< Jòb 1 >

1 Te gen yon nonm yo te rele Jòb. Li te rete nan peyi Ouz. Se te yon nonm san repwòch ki te mache dwat nan tou sa l'ap fè. Li te gen krentif pou Bondye, li te toujou ap chache fè sa ki byen.
`A man, Joob bi name, was in the lond of Hus; and thilke man was symple, and riytful, and dredynge God, and goynge awey fro yuel.
2 Li te gen sèt pitit gason ak twa pitit fi.
And seuene sones and thre douytris weren borun to hym;
3 Li te gen sètmil (7.000) mouton, twamil (3.000) chamo, mil (1.000) tèt bèf, senksan (500) fenmèl bourik. Li te gen anpil anpil moun ap sèvi avè l'. Nonm sa a, se li ki te pi grannèg nan peyi bò solèy leve a.
and his possessioun was seuene thousynde of scheep, and thre thousynde of camels, and fyue hundrid yockis of oxis, and fyue hundrid of femal assis, and ful myche meynee; and `thilke man was grete among alle men of the eest.
4 Pitit gason Jòb yo te konn reyini yonn lakay lòt pou fè gwo resepsyon. Konsa, yo chak te gen jou pa yo. Yo te toujou envite twa sè yo vin manje, vin bwè ansanm ak yo tou.
And hise sones yeden, and maden feestis bi housis, ech man in his day; and thei senten, and clepiden her thre sistris, `that thei schulden ete, and drynke wiyn with hem.
5 Chak lè yo fin fete konsa, Jòb fè yo tout vini lakay li. Nan maten, anvan bajou kase, li leve, li boule ofrann bay Bondye pou mande padon pou yo chak. Li te toujou fè sa, paske li t'ap di nan kè l': Ou pa janm konnen. Pitit gason m' yo ka fè peche, yo ka di sa yo pa t' dwe di sou Bondye, san yo pa fè espre.
And whanne the daies of feeste hadden passid in to the world, Joob sente to hem, and halewide hem, and he roos eerli, and offride brent sacrifices `bi alle. For he seide, Lest perauenture my sones do synne, and curse God in her hertis. Joob dide so in alle daies.
6 Yon jou tout zanj Bondye yo te reyini devan Seyè a, Satan vini tou nan mitan yo.
Forsothe in sum day, whanne the sones of God `weren comun to be present bifor the Lord, also Sathan cam among hem.
7 Seyè a mande l' konsa: -Kote ou soti? Satan reponn: -M' sot moute desann toupatou sou latè. Mwen t'ap pwonmennen gade!
To whom the Lord seide, Fro whennus comest thou? Which answeride, and seide, Y haue cumpassid the erthe, and Y haue walkid thorouy it.
8 Seyè a di Satan konsa: -Eske ou te wè Jòb, sèvitè m' lan? Pa gen tankou l' sou tout latè. Se yon nonm san repwòch ki mache dwat nan tou sa l'ap fè. Li gen krentif pou Bondye, li toujou ap chache fè sa ki byen.
And the Lord seide to hym, Whether thou hast biholde my seruaunt Joob, that noon in erthe is lyik hym; he is a symple man, and riytful, and dredynge God, and goynge awei fro yuel?
9 Satan reponn li: -Atò, se pou gremesi Jòb gen krentif pou ou konsa a?
To whom Sathan answeride, Whether Joob dredith God veynli?
10 Ou toujou pwoteje l', li menm, moun lakay li ansanm ak tou sa li genyen. Ou beni tou sa l'ap fè. Bèt li yo plen peyi a.
Whethir thou hast not cumpassid hym, and his hows, and al his catel bi cumpas? Thou hast blessid the werkis of hise hondis, and hise possessioun encreesside in erthe.
11 Men, kite ou manyen byen li yo pou ou wè, m' garanti ou, l'ap di sa l' pa t' dwe di sou ou nan figi ou!
But stretche forth thin hond a litil, and touche thou alle thingis whiche he hath in possessioun; if he cursith not thee `in the face, `bileue not to me.
