< Matye 4 >

1 Apre sa, Lespri Bondye pouse Jezi ale nan dezè a pou Satan te ka tante l'.
Then Jesus was led up into the wilderness by the Spirit to be tempted by the devil.
2 Jezi pase karant jou ak karant nwit san manje. Apre sa, li vin grangou.
And, after he had fasted for forty days and forty nights, he became hungry.
3 Lè sa a, Satan pwoche bò kote l' pou sonde l'. Li di l' konsa: Si ou se Pitit Bondye, bay wòch sa yo lòd pou yo tounen pen.
The Tempter came to him, and said: ‘If you are God’s Son, tell these stones to become loaves of bread.’
4 Jezi reponn li: Men sa ki ekri: Moun pa kapab viv ak manje ase. Yo bezwen tout pawòl ki soti nan bouch Bondye tou.
But Jesus answered, ‘Scripture says – “It is not on bread alone that a person is to live, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.”’
5 Apre sa, grandyab la mennen l' lavil Jerizalèm. Li mete l' kanpe sou pwent fetay tanp lan.
Then the devil took him to the Holy City, and, placing him on the parapet of the temple, said to him,
6 Li di Jezi konsa: Si ou se Pitit Bondye, lage kò ou anba. Paske, men sa ki ekri: Bondye va bay zanj li yo lòd pou yo veye sou ou. y'a pote ou nan men yo, pou ou pa kase zòtèy pye ou sou okenn wòch.
‘If you are God’s Son, throw yourself down, for scripture says – “He will give his angels commands about you, and on their hands they will lift you up, so you do not even strike your foot against a stone.”’
7 Jezi reponn li: Men sa ki ekri tou: Ou pa dwe seye sonde Mèt la, Bondye ou.
‘Scripture also says,’ answered Jesus, ‘“You must not tempt the Lord your God.”’
8 Satan mennen Jezi ankò sou yon mòn ki byen wo. Li moutre l' tout peyi ki sou latè ansanm ak tout riches yo.
The third time, the devil took Jesus to a very high mountain, and, showing him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendour, said to him:
9 Li di l' konsa: M'ap ba ou tout bagay sa yo, si ou mete ou ajenou devan m' pou ou adore m'.
‘All these I will give you, if you will fall at my feet and worship me.’
10 Jezi reponn li: Wete kò ou sou mwen, Satan. Paske, men sa ki ekri: Se Mèt la, Bondye ou, pou ou adore, se li menm sèl pou ou sèvi.
Then Jesus said to him, ‘Go away, Satan! For scripture says – “You must worship the Lord your God, and worship him only.”’
11 Fwa sa a, grandyab la kite l'. Latou, kèk zanj Bondye pwoche bò kote Jezi, yo sèvi l'.
Then the devil left him alone, and angels came and helped him.
12 Lè Jezi tande yo te mete Jan Batis nan prizon, li wete kò l', li ale nan peyi Galile.
When Jesus heard that John had been arrested, he returned to Galilee.
13 Li kite lavil Nazarèt, li ale rete nan yon vil yo rele Kapènawòm, ki te toupre lanmè Galile a, sou tè moun Zabilon ak moun Neftali yo.
Afterwards, leaving Nazareth, he went and settled at Capernaum, which is by the side of the sea, within the borders of Zebulun and Naphtali;
14 Konsa, pawòl pwofèt Ezayi te di a rive vre:
in fulfilment of these words in the prophet Isaiah –
15 Peyi Zabilon ak peyi Neftali ki sou wout pou ale bò lanmè a, peyi ki lòt bò larivyè Jouden an, peyi Galile kote moun lòt nasyon yo ap viv la,
“The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, the land of the Road by the sea, and beyond the Jordan, with Galilee of the Gentiles –
16 pèp ki t'ap viv nan fènwa a wè yon gwo limyè. Limyè a klere pou moun ki t'ap viv nan peyi ki anba lonbraj lanmò a.
The people who were living in darkness have seen a great light, and, for those who were living in the shadow-land of death, a light has dawned!”
17 Depi lè sa a, Jezi kòmanse ap mache bay mesaj li a. Li t'ap di: Tounen vin jwenn Bondye. Paske, Bondye ki wa nan syèl la ap vin pran pouvwa a nan men li.
At that time Jesus began to proclaim – ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.’
18 Antan Jezi t'ap mache bò lanmè Galile a, li wè de frè: Simon, yo rele Pyè a, ak Andre, frè li. Yo t'ap voye privye nan lanmè a, paske se pechè pwason yo te ye.
As Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers – Simon, also known as Peter, and his brother Andrew – casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen.
19 Jezi di yo konsa: vin jwenn mwen, m'a fè nou tounen pechè moun pito.
‘Come and follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will teach you to fish for people.’
20 Lamenm, yo kite privye yo, y' ale avèk li.
The two men left their nets at once and followed him.
21 Jezi vanse pi lwen, li wè de lòt frè, Jak avèk Jan, pitit Zebede yo. Yo te chita nan kannòt yo ansanm ak papa yo, yo t'ap repare privye yo. Jezi rele yo.
Going further on, he saw two other men who were also brothers, James, Zebedee’s son, and his brother John, in their boat with their father, mending their nets. Jesus called them,
22 Lamenm, yo kite kannòt la ansanm ak papa yo, y' ale avèk li.
and they at once left their boat and their father, and followed him.
23 Jezi t'ap mache toupatou nan peyi Galile a. Li t'ap moutre moun yo anpil bagay nan sinagòg yo. Li t'ap anonse Bon Nouvèl peyi kote Bondye wa a. Li t'ap geri tout kalite maladi ak tout kalite enfimite pèp la te ka genyen.
Jesus went all through Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and curing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness among the people;
24 Toupatou nan peyi Siri a, se tout moun ki t'ap nonmen non li. Se sa ki fè yo te mennen tout kalite moun malad ba li, ansanm ak tout moun ki soufri doulè, moun ki te gen move lespri sou yo, moun ki soufri malkadi ak moun ki paralize. Jezi geri yo tout.
and his fame spread all through Syria. They brought to him all who were ill with any form of disease, or who were suffering pain – any who were either possessed by demons, or were lunatic, or paralysed; and he cured them.
25 Yon bann moun t'ap swiv li. Yo te soti toupatou: te gen moun Galile, moun Dis Vil yo, moun lavil Jerizalèm, moun Jide ak moun nan peyi lòt bò larivyè Jouden an.
He was followed by large crowds from Galilee, the district of the Ten Towns, Jerusalem, Judea, and from beyond the Jordan.

< Matye 4 >