< Jozye 4 >

1 Lè tout moun fin janbe lòt bò larivyè Jouden an, Seyè a pale ak Jozye. Li di l' konsa:
After all the people of the Israeli nation had finished crossing the Jordan [River], Yahweh said to Joshua,
2 -Chwazi douzòm, yonn nan chak branch fanmi yo.
“When you choose the twelve men, one from each tribe, whom I mentioned previously, tell them to pick up [large] stones from the middle of the Jordan riverbed, where the priests are [still] standing.
3 W'a ba yo lòd pou yo chak pran yon wòch nan mitan larivyè Jouden an, kote prèt yo te kanpe a. Y'a pran douz wòch sa yo, y'a pote yo lòt bò larivyè a. N'a mete yo kote nou pral moute tant nou yo aswè a.
Tell them to carry the stones with you and put them down at the place where you will stay tonight.”
4 Lè sa a, Jozye fè rele douz mesye li te chwazi pami moun pèp Izrayèl yo, yonn pou chak branch fanmi yo.
So Joshua chose twelve men, one from each tribe. He called them together, and said to them,
5 Epi li di yo: -Ale devan Bwat Kontra Seyè a, Bondye nou an, ki nan mitan larivyè a. Chak moun va pran yon wòch mete sou zepòl yo, yonn pou chak branch fanmi pèp Izrayèl la.
“Go into the middle of the Jordan riverbed, to [where the priests are standing, holding] the chest that Yahweh, your God, gave you. Each of you must pick up a [large] stone, one for each tribe, [and carry it] on your shoulder [to our camp].
6 Wòch sa yo va sèvi pou fè pèp la chonje sa Seyè a te fè pou yo. Denmen, lè pitit nou yo va mande nou kisa wòch sa yo vle di pou nou,
[Then pile them up] to be a memorial for you. In the future, when your children ask, ‘What do these stones mean?’,
7 n'a reponn yo: Dlo larivyè Jouden an te sispann koule devan Bwat Kontra Seyè a. Wòch sa yo la pou pèp Izrayèl la ka toujou chonje dlo larivyè Jouden an te sispann koule lè yo t'ap janbe lòt bò larivyè a.
tell them that the water in the Jordan River was blocked off when the priests were carrying the chest [that contained] the Ten Commandments that Yahweh [gave us]. When the chest was carried into the Jordan [River], the water was blocked off [so that we could cross the riverbed]. These stones will be a memorial for the descendants of us Israeli people forever.”
8 Mesye yo fè sa Jozye te ba yo lòd fè a. Jan Seyè a te di Jozye, yo pran douz wòch nan mitan larivyè Jouden an, yonn pou chak branch fanmi pèp Izrayèl la, yo pote yo avèk yo lòt bò rivyè a. Yo mete yo kote yo moute tant yo pou pase nwit lan.
So those Israeli men did what Joshua told them to do. They went and picked up twelve [large] stones from the middle of the Jordan [riverbed], one stone for each of the tribes, just as Yahweh had told Joshua. They carried the stones to their camp and put them down.
9 Apre sa, Jozye pran douz lòt wòch, li mete yo kanpe nan mitan larivyè a, kote prèt ki t'ap pote Bwat Kontra yo te kanpe a. Wòch yo la jouk koulye a.
Then Joshua set up twelve [other large] stones [in a pile], in the middle of the Jordan [riverbed], where the priests who carried the chest containing the Ten Commandments were standing. And those stones are still there.
10 Prèt yo te rete kanpe avèk Bwat Kontra a sou zepòl yo, nan mitan larivyè a jouk yo fin fè tout sa Seyè a te bay lòd pou pèp la te fè, jan Moyiz te mande pou Jozye fè l' la. Se konsa, pèp la prese janbe lòt bò larivyè a.
The priests who carried the chest remained standing in the middle of the Jordan [riverbed] until the people had finished doing everything that Yahweh had commanded Joshua to tell them to do. Those were the same instructions that Moses had given to Joshua. The Israeli people crossed [the riverbed] quickly.
11 Lè yo tout fin pase, prèt yo fè rès travèse a ak Bwat Kontra Seyè a, epi yo pran devan pèp la ankò.
As soon as all of them had crossed, as the people watched, the priests carried the chest [the rest of the way across the river].
