< Oze 8 >

1 Kònen klewon an! Malè ap fonn sou peyi Bondye a tankou malfini, paske moun yo pa kenbe kontra mwen te pase ak yo a. Yo vire kont sa mwen te moutre yo a.
[Yahweh said to me], “Blow [MTY] your trumpet [to warn the people]! My people have rejected the agreement that I made with them, and they have rebelled against [obeying] my laws. Therefore, [their enemies] are swooping down on my people’s country like [SIM] an eagle.
2 Ou mèt tande yo di m': Ou se Bondye nou. Nou menm, moun Izrayèl, nou konnen ki moun ou ye!
My Israeli people cry out to me, ‘Our God, we know that you are our God!’
3 yo pa vle wè sa ki bon. Se poutèt sa lènmi gen pou leve dèyè yo.
But because the Israeli people have rejected what is good, their enemies will pursue them.
4 Yo rete yo chwazi wa mete alatèt yo, san mande m' si mwen dakò. Yo mete moun chèf san m' pa janm konnen. Yo pran lò ak ajan yo genyen, yo fè zidòl. Se sa k'ap fini ak yo a.
The Israel people appointed [their last three] kings, but they did not ask me if I agreed to [what they were doing]. They chose their own leaders without asking if I would approve of them. They used their own silver and gold to make for themselves idols, and doing that led them to be destroyed.
5 Mwen pa ka sipòte estati towo bèf moun Samari yo ap adore a. Se konsa mwen fè kòlè, mwen fache anpil sou yo. Kilè y'a sispann sèvi zidòl?
You people of Samaria, throw away your [idol that resembles a] calf! I am extremely angry with you people! How long [RHQ] will you [do things that cause] you to be unacceptable to me?
6 Se yon atizan peyi Izrayèl ki te fè zidòl la. Zidòl sa a, se pa ka yon bondye li ye. Estati towo bèf moun Samari yo, m'ap kraze l' an miyèt moso.
[Someone in] Israel made that idol for you; [but I am] God and it is not. So that idol of a calf in Samaria must be smashed to pieces.
7 Depi pèp la simen van, se move tan pou yo rekòlte. Yo tankou yon jaden ble ki pa jete grap, ki p'ap bay farin. Menm si li bay farin, se moun lòt nasyon k'ap vin manje tout.
[The foolish thing that the people of Israel have done is like] [MET] trying to plant wind; but what they harvest will be like [MET] a whirlwind. So the grain that they planted will have no heads [on the stalks], and as a result [there will be no grain] from which to make flour. And if it did produce good grain, foreigners would [come and] steal it.
8 Pèp Izrayèl la fini nèt. Nan je lòt nasyon yo, li tankou yon vye kannari kraze ki pa vo anyen.
[The people of] Israel will be defeated [MET] [by their enemies]; they will be [scattered] among other nations and become worthless.
9 Tankou yon bourik endont, moun Efrayim yo ap fè sa yo pito. Yo moute peyi Lasiri al mande konkou. Tankou fanm k'ap achte gason, yo bay lòt nasyon lajan pou pwoteje yo.
Like [MET] donkeys that are looking for mates, they have requested [help] from Assyria; they paid money to [the leaders of Assyria] in order to [persuade those leaders to] protect them.
10 Atout yo bay lòt nasyon yo kado, koulye a mwen pral mete yo tout nan menm sak pou m' pini yo. Talè konsa, yo pral nan lapenn lè wa Lasiri a va pran peze yo tout.
But although they have agreed to pay money each year to [the leaders of] those countries, I will soon gather them together [to punish them]. The great King [of Assyria] will cause them to suffer greatly.
11 Atout moun Efrayim yo bati lotèl toupatou pou wete peche, se menm lotèl sa yo ki fè yo tonbe pi rèd nan peche.
Although [the people of] Israel built many altars to present offerings [to their idols] to take away [their guilt for] sinning, those altars have become places where they commit [more] sins.
12 Atout m' ekri pou yo anpil regleman sou lalwa mwen ba yo a, yo pran regleman yo pou bagay ki pa pou yo.
I wrote many laws for them, but they disregarded them, saying that [they did not have to obey them because] they were different from laws that they had known previously.
13 Yo renmen fè ofrann bèt. Yo touye bèt yo ofri yo epi yo manje vyann lan. Men, mwen menm, Seyè a, se pa sa ki fè m' plezi. Koulye a mwen chonje tout peche yo fè, m'ap pini yo pou sa. M'ap fè yo tounen nan peyi Lejip.
They offer sacrifices to me, and they eat [some of] the meat of those sacrifices, [which is what I permitted them to do]. But I, Yahweh, am not pleased with those sacrifices. I remember the evil things that they have done, and I will punish them for the sins that they have committed: I will force them to [go to other countries] [and become slaves like they were] [MET] in Egypt.
14 Moun Izrayèl yo bliye moun ki te fè yo a. Y'ap bati gwo palè. Moun Jida yo menm ap bati gwo lavil ak miray ranpa pou pwoteje yo. Men mwen menm, m'ap voye dife nan lavil yo. Dife a ap boule tout palè yo ak tout gwo kay yo.
[The people of] Israel have abandoned/forgotten me, the one who created their [nation]; they have built palaces, and [the people of] Judah have built walls around many towns. But I will send a fire that will destroy all their cities and their fortresses.”

< Oze 8 >