< Jòb 10 >

1 M' degoute ak lavi a. M' pa ka kenbe ankò. Kite m' plenn sò mwen! Kite m' di tout lapenn ki nan kè mwen!
"My soul is weary of my life. I will give free course to my complaint. I will speak in the bitterness of my soul.
2 M'a di Bondye: Tanpri, pa kondannen m'. Fè m' konnen poukisa ou leve dèyè m' konsa.
I will tell God, 'Do not condemn me. Show me why you contend with me.
3 Eske ou gen rezon pou ou fè m' tou sa w'ap fè m' lan, pou ou meprize sa ou fè ak men ou, pou ou ri lè mechan yo ap fè konfyolo yo?
Is it good to you that you should oppress, that you should despise the work of your hands, and smile on the counsel of the wicked?
4 Eske ou wè sa k'ap fèt sou latè tankou nou menm moun nou wè l' la?
Do you have eyes of flesh? Or do you see as man sees?
5 Lavi ou pa tankou lavi pa nou. Nou gen pou nou mouri, ou menm w'ap toujou la.
Are your days as the days of mortals, or your years as man's years,
6 W'ap chache dènye ti peche moun fè. Ou dèyè pou ou konnen tou sa mwen fè ki mal.
that you inquire after my iniquity, and search after my sin?
7 Ou konnen m' pa antò. Pa gen moun ki ka sove m' anba men ou!
Although you know that I am not wicked, there is no one who can deliver out of your hand.
8 Se ak men ou ou te fè m'. Se avè l' ou te ban m' fòm mwen. Epi se ak menm men sa yo ou vle detwi m' ankò?
"'Your hands have framed me and fashioned me altogether, yet you destroy me.
9 Chonje se ou menm ki fè m' ak labou tè wouj. Koulye a, ou pral kraze m' fè m' tounen pousyè?
Remember, I beg you, that you have fashioned me as clay. Will you bring me into dust again?
10 Se ou menm ki bay papa m' fòs pou li fè m'. Ou fè m' devlope nan vant manman mwen.
Haven't you poured me out like milk, and curdled me like cheese?
11 Ou fè tout zo ak tout venn nan kò m'. Ou kouvri yo ak vyann epi ak po.
You have clothed me with skin and flesh, and knit me together with bones and sinews.
12 Lèfini, ou fè m' kado lavi. Ou veye avèk prekosyon pou m' pa mouri.
You have granted me life and loving kindness. Your visitation has preserved my spirit.
13 Men, ou te gen yon lòt lide dèyè tèt ou. Koulye a, mwen konnen ou te pare yon lòt bagay pou mwen.
Yet you hid these things in your heart. I know that this is with you:
14 Ou t'ap veye m' pou wè si m' t'ap fè sa m' pa t' dwe fè. Ou pa t'ap kite anyen pase pou mwen.
if I sin, then you mark me. You will not acquit me from my iniquity.
15 Si m' antò, zafè m' pa bon! Mwen te mèt inonsan, m' pa ka leve tèt devan ou. Mwen wont, se yon pòv malere mwen ye devan ou.
If I am wicked, woe to me. If I am righteous, I still shall not lift up my head, being filled with disgrace, and conscious of my affliction.
16 Si m' leve tèt mwen, ou fann dèyè m' tankou yon lyon dèyè bèt pou l' manje. Ou rive fè mirak pou ou ka fè m' lapenn.
And if I lift myself up, you hunt me like a lion. Again you show yourself powerful to me.
17 Ou toujou pare pou fè yon atak sou mwen. Chak jou w'ap vin pi ankòlè. Se san pran souf w'ap voye lafliksyon sou mwen yonn apre lòt.
You renew your witnesses against me, and increase your indignation on me. Changes and warfare are with me.
18 Bondye, poukisa ou te kite m' soti nan vant manman m'? Mwen ta mouri anvan pesonn ta wè m'.
"'Why, then, have you brought me forth out of the womb? I wish I had given up the spirit, and no eye had seen me.
19 Soti nan vant, ale nan simityè, se tankou si m' pa t' janm fèt.
I should have been as though I had not been. I should have been carried from the womb to the grave.
20 Mwen pa rete lontan pou m' viv ankò. Kite m' pou kont mwen! Ban m' yon ti kanpo. Kite m' jwi de twa jou ki rete m' yo non!
Aren't my days few? Cease then. Leave me alone, that I may find a little comfort,
21 Talè konsa mwen prale pou m' pa janm tounen. Mwen prale nan peyi kote ki fè nwa a, kote moun pè a,
before I go where I shall not return from, to the land of darkness and of the shadow of death;
22 nan peyi kote se fènwa ak dezòd ase ki gen toutan, kote menm gwo lajounen fè nwa tankou lannwit!
the land dark as midnight, of the shadow of death, without any order, where the light is as midnight.'"

< Jòb 10 >