< Ezekyèl 31 >

1 Nan premye jou twazyèm mwa onzyèm lanne depi yo te depòte nou an, Seyè a pale avè m' ankò, li di m' konsa:
And it was in one [plus] ten year in the third [month] on [day] one of the month it came [the] word of Yahweh to me saying.
2 -Nonm o! Pale ak farawon an, wa peyi Lejip la, ansanm ak tout pèp li a. Di yo. -Jan ou gen pouvwa sa a, Kisa mwen ta di ou sanble la a!
O son of humankind say to Pharaoh [the] king of Egypt and to multitude his whom? are you like in greatness your.
3 Bon. Ou tankou yon pye sèd nan peyi Liban avèk gwo bèl branch li yo plen fèy ki bay gwo lonbraj, yon pyebwa byen wo ak tèt li pèdi nan nwaj yo.
There! Assyria [was] a cedar in Lebanon beautiful of branch[es] and forest giving shade and tall of height and between branches it was treetop its.
4 Lapli tonbe fè l' pouse Rivyè anba tè fè l' grandi. Gwo dlo pete nan tout rasin li yo. Yo fè kannal wouze tout pyebwa nan zòn lan.
Waters they made grow it [the] deep it raised up it rivers its going around planting place its and channels its it sent out to all [the] trees of the field.
5 Paske li te jwenn anpil dlo, li te grandi, li vin pi wo pase tout lòt pyebwa yo. Branch li pran fòs, yo vin byen long.
There-fore it was tall height its more than all [the] trees of the field and they became great boughs its and they became long (branches its *Q(K)*) from waters many when sent out it.
6 Tout kalite zwezo te vin fè nich nan branch li yo. Se anba branch li yo bèt nan bwa vin miba. Se nan lonbraj li anpil nasyon vin chita.
In boughs its they made nests every bird of the heavens and under branches its they gave birth every animal of the field and in shade its they dwelt all nations great.
7 Se te yon bèl pyebwa byen wo, ak branch li yo byen long. Rasin li yo te desann byen fon nan dlo anba tè a.
And it was beautiful in greatness its in [the] length of branches its for it was root its to waters many.
8 Nan jaden Bondye a, pa t' gen pye sèd tankou l'. Okenn pye pichpen pa t' gen branch tankou pa l' yo. Okenn pye sikren pa t' gen ti branch konsa. Nan jaden Bondye a, pa t' gen bèl pyebwa tankou l'.
Cedars not they eclipsed it in [the] garden of God fir trees not they were like boughs its and plane trees not they were like branches its every tree in [the] garden of God not it was like it in beauty its.
9 Mwen te fè l' byen bèl ak anpil branch. Nan jaden Edenn lan, jaden Bondye a, tout pyebwa te anvye sò l'.
Beautiful I made it in [the] abundance of branches its and they envied it all [the] trees of Eden which [were] in [the] garden of God.
10 Koulye a, men sa Seyè sèl Mèt la di: Paske li te grandi byen wo a, paske tèt li te pèdi nan nwaj yo, li kite lògèy vire tèt li.
Therefore thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh because that you were tall in height and it set treetop its to between branches and it was lifted up heart its in height its.
11 Se poutèt sa, mwen voye l' jete, mwen lage l' nan men gwo chèf tout nasyon yo pou fè l' peye tout mechanste l' yo.
And I will give it in [the] hand of a leader of nations certainly he will do to it according to wickedness its I drove out it.
12 Yon bann moun lòt nasyon vini. Mechan pase yo pa genyen. Yo koupe pyebwa a, yo lage l' atè. Ti branch li yo gaye sou tout mòn yo ak nan fon yo. Gwo branch li yo kase, yo tonbe nan tout ravin nan peyi a. Moun lòt nasyon ki t'ap viv nan lonbraj li yo, tout met deyò, yo kite l' pou kont li.
And they cut down it strangers ruthless [ones] of nations and they abandoned it to the mountains and in all [the] valleys they fell branches its and they were broken branches its in all [the] ravines of the land and they went down from shade its all [the] peoples of the earth and they abandoned it.
13 Zwezo vini poze sou rès pyebwa ki atè a. Bèt nan bwa ap mache sou tout branch li yo.
On fallen trunk its they dwelt every bird of the heavens and to branches its they came every animal of the field.
14 Konsa, depi jòdi a, yon pyebwa te mèt wouze byen wouze, li p'ap janm rive wotè sa a ankò. Li p'ap janm grandi pou tèt li rive pèdi nan nwaj yo ankò. Yon pyebwa te mèt byen wouze li p'ap rive wotè sa a ankò pou l'ap gonfle lestonmak li sou mwen. Tout pyebwa yo gen pou mouri tankou moun, yo gen pou yo desann al jwenn moun ki deja anba tè yo.
So that that not they may be lifted up in height their any trees of water and not they may set treetop their to between branches and not they may stand leaders their by height their any drinkers of water for all of them they have been given to death to [the] earth lowest in among [the] children of humankind to [those who] go down of [the] pit.
15 Men sa Seyè sèl Mèt la di ankò: -Jou pyebwa a desann nan peyi kote mò yo ye a, m'ap fè dlo anba tè a kouvri l' nèt, pou tout moun ka nan lapenn. M'ap fè dlo larivyè yo sispann koule. M' p'ap kite ankenn dlo koule nan kannal. M'ap voye yon gwo fènwa sou mòn peyi Liban yo. Tout rakbwa nan zòn lan pral deperi poutèt li. (Sheol h7585)
Thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh on [the] day went down it Sheol towards I caused mourning I covered over it [the] deep and I withheld rivers its and they were restrained waters many and I made mourn on it Lebanon and all [the] trees of the field on it [were] wilted. (Sheol h7585)
16 Lè mwen voye l' jete nan peyi kote mò yo ye a, bri li fè lè l'ap tonbe a fè tout nasyon yo tranble. Tout pyebwa nan jaden Edenn, tout pi bèl pyebwa nan peyi Liban, pyebwa ki te byen wouze yo men ki te desann ale deja nan peyi kote mò yo ye a pral kontan tonbe li tonbe a. (Sheol h7585)
From [the] sound of downfall its I caused to tremble nations when brought down I it Sheol towards with [those who] go down of [the] pit and they were comforted in [the] earth lowest all [the] trees of Eden [the] choicest and [the] good of Lebanon all drinkers of water. (Sheol h7585)
17 Y'ap desann ansanm avè l' nan peyi kote mò yo ye a pou y' al jwenn sa ki te mouri nan lagè anvan yo. Lè sa a, tout moun ki t'ap viv nan lonbraj li yo pral gaye nan mitan tout lòt nasyon yo. (Sheol h7585)
Also they with it they went down Sheol towards to [those] slain of a sword and arm its [which] they dwelt in shade its in among [the] nations. (Sheol h7585)
18 Nan tout pyebwa jaden Edenn yo, kilès ki te bèl, kilès ki te wo tankou ou? Men koulye a, tankou tout lòt pyebwa jaden an, ou pral desann ale nan peyi ki anba tè a. Ou pral jwenn moun ki pa pote mak kontra Bondye a, moun ki mouri nan lagè yo. Se sa k'ap rive farawon an ansanm ak tout pèp li a. Se mwen menm Seyè sèl Mèt la ki pale.
Whom? are you like thus in splendor and in greatness among [the] trees of Eden and you will be brought down with [the] trees of Eden to [the] earth lowest in among uncircumcised [men] you will lie with [those] slain of a sword that [is] Pharaoh and all (multitude his *Q(K)*) [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh.

< Ezekyèl 31 >