< Ezekyèl 41 >

1 Apre sa, nonm lan fè m' antre nan tanp lan, nan gwo pyès mitan tanp lan, kote ki apa pou Bondye a. Li mezire koridò kote pou antre ladan l' lan. Li jwenn li te gen dis pye longè,
Then the man brought me into the temple's holy place and measured the doorposts—six cubits in width on either side.
2 dizwit pye lajè. Miray ki chak bò yo te gen wit pye epesè. Li mezire chanm lan anndan anndan, li jwenn swasantwit pye longè ak trannkat pye lajè.
The width of the doorway was ten cubits; the wall on each side was five cubits in length. Then the man measured the dimensions of the holy place—forty cubits in length and twenty cubits in width.
3 Apre sa, li antre nan dènye pyès dèyè nèt la, li mezire papòt ki bay sou li a. Li te gen twa pye pwofondè, dis pye lajè. Miray chak bò yo te gen douz pye epesè.
Then the man went into the very holy place and measured the posts of the doorway—two cubits, and the doorway was six cubits in width. The walls on either side were seven cubits in width.
4 Li mezire chanm lan. Li te kare kare, trannkat pye chak bò. Chanm sa a te dèyè chanm mitan an. Apre sa, li di m': Isit la se kote yo met apa nèt pou Bondye a.
Then he measured the room's length—twenty cubits. Its width—twenty cubits to the front of the temple hall. Then he said to me, “This is the most holy place.”
5 Nonm lan mezire epesè miray anndan tanp lan, li jwenn dis pye. Sou kote Tanp lan, nan mitan miray anndan an ak miray deyò a, te gen yon seri ti pyès ki te fè wonn li. Chak pyès te kare kare, sèt pye chak bò.
Then the man measured the wall of the house—it was six cubits thick. The width of each side room around the house was four cubits in width.
6 Te gen trant chanm anba. Chak chanm sa yo te gen de lòt anwo yo: trant chanm nan premye etaj la, trant lòt chanm nan dezyèm etaj la. Epesè miray deyò Tanp lan te pi piti nan premye etaj la pase anba. Li te pi piti toujou nan dezyèm etaj la pase nan premye a. Konsa, chanm yo te chita sou miray la san yo pa t' bezwen makònen avè l'.
There were side rooms on three levels, one room above another, thirty rooms on each level. There were ledges around the wall of the house, to support all of the side rooms, for there was no support put in the wall of the house.
7 Lè ou rete deyò w'ap gade, ou wè de miray Tanp lan sanble yo te menm epesè depi anba jouk anwo. Apiye sou miray deyò Tanp lan, te gen de eskalye byen laj pou soti nan chanm anba yo pou moute nan premye etaj la jouk li rive nan dezyèm etaj lan.
So the side rooms widened and went around going up, for the house went around higher and higher all around; the rooms widened as the house went up, and a stairway went up to the highest level, through the middle level.
8 Mwen wè te gen yon teras wit pye lajè ki te fè wonn Tanp lan. Li te menm wotè ak pòtay pyès ki sou kote de miray Tanp lan, ki vle di dis pye pi wo pase fondasyon Tanp lan.
Then I saw a raised part all around the house, the foundation for the side chambers; it measured a full stick in height—six cubits.
9 Miray deyò pyès sou kote yo te gen wit pye epesè. Se sou teras la yo pase pou antre nan pyès sou kote yo. Ant teras la
The width of the wall of the side rooms on the outside was five cubits. There was an open space to the outside of these rooms in the sanctuary.
10 ak rès batiman an, te gen yon koulwa trannkat pye lajè, ki te fè wonn Tanp lan.
On the other side of this open space were the priests' outer side rooms; this space was twenty cubits in width all around the sanctuary.
11 Te gen yon pòt ki louvri sou pyès sou kote yo bò nò a ak yon pòt ki louvri sou pyès sou kote yo bò sid la. Miray ki te fèmen koulwa a te gen wit pye epesè sou tout longè l'.
There were doors into the side rooms from another open space—one doorway was on the north side, and the other on the south side. The width of this open area was five cubits all around.
12 Nan fon lakou dèyè Tanp lan, bò solèy kouche, te gen yon gwo kay sansenkant pye lajè, sanswasannsèz pye longè. Miray li yo te nèf pye epesè toutotou.
