< Lik 4 >

1 Jezi tounen soti bò larivyè Jouden an; li te anba pouvwa Sentespri. Se konsa Lespri Bondye a mennen l' nan dezè a.
Now Jesus being full of the holy Spirit, returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, being forty days tempted by the devil;
2 Se la Satan vin tante l' pandan karant jou. Tout jou sa yo li pa t' manje anyen menm. Apre jou sa yo fin pase, li te grangou.
and He did eat nothing in all those days: and when they were ended, at last He was hungry.
3 Satan di l' konsa: Si ou se Pitit Bondye, bay wòch sa a lòd pou l' tounen pen.
And the devil said to Him, If thou art the Son of God, command this stone to become bread.
4 Jezi reponn li: Men sa ki ekri: Moun pa ka viv ak pen sèlman.
And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, that man shall not live by bread only, but on every word of God.
5 Satan mennen l' yon kote ki wo. Yon sèl kou, li moutre l' tout peyi ki sou latè.
And the devil taking Him up into an high mountain, shewed Him all the kingdoms of the world in an instant,
6 Li di Jezi konsa: M'ap ba ou tout pouvwa ak tout richès peyi sa yo. Yo renmèt tout bagay sa yo nan men mwen, mwen ka bay moun mwen vle yo.
and said to Him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for it is committed to me, and I give it to whomsoever I will.
7 Si ou mete ajenou devan m', tout bagay sa yo pou ou.
Therefore, if thou wilt but worship me, they all shall be thine.
8 Jezi reponn li: Men sa ki ekri: Se Mèt la, Bondye ou, pou ou adore. Se li menm ase pou ou sèvi.
And Jesus answering him said with indignation, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve.
9 Apre sa, Satan mennen l' lavil Jerizalèm, li mete l' kanpe sou pwent fetay tanp lan; li di Jezi konsa: Si ou se Pitit Bondye, rete isit la lage kò ou anba.
And he brought Him to Jerusalem, and set him on a battlement of the temple, and said to Him, If thou art the Son of God, cast thyself down from hence;
10 Paske, men sa ki ekri: Bondye va bay zanj li yo lòd pou yo veye sou ou.
for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee,
11 Y'a pote ou nan men yo pou ou pa kase pye ou sou ankenn wòch.
to keep thee, and they shall bear thee up in their hands, least thou dash thy foot against a stone.
12 Jezi reponn li: Men sa ki ekri tou: Ou pa dwe seye sonde Mèt la, Bondye ou.
And Jesus answered him, it is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
13 Apre Satan fin sonde Jezi tout jan sa yo, li kite l' jouk la jwenn yon lòt okasyon.
And when the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from Him for a time.
14 Jezi te anba pouvwa Sentespri Bondye a; li tounen, li ale nan peyi Galile. Nan tout peyi a se tout moun ki t'ap nonmen non li.
And Jesus returned by the influence of the Spirit into Galilee: and a fame was spread through all the country round about concerning Him:
15 Li t'ap moutre moun yo anpil bagay nan sinagòg yo. Tout moun t'ap fè lwanj li.
and He taught in their synagogues with universal applause.
16 Jezi ale lavil Nazarèt kote l' te grandi a. Jou repo a, li antre nan sinagòg la tankou l' te toujou konn fè. Li leve kanpe pou l' li pou yo.
And He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up: and according to his custom He went into the synagogue on the sabbath-day, and stood up to read.
17 Yo renmèt li liv pwofèt Ezayi a. Lè li louvri l', li jwenn kote ki te ekri:
And there was delivered to Him the book of the prophet Esaias; and opening the book, He found the place where it was written,
18 Lespri Bondye a sou mwen. Li chwazi m' pou m' anonse bon nouvèl la bay pòv yo. Li voye m' pou m' fè tout prizonye yo konnen yo lage, pou m' fè tout avèg yo konnen yo kapab wè ankò, pou m' delivre moun y'ap maltrete yo,
"The spirit of the Lord is upon me to the end, for which He hath anointed me: He hath sent me to publish good tidings to the poor, to heal the broken-hearted, to proclaim deliverance to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to release them that are bruised,
19 pou m' fè yo konenn lè a rive pou Bondye vin delivre pèp li a.
and to preach the acceptable year of the Lord."
20 Apre sa, Jezi fèmen Liv la, li renmèt li bay moun ki t'ap ede nan sèvis la. li al chita. Tout moun ki te nan sinagòg la te gen je yo fikse sou li.
And He folded up the book, and gave it again to the minister, and sat down: and the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed upon Him.
21 Lè sa a li kòmanse di yo: Jòdi a, pandan n'ap tande pawòl ki ekri la a, li rive vre.
And He said unto them, this day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.
22 Tout moun t'ap pale byen pou li. Yo te sezi tande bèl pawòl ki t'ap soti nan bouch li. Yo t'ap di konsa: Se pa pitit Jozèf la sa?
And they all bare witness to Him, and wondered at the gracefulness of the words, which proceeded from his mouth, and said, Is not this the son of Joseph?
23 Jezi di yo: Koulye a, nou pral di pwovèb sa a sou mwen: Dòktè, geri tèt ou. N'a di m' tou: Nou tande tou sa ou te fè lavil Kapènawòm; fè yo isit la tou, nan peyi pa ou la.
And He said unto them, No doubt ye will apply to me this proverb, "Physician, cure thyself, and do here in thy own country what we have heard were done at Capernaum."
