< Ezekyèl 2 >

1 Li di m' konsa: -Nonm o! Kanpe non! Mwen pral pale avè ou.
And he said unto me, Son of man, stand upon thy feet, and I will speak with thee.
2 Antan l'ap pale konsa a, lespri Bondye antre sou mwen, li mete m' kanpe sou de pye m'. Epi m' tande vwa a ki pran pale ankò.
And the Spirit entered into me when he spake unto me, and set me upon my feet; and I heard him that spake unto me.
3 Li di m' konsa: -Nonm o! M'ap voye ou bò kote moun pèp Izrayèl yo. Se yon bann moun ki pa t' vle koute m', yo te vire do ban mwen. Jouk koulye a y' ap kenbe tèt avè m' tankou zansèt yo te fè l' nan tan lontan.
And he said unto me, Son of man, I send thee to the children of Israel, to nations that are rebellious, which have rebelled against me: they and their fathers have transgressed against me even unto this very day.
4 Yo gen tèt di, yo gen move santiman konsa nan kè yo. Men se bò kote moun sa yo m'ap voye ou pou di yo men sa mwen menm, Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a, m' voye di yo.
And the children are impudent and stiffhearted: I do send thee unto them; and thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah.
5 Mwen konnen se yon move ras moun yo ye, tèt yo di. Kit yo koute ou, kit yo pa koute ou, zafè yo! Men y'a konnen te gen yon pwofèt nan mitan yo.
And they, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear (for they are a rebellious house), yet shall know that there hath been a prophet among them.
6 Men ou menm, nonm o! ou pa bezwen pè yo, ni ou pa bezwen pè sa y'ap di. Y'ap tizonnen ou, y'ap pase ou nan betiz. W'ap tankou yon moun k'ap mache nan yon jaden pikan, tankou yon moun ki chita sou yon nich flanman. Men, ou pa bezwen kite yo kraponnen ou ak sa y'ap di, ou pa bezwen pè yo. Se yon move ras moun yo ye, tèt yo di.
And thou, son of man, be not afraid of them, neither be afraid of their words, though briers and thorns are with thee, and thou dost dwell among scorpions: be not afraid of their words, nor be dismayed at their looks, though they are a rebellious house.
7 Se pou ou di yo tou sa m'a di ou di yo, yo te mèt koute ou, yo te mèt pa koute ou. Chonje se yon move ras moun ki gen tèt di yo ye.
And thou shalt speak my words unto them, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear; for they are most rebellious.
8 Nonm o! Koute sa m' pral di ou la a. Pa fè tèt di tankou move ras moun sa yo. Louvri bouch ou, manje sa m' pral ba ou la a.
But thou, son of man, hear what I say unto thee; be not thou rebellious like that rebellious house: open thy mouth, and eat that which I give thee.
9 M' gade, mwen wè yon men lonje sou mwen. Li te kenbe yon woulo liv tou fèmen.
And when I looked, behold, a hand was put forth unto me; and, lo, a roll of a book was therein;
10 Li louvri liv la devan je m', mwen wè li te ekri sou tou de bò l' yo. Li te plen pawòl moun di lè y'ap plenn sò yo, lè yo nan gwo lapenn, lè y'ap soufri anpil.
and he spread it before me: and it was written within and without; and there were written therein lamentations, and mourning, and woe.

< Ezekyèl 2 >