< Jeremi 44 >

1 Seyè a pale ak Jeremi, li ba li yon mesaj pou tout moun Jida yo ki te rete nan peyi Lejip, lavil Migdòl, lavil Tapanes, lavil Menmfis ak nan zòn lavil Patwòs.
And Sedekias the son of Josias reigned instead of Joakim, whom Nabuchodonosor appointed to reign over Juda.
2 -Men sa Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a, Bondye pèp Izrayèl la, voye di nou: Nou te wè tout malè mwen te fè tonbe sou lavil Jerizalèm ak sou tout lòt lavil peyi Jida yo. Jouk koulye a, se yon miray kraze yo ye. Pa gen yon grenn moun ki te rete ladan yo.
And he and his servants and the people of the land listened not to the words of the Lord, which he spoke by Jeremias.
3 Se paske moun ki te rete la yo te fè sa ki mal, yo te fè m' fache anpil sou yo. Yo t' al ofri lansan bay lòt bondye, yo t' al sèvi bondye ni yo menm, ni papa yo, ni granpapa yo pa t' janm konnen.
And king Sedekias sent Joachal son of Selemias and Sophonias the priest son of Maasaeas to Jeremias, saying, Pray now for us to the Lord.
4 Mwen pa t' janm sispann voye sèvitè m' yo, pwofèt yo, pou di yo manyè sispann fè vye bagay derespektan yo t'ap plede fè a, bagay mwen pa ka wè devan je m'.
Now Jeremias came and went through the midst of the city: for they [had] not put him into the house of the prison.
5 Men yo pa t' koute m'. Pawòl la antre nan yon zòrèy li soti nan yon lòt. Yo derefize chanje. Yo donnen pi mal nan fè mechanste yo, nan ofri lansan bay bondye lòt nasyon yo.
And the host of Pharao was come forth out of Egypt; and the Chaldeans heard the report of them, and they went up from Jerusalem.
6 Lè sa a, mwen move, mwen fè kòlè. Mwen lage yon dife sou lavil Jida yo ak nan tout lari lavil Jerizalèm. Se vye kay kraze san pesonn ladan yo ki rete, jan nou ka wè sa jòdi a.
And the word of the Lord came to Jeremias, saying,
7 Enben, koulye a, mwen menm Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a, Bondye pèp Izrayèl la, m'ap mande nou: Poukisa n'ap fè tèt nou mal konsa? Se vle nou pa vle kite pesonn, ni fanm ni gason, ni timoun, ni ti bebe, nan pèp Jida a ankò? Nou pa vle pesonn chape?
Thus said the Lord; Thus shall you say to the king of Juda who sent to you, to seek me; Behold, the army of Pharao which is come forth to help you: they shall return to the land of Egypt:
8 Nou deyò pou nou fè m' fache ak sa n'ap fè a, lè n'ap ofri lansan bay bondye lòt nasyon yo, isit la nan peyi Lejip kote nou vin viv la? Nou vle fini ak tèt nou pou tout nasyon sou latè ka pase nou nan betiz, pou yo pran non nou pou bay moun madichon?
and the Chaldeans themselves shall turn again, and fight against this city, and take it, and burn it with fire.
9 Gen lè nou bliye tout move zak nou tout, depi zansèt nou yo, pran wa peyi Jida yo ak madanm yo rive sou nou menm ansanm ak madanm pa nou yo, nou fè nan peyi Jida ak nan lari Jerizalèm?
For thus says the Lord; Suppose not in your hearts, saying, The Chaldeans will certainly depart from us: for they shall not depart.
10 Jouk jòdi a nou yonn pa règrèt sa nou te fè. Pesonn pa gen krentif pou mwen, pesonn pa soti pou yo viv dapre lwa ak lòd mwen te mete devan nou ak devan zansèt nou yo.
And though you should strike the whole host of the Chaldeans that fight against you, and there should be left a few wounded [men], these should rise up each in his place, and burn this city with fire.
11 Se poutèt sa, men sa mwen menm Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a, Bondye pèp Izrayèl la mwen di: M'ap vire do ban nou, m'ap voye malè sou nou, m'ap detwi tout peyi Jida a.
And it came to pass, when the host of the Chaldeans had gone up from Jerusalem for fear of the host of Pharao,
12 M'ap pran rès moun Jida yo, sa ki te pran desizyon desann al viv nan peyi Lejip la, yo tout pral mouri. Yo tout, gran kou piti, y'ap mouri nan peyi Lejip. Genyen k'ap mouri nan lagè, genyen k'ap mouri grangou. Moun va sezi wè yo, y'a vire tèt yo pou yo pa gade yo, y'a sèvi ak non yo pou bay madichon, y'a pase yo nan betiz.
that Jeremias went forth from Jerusalem to go into the land of Benjamin, to buy thence [a property] in the midst of the people.
13 M'ap pini tout moun Jida k'ap viv nan peyi Lejip la ak lagè, grangou ak move maladi, menm jan mwen te pini moun lavil Jerizalèm yo.
And he was in the gate of Benjamin, and [there was] there a man with whom he lodged, Saruia the son of Selemias, the son of Ananias; and he caught Jeremias, saying, You are fleeing to the Chaldeans.
14 Nan ti rès moun Jida ki rete yo, sa ki te desann al viv nan peyi Lejip la, yo yonn p'ap kouri chape, yo yonn p'ap sove. Kanta pou tounen al viv nan peyi Jida a ankò, jan yo ta vle l' la, yo pa ladan l'. Yo yonn pa t' tounen, an wetan de twa ki va kouri chape kò yo.
