< Danyèl 7 >

1 Nan menm lanne Bèlchaza te moute wa peyi Babilòn, Danyèl fè yon rèv, li wè yon vizyon antan li t'ap dòmi sou kabann li. Apre sa, li kouche tou sa li te wè nan rèv la sou papye. Men sa li te ekri a:
In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon Daniel had a dream and visions in his mind on his bed. Then he wrote the dream and told the summary of it.
2 -Jou lannwit sa a, mwen fè yon vizyon. Mwen wè kat gwo van yo t'ap soufle, yo t'ap boulvèse gwo lanmè a.
Daniel spoke and said, "I saw in my vision by night, and, look, the four winds of the sky broke forth on the great sea.
3 Kat gwo bèt moute soti nan lanmè a, yonn pa t' sanble lòt.
Four great animals came up from the sea, different from one another.
4 Premye bèt la te sanble ak yon lyon, men li te gen de gwo zèl tankou malfini. Antan m'ap gade l' konsa, yo rache zèl li yo. Yo leve l', yo fè l' kanpe tankou yon moun sou pa t' dèyè l' yo. Lèfini, yo fè li gen lespri tankou moun.
The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings. I saw until its wings were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made to stand on two feet as a man; and a man's mind was given to it.
5 Dezyèm bèt la te sanble ak yon lous ki te kanpe panche sou yon bò. Li te gen twa zo kòt nan bouch li. Yon vwa pale avè l', li di l' konsa: -Annou wè! Manje vyann mezi ou kapab.
And look, another animal, a second one, like a bear; and it was raised up on one side, and three ribs were in its mouth between its teeth. And they said this to it, 'Arise, devour much flesh.'
6 Antan m'ap gade toujou, yon lòt bèt parèt. Li te sanble ak yon leyopa, men li te gen kat zèl sou do li, tankou zèl zwezo. Li te gen kat tèt tou. Yo te ba li pouvwa sou tout bagay.
After this I saw, and look, another one, like a leopard, which had on its back four wings of a bird. The animal also had four heads; and dominion was given to it.
7 Antan m'ap gade toujou nan vizyon mwen t'ap fè jou lannwit sa a, yon katriyèm bèt parèt. Li te sovaj anpil. Depi ou gade l' se pou ou pè. Li te gen anpil fòs avèk gwo dan an fè. Li t'ap manje tou sa ki tonbe anba bouch li, li kraze yo ak dan li, li pilonnen rès la anba pye l'. Li pa t' sanble menm ak twa lòt bèt ki te parèt anvan l' yo. Li te gen dis kòn.
After this I saw in the night visions, and look, a fourth animal, awesome and powerful, and extremely strong. And it had great iron teeth. It devoured and broke in pieces, and stamped what was left with its feet. And it was diverse from all the animals that were before it; and it had ten horns.
8 Antan m'ap gade kòn yo konsa, mwen wè yon lòt ti kòn tou piti k'ap pouse nan mitan yo. Li rache twa nan kòn ki te la deja yo. Ti kòn sa a te gen je tankou moun ak yon bouch ki t'ap di tout kalite pawòl awogan pou joure Bondye.
I considered the horns, and look, there came up among them another horn, a little one, before which three of the first horns were plucked up by the roots. And look, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking arrogant things.
9 Mwen t'ap gade toujou, mwen wè yo ranje yon bann fotèy. Yon granmoun ki te la depi nan konmansman vin chita sou yonn nan fotèy yo. Rad ki te sou li a te blan kou koton. Cheve nan tèt li te tankou lenn mouton byen pwòp. Fotèy li a te tankou flanm dife, li te moute sou wou ki te tankou chabon dife tou limen.
I saw until thrones were placed, and the Ancient of Days took his seat. His clothing was white as snow, and the hair of his head like pure wool. His throne was fiery flames, and its wheels burning fire.
10 Dife t'ap koule soti nan fotèy la devan li tankou yon larivyè. Te gen mil milye moun la ki t'ap sèvi l'. Te gen dimil milyon moun kanpe la devan l'. Tribinal la te pare pou jijman an. Yo louvri liv yo.
A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him. Thousands of thousands ministered to him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him. The court sat in judgment, and the books were opened.
11 Antan mwen t'ap gade, mwen tande vwa ti kòn lan ki t'ap pale byen fò avèk awogans. Antan m'ap gade konsa, yo touye katriyèm bèt la, yo pran kadav li, yo voye l' nan dife a, li boule nèt.
I saw at that time because of the voice of the arrogant words which the horn spoke. I was watching until the animal was killed and its body destroyed and was given to be burned with fire.
12 Yo wete tout otorite nan men lòt bèt yo, men yo kite yo vivan pou yon ti tan ankò.
As for the rest of the animals, their dominion was taken away, yet their lives were prolonged for a season and a time.
13 Nan menm vizyon mwen t'ap fè lannwit lan, mwen wè yon fòm ki te sanble ak yon moun. Li t'ap vini sou tèt nwaj yo nan syèl la. Li pwoche bò granmoun ki te la depi nan konmansman an. Yo prezante l' ba li.
I saw in the night visions, and look, there came with the clouds of the sky one like a son of man, and he came even to the Ancient of Days, and they brought him near before him.
