Ban m' fòs non! Fè m' pa dekouraje!
For all of them [were] making afraid us saying they will drop hands their from the work and not it will be done and therefore strengthen hands my.
10 Yon lòt jou ankò, m' te al wè Chemaja, pitit gason Delaja, pitit pitit Metabeyèl, lakay li, paske li menm li pa t' ka soti. Li di m' konsa: -Ann al nan tanp Bondye a, nan mitan kote yo mete apa pou Bondye a! Ann al kache kote yo mete apa pou Bondye a! N'a fèmen tout pòt yo byen fèmen, paske y'ap vin touye ou. Wi, aswè a menm, y'ap vin touye ou!
And I I went [the] house of Shemaiah [the] son of Delaiah [the] son of Mehetabel and he [was] shut up and he said let us meet to [the] house of God to [the] middle of the temple and let us close [the] doors of the temple for [people are] coming to kill you and night [people are] coming to kill you.
11 Mwen reponn li: -Se pa mwen ki pou kouri al kache. Epitou, yon moun tankou mwen pa pral kache nan tanp lan pou m' sove lavi m'. Non! Mwen pa prale!
And I said! ¿ a man like me will he flee and who? [is] like me who he will go into the temple and he will live not I will go.
12 Lè m' kalkile, mwen wè se pa t' Bondye ki te ba l' mesaj sa a pou mwen. Se Tobija ak Sanbala ki te peye l' pou l' te di m' sa.
And I recognized! and there! not God he had sent him for the prophecy he had spoken on me and Tobiah and Sanballat he had hired him.
13 Konsa, mwen ta pran nan kraponnay, mwen ta fè sa l' di m' fè a, epi mwen ta fè bagay mwen pa gen dwa fè. Yo menm, lè sa a, yo ta pran sa pou pale m' mal, yo ta fè m' wont.
So that [was] hired he so that I may be afraid and I may act thus and I will sin and it will become for them a name bad so that they may reproach me.
14 O Bondye mwen, pa bliye sa Tobija ak Sanbala te fè! Pa bliye Nadya, fanm ki pwofèt la, ansanm ak lòt pwofèt yo ki t'ap chache kraponnen m'!
Remember! O God my to Tobiah and to Sanballat according to works his these and also Noadiah the prophetess and to [the] rest of the prophets who they were making afraid me.
15 Se konsa, apre senkannde jou travay, ranpa a te fin repare. Lè sa a, nou te rive sou vennsenkyèm jou nan mwa Eloul la.
And it was complete the wall on [day] twenty and five of Elul to fifty and two day[s].
16 Lè lènmi nou yo vin konn sa, lè moun lòt nasyon k'ap viv nan vwazinaj nou yo wè sa, yo te wont. Yo rekonèt si travay la te fini se paske Bondye nou an te vle l'.
And it was just when they heard all enemies our and they were afraid all the nations which [were] around us and they fell exceedingly in own eyes their and they knew that from with God our it had been done the work this.
17 Pandan tout tan sa a, chèf peyi Jida yo te kenbe kontak ak Tobija. Yonn t'ap voye lèt bay lòt.
Also - in the days those [were] multiplying [the] nobles of Judah letters their [which were] going to Tobiah and [those] which [belonged] to Tobiah [were] coming to them.
18 Te gen anpil moun nan peyi Jida a ki te pou Tobija paske se bofis Chekanya, pitit Arak la, li te ye. Lèfini Jokanan, pitit gason li a, te marye ak pitit fi Mechoulam, pitit Berekya a.
For many [people] in Judah [were] lords of oath to him for [was] a son-in-law he of Shecaniah [the] son of Arah and Jehohanan son his he had taken [the] daughter of Meshullam [the] son of Berekiah.
19 Yo te konn ap fè lwanj Tobija devan m', yo t'ap di tout bèl bagay Tobija te fè. Epi apre sa, y' al rapòte l' tou sa m' te di. Tobija menm t'ap voye lèt ban mwen pou kraponnen m'.
Also good deeds his they were telling before me and words my they were sending out to him letters he sent Tobiah to make afraid me.

< Neemi 6 >