And he said, [It is] false; I do not flee to the Chaldeans. But he listened not to him; and Saruia caught Jeremias, and brought him to the princes.
15 Lè sa a, tout mesye ki te konnen madanm yo te nan ofri lansan bay lòt bondye yo, tout medam ki te reyini la yo, ansanm ak tout lòt moun pèp Izrayèl la ki t'ap viv depi lontan nan peyi Lejip nan zòn Patwòs la, yo tout yo reponn Jeremi:
And the princes were very angry with Jeremias, and struck him, and sent him into the house of Jonathan the scribe: for they had made this a prison.
16 -Nou p'ap koute pawòl w'ap di nou la a, atout ou pale nan non Seyè a.
So Jeremias came into the dungeon, and into the cells, and he remained there many days.
17 N'ap toujou fè sa nou te pwomèt fè a. N'ap ofri lansan ak diven bay Astate, larenn syèl la, jan nou te toujou fè l' jouk jòdi a, menm jan zansèt nou yo, wa nou yo ak chèf nou yo te konn fè l' nan lavil peyi Jida yo ak nan tout lari Jerizalèm. Lè sa a, nou te gen kont manje pou n' manje, tout zafè nou te mache byen. Nou pa t' gen pwoblèm.
Then Sedekias sent, and called him; and the king asked him secretly, saying, Is there a word from the Lord? and he said, There is: you shall be delivered into the hands of the king of Babylon.
18 Men, depi nou sispann ofri lansan ak diven bay larenn syèl la, nou pa gen anyen. Lagè ak grangou ap fini ak nou.
And Jeremias said to the king, Wherein have I wronged you, or your servants, or this people, that you put me in prison?
19 Medam yo menm poutèt pa yo di: -Lè n'ap fè gato ki gen fòm larenn syèl la, lè n'ap ofri lansan ak diven pou li, mari nou toujou dakò ak sa n'ap fè.
And where are your prophets who prophesied to you saying, The king of Babylon shall not come against this land?
20 Lè sa a, Jeremi pale ak tout moun sa yo, fanm kou gason, ki te fè l' repons sa yo, li di yo konsa:
Now therefore, my lord the king, let my supplication come before your face: and why do you send me back to the house of Jonathan the scribe? and let me not on any account die there.
21 -Wi, nou menm, zansèt nou yo, wa nou yo, chèf nou yo ak tout lòt moun pèp Izrayèl yo te boule lansan nan tout lavil peyi Jida ak nan tout lari Jerizalèm. Men, pa konprann Seyè a pa t' konn sa, osinon li bliye sa.
Then the king commanded, and they cast him into the prison, and gave him a loaf a day out of the place where they bake, until the bread failed out of the city. So Jeremias continued in the court of the prison.
22 Non. Seyè a pa t' ka sipòte move lajisman ak eskandal nou yo ankò. Se poutèt sa, jòdi a peyi a fini. Li kraze nèt san pesonn ladan l'. Tout moun sèvi ak non li pou bay madichon, jan nou wè l' jòdi a.
23 Se paske nou te ofri lansan bay lòt bondye, se paske nou fè peche kont Seyè a, se paske nou pa t' koute sa li t'ap di nou, se paske nou pa t' mache dapre lwa li te ban nou, dapre lòd ak kòmandman li yo kifè malè sa a tonbe sou nou jòdi a.
24 Apre sa, Jeremi pale ak tout pèp la, sitou ak medam yo. Li di yo konsa: -Nou tout moun peyi Jida ki isit nan peyi Lejip la, koute mesaj Seyè a.
25 Men sa Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a, Bondye pèp Izrayèl la, di nou. Se nou menm ak tout madanm nou yo ki di ak pwòp bouch nou n'ap kenbe angajman nou te pran ak larenn syèl la, n'ap toujou ofri lansan ak diven ba li. Lèfini, se sa nou fè vre. Enben, kenbe angajman nou yo, fè sa nou te pwomèt la.
26 Men koulye a, koute sa m'ap di nou, nou menm moun Jida yo k'ap viv nan peyi Lejip la. Se mwen menm Seyè a k'ap pale, mwen fè sèman sou tèt mwen: nan tout peyi Lejip la p'ap gen pesonn nan moun Jida yo ki pou pran non mwen pou fè sèman, pou yo di: Nan non Seyè a, Bondye vivan an!
27 M'ap veye pou se malè ase ki pou rive nou. Mwen p'ap voye ankenn bon bagay ban nou. Wi, dènye moun Jida k'ap viv nan peyi Lejip la pral disparèt, kit se nan lagè, kit se nan grangou, jouk p'ap rete yonn ankò.
28 Gen yon ti ponyen moun ase ki va chape nan lagè a. Y'a kite peyi Lejip, y'a tounen nan peyi jida. Lè sa a, ti rès ki va rete nan moun pèp Jida ki te desann al viv nan peyi Lejip la va wè kilès ki te gen rezon, nou menm osinon mwen menm.
29 Se mwen menm Seyè a ki di sa: m'ap ban nou yon siy, m'ap pini nou isit la menm. Konsa, n'a konnen malè mwen te pwomèt m'ap voye sou nou an rive vre.
30 Se mwen menm Seyè a ki di sa. Mwen pral lage farawon Ofra, wa peyi Lejip la, nan men lènmi ki soti pou touye l' yo, menm jan mwen te lage Sedesyas, wa peyi Jida a, nan men Nèbikadneza, wa peyi Babilòn, lènmi ki te soti pou touye l' la tou.

< Jeremi 44 >