12 Seyè a di Satan: -Bon! Ou mèt fè sa ou vle ak byen l' yo. Men, m' tou pale ou, li menm, pa manyen l'! Se konsa Satan vire do l', li ale.
Therfor the Lord seide to Sathan, Lo! alle thingis, whiche he hath, ben in thin hond; oneli stretche thou not forth thin hond in to hym. And Sathan yede out fro the face of the Lord.
13 Yon jou, pitit gason ak pitit fi Jòb yo te nan gwo resepsyon kay pi gran frè a. Yo t'ap manje, yo t'ap bwè diven.
Sotheli whanne in sum dai `hise sones and douytris eeten, and drunken wiyn in the hows of her firste gendrid brothir,
14 Yon mesaje kouri vin jwenn Jòb, li di l' konsa: -Nou t'ap raboure tè ak bèf yo, fenmèl bourik yo t'ap manje toupre,
a messanger cam to Job, `whiche messanger seide, Oxis eriden, and femal assis `weren lesewid bisidis tho;
15 lè yon bann moun Seba tonbe sou nou, yo pran tout bèt yo, yo touye tout moun ou yo. Se renk mwen menm ki resi chape vin di ou sa.
and Sabeis felden yn, and token awey alle thingis, and `smytiden the children with swerd; and Y aloone ascapide for to telle to thee.
16 Msye pa t' ankò fin pale lè yon lòt moun kouri vini. Li di konsa: -Loraj tonbe sou mouton yo, li boule ni bèt yo ni gadò yo. Se renk mwen menm ki resi chape vin fè ou konn sa.
And whanne he spak yit, anothir cam, and seide, Fier of God cam doun fro heuene, and wastide scheep, and `children touchid; and Y aloone ascapide for to telle `to thee.
17 Msye pa t' ankò fin pale lè yon lòt moun rive, li di konsa: -Twa bann moun Kalde tonbe sou chamo ou yo, yo pran yo, y' ale ak yo. Yo touye tout moun ou yo. Se renk mwen menm ki resi chape vin di ou sa.
But yit the while he spak, also anothir cam, and seide, Caldeis maden thre cumpenyes, and assailiden the camels, and token tho awei, and thei smytiden `also the children with swerd; and Y aloone ascapide to telle to thee.
18 Msye t'ap pale toujou lè yon lòt moun vin rive, li di konsa: -Pitit gason ak pitit fi ou yo t'ap manje, yo t'ap bwè diven lakay premye pitit gason ou lan,
And yit he spak, and, lo! anothir entride, and seide, While thi sones and douytris eeten, and drunken wiyn in the hows of her firste gendrid brothir,
19 lè yon sèl gwo van tanpèt leve soti nan dezè a. Li kraze kay la, li touye tout moun. Se renk mwen menm ki resi chape vin di ou sa.
a greet wynde felde yn sudenli fro the coost of desert, and schook foure corneris of the hows, `which felde doun, and oppresside thi children, and thei ben deed; and Y aloone fledde to telle to thee.
20 Lè Jòb tande sa, li leve. Yon sèl lapenn pran l', li chire rad sou li, li koupe tout cheve nan tèt li, li lage kò l' atè, li bese tèt li.
Thanne Joob roos, and to-rente hise clothis, and `with pollid heed he felde doun on the erthe, and worschipide God,
21 Epi li di: -San anyen m' soti nan vant manman m'. San anyen m'ap tounen anba tè. Seyè a bay! Seyè a pran! Lwanj pou Seyè a!
and seide, Y yede nakid out of the wombe of my modir, Y schal turne ayen nakid thidur; the Lord yaf, the Lord took awei; as it pleside the Lord, so `it is doon; the name of the Lord be blessid.
22 Malgre tout malè sa yo ki te rive l', Jòb pa t' fè ankenn peche, ni li pa janm di sa li pa t' dwe di sou Bondye.
In alle these thingis Joob synnede not in hise lippis, nether spak ony fonned thing ayens God.

< Jòb 1 >