< Jòb 39 >

1 Eske ou konnen lè kabrit mawon yo ap fè pitit? Eske ou janm wè kote fenmèl yo ap miba?
[Say] if you know the time of the bringing forth of the wild goats of the rock, and [if] you have marked the calving of the hinds:
2 Eske ou konnen konbe mwa yo pote yon pitit nan vant yo? Kilè pitit yo rive dat pou yo fèt?
and [if] you has have numbered the full months of their being with young, and [if] you have relieved their pangs:
3 Eske ou konnen lè yo pral kwoupi pou miba, lè y'ap fè pitit yo nan mitan dezè a?
and have reared their young without fear; and will you loosen their pangs?
4 Pitit yo grandi, yo pran fòs, yo kite manman yo, y' ale, yo pa tounen.
Their young will break forth; they will be multiplied with offspring: [their young] will go forth, and will not return to them.
5 Ki moun ki bay bourik mawon libète yo? Ki moun ki lage yo nan savann?
And who is he that sent forth the wild ass free? and who loosed his bands?
6 Mwen ba yo dezè pou kay yo. Mwen kite yo viv nan savann tè sale a.
whereas I made his habitation the wilderness, and the salt land his coverts.
7 Tout bri k'ap fèt nan lavil yo pa di yo anyen. Pesonn pa ka donte yo pou fè yo travay.
He laughs to scorn the multitude of the city, and hears not the chiding of the tax-gatherer.
8 Yo mache nan tout mòn yo dèyè manje. Y'ap chache fèy vèt pou yo mete anba dan yo.
He will survey the mountains [as] his pasture, and he seeks after every green thing.
9 Eske ou ka fè bèf mawon travay pou ou? Eske l'ap rete pase nwit mare nan lakou kay ou?
And will the unicorn be willing to serve you, or to lie down at your manger?
10 Eske ou ka pase kòd nan kou yonn pou fè l' raboure tè a pou ou? Eske ou ka fè l' rale chari pou woule tè jaden ou yo?
And will you bind his yoke with thongs, or will he plow furrows for you in the plain?
11 Eske ou ka konte sou gwo fòs kouraj li pou fè li travay di pou ou?
And do you trust him, because his strength is great? and will you commit your works to him?
12 Eske ou kwè l'ap asepte pote rekòt ou soti nan jaden? Eske l'ap asepte ranmase grenn ou yo sou glasi?
And will you believe that he will return to you your seed, and bring [it] in [to] your threshing floor?
13 Otrich alèz lè l'ap bat zèl li, men, li pa ka vole tankou sigòy.
The peacock has a beautiful wing: if the stork and the ostrich conceive, [it is worthy of notice],
14 Otrich la ponn ze l' yo atè konsa. Se chalè tè a ki fè yo kale.
for [the ostrich] will leave her eggs in the ground, and warm them on the dust,
15 Li pa konnen nenpòt moun k'ap pase ka pile yo, nenpòt bèt nan raje ka kraze yo anba pye.
and has forgotten that the foot will scatter them, and the wild beasts of the field trample them.
16 Li fè tankou ze yo pa pou li. Sa pa di l' anyen si li bay tèt li tout lapenn ponn ze yo pou gremesi,
She has hardened [herself] against her young ones, as though [she bereaved] not herself: she labors in vain without fear.
17 Se mwen menm, Bondye, ki fè l' sòt konsa, ki pa ba li lespri menm.
For God has withholden wisdom from her, and not given her a portion in understanding.
18 Men, lè l' pran kouri, nanpwen kavalye sou chwal ki ka pran devan l'.
In her season she will lift herself on high; she will scorn the horse and his rider.
19 Eske se ou menm ki bay chwal yo fòs, ki mete bèl krenyen sou kou yo?
Hast you invested the horse with strength, and clothed his neck with terror?
20 Eske se ou ki fè yo sote ponpe tankou kabrit, ki fè yo ranni pou fè moun pè?
And have you clad him in perfect armor, and made his breast glorious with courage?
21 Y'ap pyafe konsa nan ti fon yo, y'ap bat tè a ak zago yo. Yo kouri ak tout fòs yo lè yo nan lagè.
He paws exulting in the plain, and goes forth in strength into the plain.
22 Se brave danje yo ye. Yo pa janm pè anyen. Pa gen zam ki pou fè yo fè bak.
He laughs to scorn a king as he meets him, and will by no means turn back from the sword.
23 Lè konsa, ti sak flèch ki nan do kavalye yo ap fè bri. Lans ak frenn ki nan men yo ap fè zèklè.
The bow and sword resound against him; and [his] rage will swallow up the ground:
24 Yo eksite, yo pa ka tann. Y'ap kouri sou lènmi an. Lè yo tande twonpèt la soufle, yo pa ka rete an plas.
and he will not believe until the trumpet sounds.
25 Chak fwa twonpèt la soufle, yo fè han! Yo gen tan pran sant batay la byen lwen. Yo tande chèf yo k'ap pase lòd byen fò.
And when the trumpet sounds, he says, Aha! and afar off he smells the war with prancing and neighing.
26 Eske se ou ki moutre grigri jan pou l' vole lè li louvri zèl li yo vole ale nan sid?
And does the hawk remain steady by your wisdom, having spread out her wings unmoved, looking toward the region of the south?
27 Eske se ou ki bay malfini lòd pou li fè nich li byen wo sou tèt mòn yo?
And does the eagle rise at your command, and the vulture remain sitting over his nest,
28 Li rete sou tèt gwo wòch yo. Se la li pase nwit. Kote l' ye a, moun pa ka vin pran l'.
on a crag of a rock, and in a secret [place]?
29 Se la li rete, l'ap veye bèt pou l' trape manje. Li te mèt byen lwen, l'ap wè yo ak je li.
Thence he seeks food, his eyes observe from far.
30 Se san bèt ti malfini yo bwè. Kote ki gen kadav, se la yo ye.
And his young ones roll themselves in blood, and wherever the carcasses may be, immediately they are found.

< Jòb 39 >