24 Epi li di yo ankò: Men, sa m'ap di nou la a, se vre wi: Yo pa janm resevwa yon pwofèt byen nan pwòp peyi li.
But, said He, indeed I must tell you, that no prophet is well received in his own country.
25 Se vre wi: Sou tan Eli, yon lè lapli pa t' tonbe pandan twazan sis mwa, tout peyi a te nan grangou. Lè sa a, te gen anpil vèv nan peyi Izrayèl la.
And I assure you, there were many widows in Israel, in the days of Elias, when the heaven was shut up for three years and six months, and there was a great famine through all the land;
26 Men, Bondye pa t' voye Eli lakay yo yonn menm; se lakay yon vèv ki te rete lavil Sarepta nan peyi Sidon li te voye li.
but Elias was sent to none of those widows, but to a widow-woman at Sarepta in the territory of Sidon.
27 Konsa tou, sou tan pwofèt Elize, te gen anpil moun ki te malad ak lalèp nan pèp Izrayèl la. Men, yo yonn pa t' jwenn gerizon. Se Naaman sèlman, nonm peyi Siri a, ki te geri.
There were also many lepers in Israel, in the time of Elisha the prophet, and none of them was cleansed; but Naaman the Syrian was.
28 Tout moun nan sinagòg la te byen ankòlè lè yo tande pawòl sa yo.
And all the synagogue were filled with rage, when they heard these things,
29 Yo leve, yo trennen l' andeyò lavil la; yo mennen l' sou tèt ti mòn kote lavil la te bati a, yo t'ap pare pou yo te jete l' anba nan falèz la.
and they rose up and drove Him out of the city, and dragged Him to the brow of the hill, on which their city was built, in order to throw Him down the precipice.
30 Men, Jezi pase nan mitan yo, li chape kò li.
But He passed through the midst of them, and went away.
31 Apre sa, Jezi desann Kapènawòm, yon vil nan peyi Galile. Jou repo a, li t'ap moutre moun yo anpil bagay.
And He came down to Capernaum a city of Galilee, and taught them on the sabbath-days,
32 Yo te sezi tande sa l' t'ap moutre yo, paske li t'ap pale tankou moun ki gen dwa di sa l'ap di a.
and they were astonished at his doctrine; for He spake with authority.
33 Te gen yon nonm nan sinagòg la ki te gen yon move lespri sou li. Li pran rele byen fò:
And there was a man in the synagogue possessed by the spirit of an impure demon, and he cried out with a loud voice,
34 Ey, kisa nou gen avè ou, Jezi, nonm Nazarèt? Ou vin isit la pou detwi nou? Mwen konnen byen ki moun ou ye; ou se moun Bondye chwazi a.
saying, Let us alone, what hast thou to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy us? I know who thou art, the holy one of God:
35 Jezi pale byen fò ak move lespri a, li di li: Pe la! Soti sou nonm lan. Move lespri a jete nonm lan atè nan mitan tout moun yo epi li soti, li ale san l' pa fè l' ankenn mal.
but Jesus rebuked him, saying, Be silent, and come out of him. And the demon threw him down in the midst of the assembly, and came out of him, having done him no hurt.
36 Tout moun te sezi, yonn t'ap di lòt: Ki pawòl sa a ye menm? Avèk otorite ak pouvwa li pase move lespri yo lòd sevè epi yo soti, y' ale.
And they were all amazed, and said one to another, What a speech is this? for with authority and power He commandeth the impure spirits, and they come out!
37 Se tout moun ki t'ap nonmen non l' nan tout peyi a.
And his fame spread all over the country round about.
38 Jezi soti, li kite sinagòg la, li ale lakay Simon. Bèlmè Simon an te gen yon gwo lafyèb cho sou li. Yo mande Jezi pou l' fè kichòy pou li.
And He rose up and went out of the synagogue, and came into the house of Simon: now Simon's wife's mother had a violent fever, and they intreated Him on her behalf.
39 Li panche sou malad la, li pase lafyèb la yon lòd. Lamenm, lafyèb la kite li. Menm lè a, madanm lan leve, li resevwa yo.
And he stood over her, and rebuked the fever, and it left her: and immediately she arose and waited upon them.
40 Apre solèy te fin kouche, yo mennen tout moun malad ak tout moun ki t'ap soufri divès maladi bay Jezi. Li mete men l' sou tèt yo tout, li geri yo.
And at sun-set all that had any persons sick of any diseases, brought them to Him: and He laid his hands on every one of them and healed them.
41 Anpil move lespri tou te soti sou plizyè moun malad. Yo t'ap plede rele: Ou se pitit Bondye a. Men, Jezi te pale sevè ak yo, li pa t' kite yo pale paske yo te konnen se Kris la li ye.
And demons also came out from many, crying out, Thou art the Messiah the Son of God. And He rebuked them, and suffered them not to say, that they knew Him to be the Christ.
42 Kou l' fè jou, Jezi soti, li ale yon kote ki pa gen moun. Yon foul moun t'ap chache li. Konsa, yo rive jouk kote li te ye a. Yo te vle kenbe l' pou l' pa t' kite yo.
And when the day was coming on, He went out and retired into a solitary place; and the people sought for Him, and came to Him, and would fain have detained Him, that He might not go from them.
43 Men li di yo: Fòk m' anonse bon nouvèl gouvènman Bondye ki Wa a bay moun lòt lavil yo tou, paske se pou sa Bondye voye mwen.
But He said unto them, I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent.
44 Se konsa, li t'ap mache bay mesaj la nan sinagòg Jide yo.
So He went on preaching in the synagogues of Galilee.

< Lik 4 >