14 Yo ba li baton kòmandan an, yo ba li pouvwa ak otorite pou tout pèp sou latè, pou tout peyi, pou moun tout ras ki pale tout lang sèvi li. L'ap kòmande pou tout tan. Gouvènman li p'ap janm fini.
There was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all the peoples, nations, and languages should serve him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.
15 Mwen menm Danyèl, lè m' wè tout bagay sa yo, tèt mwen te boulvèse. Vizyon yo te fè m' pè anpil.
As for me, Daniel, my spirit was grieved in the midst of my body, and the visions of my mind troubled me.
16 Mwen pwoche bò yonn nan moun ki te kanpe la yo, mwen mande l' pou l' fè m' konprann tout bagay sa yo. Se konsa li esplike m' yo.
I came near to one of those who stood by, and asked him the true meaning concerning all this. So he told me, and revealed to me the interpretation of these things.
17 Li di m' konsa: -Kat gwo bèt sa yo, se kat wa ki gen pou parèt sou latè.
These great animals, which are four, are four kings, who shall arise out of the earth.
18 Men, moun k'ap viv pou Bondye ki anwo nan syèl la pral resevwa gouvènman an nan men yo. Y'ap kenbe l' pou tout tan tout tan.
But the holy ones of the Most High shall receive the kingdom, and possess the kingdom forever, forever and ever.
19 Apre sa, mwen te vle konnen plis sou katriyèm bèt la ki pa t' tankou twa premye yo, bèt ki te move anpil la, avèk dan an fè l' yo ak grif an kwiv li yo, bèt ki t'ap manje tou sa ki te tonbe anba bouch li, ki t'ap kraze yo ak dan l', ki t'ap pilonnen rès yo anba pye l'.
Then I desired to know the true meaning concerning the fourth animal, which was different from all of them, exceedingly terrible, whose teeth were of iron, and its claws of bronze; which devoured, broke in pieces, and stamped what was left with its feet.
20 Mwen te vle plis esplikasyon sou dis kòn ki te sou tèt li yo ak sou ti kòn ki te parèt apre a epi ki te fè twa nan lòt kòn yo tonbe. Ti kòn sa a te gen je tankou moun ak yon bouch ki t'ap di tout kalite pawòl awogan pou joure Bondye. Li te parèt pi gwo pase tout lòt yo.
And concerning the ten horns that were on its head, and the other horn which came up, and before which three fell, even that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spoke arrogant things, whose look was larger than the others.
21 Antan m'ap gade konsa, mwen wè ti kòn lan pran fè lagè ak tout moun k'ap sèvi Bondye yo. Li fè yo soumèt devan li.
I saw, and the same horn made war with the holy ones, and prevailed against them,
22 Lè sa a, granmoun ki te la depi nan konmansman an parèt. Li rann jijman an favè moun k'ap sèvi Bondye ki anwo nan syèl la. Jou a te rive pou pèp Bondye a te resevwa pouvwa a nan men yo.
until the Ancient of Days came, and judgment was given to the holy ones of the Most High, and the time came that the holy ones possessed the kingdom.
23 Men esplikasyon moun lan te ban mwen: -Katriyèm bèt la, se katriyèm gouvènman ki pral gen sou latè. Li p'ap tankou lòt yo. Li pral devore tout moun sou latè, l'ap pilonnen yo anba pye l', l'ap kraze yo.
This he said, 'The fourth animal shall be a fourth kingdom on earth, which shall be different from all the kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.
24 Dis kòn yo, se dis wa ki pral alatèt gouvènman sa a. Apre yo, ap gen yon lòt wa ki p'ap tankou lòt yo. L'ap jete twa nan wa yo.
As for the ten horns, out of this kingdom shall ten kings arise, and another shall arise after them; and he shall be diverse from the former, and he shall put down three kings.
25 L'ap pale Bondye ki anwo nan syèl la mal, l'ap malmennen moun k'ap sèvi Bondye ki anwo nan syèl la. L'ap fè lide chanje tout fèt ak tout prensip lalwa Bondye a. Pandan twazan sis mwa, l'ap kenbe pèp Bondye a anba men l'.
He shall speak words against the Most High, and shall oppress the holy ones of the Most High; and he shall think to change the times and the law; and they shall be given over to him until a time and times and half a time.
26 Apre sa, tribinal la va reyini pou rann jijman an. L'a wete pouvwa a nan men l', l'ap kraze l' nèt, li p'ap janm chèf ankò.
And the court shall sit in judgment, and they shall take away his dominion, consumed and completely destroyed forever.
27 Y'ap pran pouvwa, otorite ak gouvènman tout gwo peyi ki sou latè yo, y'ap bay pèp k'ap sèvi Bondye ki anwo nan syèl la. Pèp sa a ap gouvènen tankou yon wa pou tout tan. Tout chèf sou latè pral sèvi li, y'ap obeyi li.
The kingdom and the dominion, and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the holy ones of the Most High. His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.'
28 Se tou sa li te rakonte m'. Mwen menm Danyèl, mwen te boulvèse anpil, mwen chanje koulè. Mwen kenbe tout bagay sa yo nan kè m'.
Here is the end of the matter. As for me, Daniel, my thoughts troubled me greatly, and my face turned pale. I kept the matter to myself."

< Danyèl 7 >