The building that faced the courtyard on the west side was seventy cubits in width. Its wall measured five cubits thick all around, and it was ninety cubits in length.
13 Nonm lan mezire Tanp lan sou deyò. Li te gen sanswasantwit pye longè. Soti depi dèyè Tanp lan, travèse espas vid la, rive nan dènye bout kay ki bò solèy kouche a, li jwenn sanswasantwit pye tou.
Then the man measured the sanctuary—one hundred cubits in length. The separated building, its wall, and the courtyard also measured one hundred cubits in length.
14 Li mezire tout fasad devan Tanp lan avèk de espas vid chak bò yo, sa ba li sanswasantwit pye tou.
The width of the front of the courtyard in front of the sanctuary was also one hundred cubits.
15 Li mezire longè kay ki bò solèy kouche a, avèk de galeri yo, yonn chak bò. Sa ba li tou sanswasantwit pye.
Then the man measured the length of the building behind the sanctuary, to its west, and the galleries on either side—one hundred cubits. The holy place and the portico,
16 Premye pyès devan an, pyès mitan an ak pyès dèyè a ki apa nèt pou Bondye a te gen gwo moso planch plake sou tout palisad yo, depi planche a rive nan fennèt yo. Fennèt yo te fèmen ak yon griyay.
the inner walls and the windows, including the narrow windows, and the galleries all around on three levels, were all paneled in wood.
17 Sou tout miray anndan Tanp lan, depi anba rive depase wotè pòt yo, yo te travay planch yo
Above the entryway to the inner sanctuary and spaced along the walls there was a measured pattern.
18 pou fè pòtre pye palmis ak pòtre zanj cheriben. Pòtre yo te fè wonn chanm lan nèt, yon pye palmis, yon zanj cheriben, yonn dèyè lòt. Pòtre zanj yo te gen de figi,
It was decorated with cherubim and palm trees; with a palm tree between each cherub, and each cherub had two faces:
19 yon figi moun k'ap gade pye palmis ki sou bò sa a, yon figi lyon k'ap gade pye palmis ki sou lòt bò a. Se konsa pòtre yo te ye sou tout miray la nèt.
the face of a man looked toward a palm tree on one side, and the face of a young lion looked toward a palm tree on the other side. They were carved all around the entire house.
20 Depi planche a rive depase wotè pòt yo, sou tout miray la, te gen pòtre pye palmis ak pòtre zanj cheriben.
From the ground to above the doorway, cherubim and palm trees were carved on the outer wall of the house.
21 Gwo poto ki te devan Tanp lan te kare kare. Devan premye pyès Tanp lan te gen yon bagay ki te sanble
The gate posts of the holy place were square. Their appearance was like the appearance of
22 yon lotèl an bwa. Li te gen senk pye wotè. Anwo lotèl la te kare kare, kat pye chak bò. Pye lotèl la ki te nan kat kwen yo, pyès anba a ak kat sou kote yo, tout te fèt an bwa. Nonm lan di m' konsa: Se tab sa a ki kanpe devan prezans Seyè a.
the wooden altar in front of the holy place, which was three cubits high and two cubits in length on each side. Its corner posts, base, and frame were made of wood. Then the man said to me, “This is the table that stands before Yahweh.”
23 Te gen yon pòt de batan nan bout koridò antre a ki louvri sou pyès mitan an ak yon lòt pòt pi devan ki louvri sou pyès dèyè nèt la.
There were double doors for the holy place and the most holy place.
24 Chak pòt te gen de batan ki te louvri nan mitan.
These doors had two hinged door panels each, two panels for one door and two panels for the other.
25 Yo te travay bwa pòt yo tou. Yo te fè pòtre pye palmis ak pòtre zanj cheriben sou tout pòt yo tankou pou miray yo. Yo te mete yon ti twati an bwa ki soti sou deyò devan pòt premye pyès Tanp lan.
Carved on them—on the doors of the holy place—were cherubim and palm trees just as the walls were decorated, and there was a wooden roof over the portico at the front.
26 Sou miray pyès devan an, te gen fennèt ak griyay. Tout mi yo te dekore ak pòtre pye palmis.
There were narrow windows and palm trees on either side of the portico. These were the side rooms of the house, and they also had overhanging roofs.

< Ezekyèl 41 >