12 Premye moun ki te janbe lòt bòt larivyè a, devan tout pèp la se te gason branch fanmi Woubenn yo, gason branch fanmi Gad yo ak mwatye nan gason branch fanmi Manase yo, jan Moyiz te di yo a. Yo te tou pare pou fè lagè.
The soldiers of the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and of half of the soldiers of the tribe of Manasseh, crossed over ahead of the rest of the Israeli people, carrying their weapons, as Moses had commanded.
13 Jou sa a, te gen antou karantmil (40.000) gason tou pare pou fè lagè ki te janbe al nan plenn Jeriko yo, devan je Seyè a.
As Yahweh was watching, there were about 40,000 of those soldiers, carrying weapons ready for battle, who crossed the riverbed to the plains near Jericho, [ready] to fight.
14 Sa Seyè a te fè jou sa a te fè tout pèp Izrayèl la pran Jozye pou yon grannèg vre. Depi lè sa a yo respekte msye jouk li mouri, menm jan yo te respekte Moyiz la.
On that day, all the people of Israel saw that Yahweh had caused Joshua to be a great leader. And they honored Joshua for the rest of his life, just as they had honored Moses.
15 Apre sa, Seyè a pale ak Jozye, li di l' konsa:
Yahweh said to Joshua,
16 -Bay prèt k'ap pote Bwat Kontra a lòd pou yo soti nan larivyè Jouden an.
“[Now] tell the priests who are carrying the chest containing the Ten Commandments to come up from the Jordan [riverbed].”
17 Jozye pale ak prèt yo, li ba yo lòd sa a: -Moute soti nan larivyè Jouden an.
So Joshua commanded the priests to do that.
18 Soti prèt yo soti nan larivyè a, lè pye yo touche tè sèk sou rivaj la, dlo larivyè a konmanse koule ankò jan li te toujou koule anvan an. Li gonfle moute rive jouk sou rivaj li yo.
Then the priests, carrying the chest containing the Ten Commandments that Yahweh [had given to Moses], came up out of the riverbed. And as soon as they walked up out of the riverbed onto the riverbank, the water of the Jordan [River] flowed again, and flooded [over the river banks] as it had done before.
19 Jou pèp la te janbe lòt bò larivyè Jouden an, se te dizyèm jou nan premye mwa a. Y' al moute tant yo yon kote ki rele Gilgal, ki te sou bò solèy leve lavil Jeriko.
It was on the tenth day of the first month [of that year] that the people crossed over the Jordan [River] and camped at [a place called] Gilgal, on the east side of [the land near] Jericho [city].
20 Se la Jozye pran douz wòch yo te pran nan mitan larivyè Jouden an, li mete yo kanpe fè yon wonn.
The men [who were carrying] the twelve [large] stones from the Jordan [riverbed brought them to] Joshua, [and he] set them up at Gilgal
21 Lè l' fini, li di moun pèp Izrayèl yo konsa: -Denmen, lè pitit nou yo va mande papa yo poukisa wòch sa yo la a,
Joshua said to the Israeli people, “In the future, when your children and grandchildren ask, ‘(What do these stones [mean/Why are these stones here)]?’,
22 n'a fè pitit nou yo konnen pèp Izrayèl la te janbe lòt bò larivyè Jouden an san pye yo pa t' mouye.
tell them, ‘We Israeli people crossed the Jordan [River as though we were crossing] on dry ground.
23 Paske Seyè a, Bondye nou an, te cheche dlo larivyè Jouden an devan nou jouk nou tout fin pase, menm jan li te cheche Lanmè Wouj la devan zansèt nou yo jouk yo tout te fin pase.
As we were watching, Yahweh, your God, dried up the river until we had all crossed over. Yahweh, the God whom we worship, did to the Jordan [River] just like he did to the Red Sea, when he caused it to become dry as [our parents] were watching, until they all crossed over it.
24 Se poutèt sa, tout moun sou latè va konnen jan Seyè a gen pouvwa, lèfini nou menm n'a toujou gen krentif pou Seyè a, Bondye nou an.
Yahweh did that in order that all the people-groups of the earth may know that he [MTY] is very powerful, and in order that you may always (be in awe of/revere) Yahweh, your God.’”

< Jozye 4 >