< Jòb 19 >

1 Jòb pran lapawòl, li di konsa:
Then Job answered and said,
2 -Manyè sispann vire lòlòj mwen non! Manyè sispann kraze kouraj mwen ak tout pawòl sa yo?
How long will ye vex my soul, and destroy me with words? only know that the Lord has dealt with me thus.
3 Tout tan n'ap plede joure m', n'ap trennen m' nan labou. Nou pa wont jan n'ap malmennen m' la a?
Ye speak against me; ye do not feel for me, but bear hard upon me.
4 Menm si mwen ta fè sa m' pa t' dwe fè, ki jan pou sa ta ka fè nou mal?
Yea verily, I have erred in truth, (but the error abides with myself) in having spoken words which it was not right [to speak]; and my words err, and are unreasonable.
5 Nou konprann nou pi bon pase m'. Nou di se paske mwen antò kifè m'ap pase tray sa a.
But alas! for ye magnify yourselves against me, and insult me with reproach.
6 Nou pa wè se Bondye k'ap manyen avè m'. Se li menm ki pran m' nan pèlen.
Know then that it is the Lord that has troubled [me], and has raised his bulwark against me.
7 Si m' rele anmwe ansasen, pesonn p'ap reponn. Si m' mande jistis, pesonn p'ap kanpe pou defann mwen.
Behold, I laugh at reproach; I will not speak: [or] I will cry out, but [there is] nowhere judgment.
8 Bondye bare tout chemen devan mwen. M' pa ka pase. Li fè m' wè tou nwa devan mwen.
I am fenced round about, and can by no means escape: he has set darkness before my face.
9 Li fè yo ban m' move non. Li fè m' pèdi tout byen m'.
And he has stripped me of my glory, and has taken the crown from my head.
10 Li minen m' tout jan. M'ap deperi. Li wete tout espwa m'. Mwen tankou yon pyebwa yo derasinen.
He has torn me around about, and I am gone: and he has cut off my hope like a tree.
11 Bondye ankòlè nèt sou mwen. Li konsidere m' tankou yon lènmi.
And he has dreadfully handled me in anger, and has counted me for an enemy.
12 Li voye yon bann malè sou mwen yon grenn kou, tankou yon lame k'ap atake m'. Yo rive sou mwen san m' pa wè sa. Yo sènen m' anndan lakay mwen.
His troops also came upon me with one accord, liars in wait compassed my ways.
13 Bondye fè frè m' yo renka kò yo sou mwen. Zanmi m' yo kouri pou mwen.
My brethren have stood aloof from me; they have recognized strangers [rather] than me: and my friends have become pitiless.
14 Tout fanmi mwen yo, tout bon zanmi m' yo disparèt. Moun mwen te konn resevwa lakay mwen bliye m'.
My nearest of kin have not acknowledged me, and they that knew my name, have forgotten me.
15 Ata sèvant lakay mwen pa rekonèt mwen. Pou yo, yo pa janm konnen m'.
[As for] my household, and my maid-servants, I was a stranger before them.
16 Si mwen rele yon domestik, li pa reponn mwen. Mwen te mèt lapriyè nan pye l', li pa okipe m'.
I called my servant, and he hearkened not; and my mouth intreated [him].
17 Madanm mwen pa ka pran sant mwen. Ata pwòp pitit mwen yo pè pwoche bò kote m'.
And I besought my wife, and earnestly intreated the sons of my concubines.
18 Tout timoun ap pase m' nan betiz. Si m' fè yon ti kanpe, yo pase m' nan tenten.
But they rejected me for ever; whenever I rise up, they speak against me.
19 Pi bon zanmi m' yo ap gade m' ak degoutans. Sa m' pi renmen yo ap pale sou do m'.
They that saw me abhorred me: the very persons whom I had loved, rose up against me.
20 Mwen tounen zo ak po. Sa ki rete pou m' mouri a pa anyen.
My flesh is corrupt under my skin, and my bones are held in [my] teeth.
21 Nou se zanmi m'. Pitye pou mwen! Pitye! Se Bondye menm ki leve men sou mwen.
Pity me, pity me, O friends; for it is the hand of the Lord that has touched me.
22 Poukisa pou nou leve dèyè m' tou menm jan ak Bondye? Koulye a, nou pa pèsekite m' kont nou?
Wherefore do ye persecute me as also the Lord [does], and are not satisfied with my flesh?
23 Si sèlman te gen yon moun pou kouche pawòl mwen yo, pou ekri yo sou papye,
For oh that my words were written, and that they were recorded in a book forever,
24 pou grave yo ak sizo sou wòch plat, pou yo toujou rete make!
with an iron pen and lead, or graven in the rocks!
25 Mwen menm, mwen konnen moun ki gen pou vin pran defans mwen an byen vivan. Se li menm an dènye k'ap kanpe sou latè pou pale pou mwen.
For I know that he is eternal who is about to deliver me,
26 Apre m' fin mouri, l'ap mete m' kanpe bò kote l'. M'a wè Bondye ak pwòp je m'.
[and] to raise up upon the earth my skin that endures these [sufferings]: for these things have been accomplished to me of the Lord;
27 Se mwen menm menm k'ap wè l'. Se p'ap yon lòt moun! Kè m' ap fann,
which I am conscious of in myself, which mine eye has seen, and not another, but all have been fulfilled to me in [my] bosom.
28 paske n'ap mande ki jan pou n' fè m' pase mizè ankò? Ki rezon n'ap jwenn nan mwen pou nou atake m'?
But if ye shall also say, What shall we say before him, and [so] find the root of the matter in him?
29 Men, atansyon pou se pa sou nou nepe a tonbe, lè Bondye va soti pou pini moun ki antò yo. Lè sa a, n'a konnen gen yon moun k'ap jije tout bon.
Do ye also beware of deceit: for wrath will come upon transgressors; and then shall they know where their substance is.

< Jòb 19 >