< 2 Wa 12 >

1 Lè sa a, Jeou t'ap mache sou sètan depi li t'ap gouvènen. Joas pase karantan lavil Jerizalèm ap dirije peyi a. Manman l' te yon moun lavil Bècheba ki te rele Zibya.
In year seven of Jehu he became king Jehoash and forty year[s] he reigned in Jerusalem and [the] name of mother his [was] Zibiah from Beer Sheba.
2 Joas pase tout lavi li ap fè sa ki dwat devan Seyè a, paske se Jeojada, prèt la, ki te leve l'.
And he did Jehoash the right in [the] eyes of Yahweh all days his which he instructed him Jehoiada the priest.
3 Tansèlman, se pa sa ki te fè tanp zidòl yo disparèt nan peyi a. Moun yo te toujou ap fè ofrann, ap boule lansan nan tanp sa yo.
Only the high places not they were removed still the people [were] sacrificing and [were] making smoke at the high places.
4 Yon jou, Joas rele prèt yo, li di yo: —Se nou ki pou reskonsab tout lajan ofrann yo pote nan tanp Seyè a, ni lajan chak moun fèt pou yo bay pou sakrifis yo, ni lajan moun yo vle bay paske yo fè lide a.
And he said Jehoash to the priests all [the] money of the holy gifts which it will be brought [the] house of Yahweh money passing along everyone [the] money of persons of valuation his all [the] money which it will come up on [the] heart of a person to bring [the] house of Yahweh.
5 Chak prèt va resevwa lajan nan men moun yo konnen. Y'a sèvi ak lajan sa a pou fè reparasyon ki bezwen fèt nan Tanp lan.
Let them take themselves the priests each from with acquaintance his and they they will repair [the] damage of the house to every where it will be found there damage.
6 Men, Joas te gen tan ap mache sou venntwazan depi li te wa, prèt yo pa t' fè ankenn reparasyon nan Tanp Seyè a.
And it was in year twenty and three year of the king Jehoash not they had repaired the priests [the] damage of the house.
7 Wa Joas rele Jeojada, prèt la, ansanm ak tout lòt prèt yo, li di yo: —Poukisa nou pa fè reparasyon nan Tanp lan? Depi jòdi a, nou p'ap resevwa lajan ankò nan men moun nou konnen yo. Se pou nou renmèt lajan an pou yo ka fè reparasyon nan tanp lan.
And he summoned the king Jehoash Jehoiada the priest and the priests and he said to them why? [are] not you repairing [the] damage of the house and now may not you take money from with acquaintances your for for [the] damage of the house you will give it.
8 Prèt yo dakò pou yo pa kenbe lajan yo resevwa nan men pèp la ankò, lèfini pou yo pa reskonsab fè reparasyon nan Tanp lan.
And they agreed the priests to not to take money from with the people and to not to repair [the] damage of the house.
9 Lè sa a, Jeojada, prèt la, pran yon bwat, li fè yon twou nan kouvèti li, li mete l' toupre lotèl la, sou bò dwat lè w'ap antre nan Tanp Seyè a. Se ladan l' prèt ki t'ap veye nan papòt Tanp lan mete tout lajan yo te bay pou Tanp lan.
And he took Jehoiada the priest a chest one and he bored a hole in lid its and he put it beside the altar (from [the] right [side] *Q(K)*) when comes anyone [the] house of Yahweh and they put there the priests [who] kept of the threshold all the money which was brought [the] house of Yahweh.
10 Chak fwa yo wè te gen bonkou lajan nan bwat la, sekretè wa a ansanm ak granprèt la vini, yo kontwole lajan an, yo mete l' nan sak.
And it was when saw they that much the money [was] in the chest and he came up [the] scribe of the king and the priest great and they tied up and they counted the money which was found [the] house of Yahweh.
11 Lè yo fin make kantite lajan yo te jwenn lan, yo renmèt li bay moun ki te reskonsab travay ki pou fèt nan Tanp lan. Moun sa yo menm peye bòs chapant yo, lòt bòs ki t'ap fè travay nan Tanp lan,
And they put the money weighed out on ([the] hands of *Q(K)*) [the] doers of the work (who were appointed *Q(K)*) [the] house of Yahweh and they brought out it to [the] craftsmen of wood and to the builders who were working on [the] house of Yahweh.
12 bòs mason yo ak moun k'ap taye wòch yo. Yo achte bwa ak gwo wòch taye pou fè reparasyon nan Tanp Seyè a. Se yo menm ki te fè tout kalite depans pou sa.
And to the masons and to [the] cutters of stone and to acquire wood and stones of hewing to repair [the] damage of [the] house of Yahweh and for all that it went out on the house to repair [it].
13 Men yo pa t' pran nan lajan yo te pote nan Tanp lan pou fè gwo basin an ajan, kouto, bòl ak twonpèt yo, ni ankenn lòt bagay an lò osinon an ajan.
Only not it was made [the] house of Yahweh basins of silver snuffers bowls trumpets any article of gold and article of silver from the money which was brought [the] house of Yahweh.
14 Yo te renmèt tout lajan an bay moun ki te reskonsab travay yo pou yo te ka sèvi avè l' pou fè reparasyon nan Tanp Seyè a.
For to [the] doers of the work they gave it and they repaired with it [the] house of Yahweh.
15 Yo pa t' fè ankenn regleman ak moun ki te reskonsab lajan pou peye travayè yo, paske se moun serye yo te ye.
And not they settled accounts with the men whom they put the money on hand their to give to [the] doers of the work for in faithfulness they [were] working.
16 Yo pa t' mete lajan ofrann moun fè pou peye pou sa yo fè ki mal ak lajan ofrann moun fè pou peche yo fè san yo pa konnen nan bwat Tanp Seyè a. Se pou prèt yo li te ye.
Money of guilt offering and money of sin offerings not it was brought [the] house of Yahweh to the priests they belonged.
17 Lè sa a, Azayèl, wa peyi Siri a, atake lavil Gat. Li pran l', lèfini li pran mache sou lavil Jerizalèm.
Then he went up Hazael [the] king of Aram and he fought on Gath and he captured it and he set Hazael face his to go up on Jerusalem.
18 Joas, wa peyi Jida a, pran tout bagay zansèt li yo, depi Jozafa ak Joram rive sou Okozyas ki te ansyen wa peyi Jida yo, te ofri bay Seyè a ansanm ak tout bagay li menm li te ofri bay Seyè a epi ki te nan Tanp lan, li pran tout lò li jwenn nan trezò Tanp lan ak tout lò ki te nan palè a, li voye yo fè Azayèl, wa peyi Siri a, kado. Azayèl chanje lide, li pa moute atake lavil Jerizalèm ankò.
And he took Jehoash [the] king of Judah all the holy things which they had consecrated Jehoshaphat and Jehoram and Ahaziah ancestors his [the] kings of Judah and own holy things his and all the gold which was found in [the] treasuries of [the] house of Yahweh and [the] house of the king and he sent [them] to Hazael [the] king of Aram and he went up from on Jerusalem.
19 Tout rès istwa Joas ak tou sa li te fè, n'a jwenn yo ekri nan liv Istwa Wa peyi Jida yo.
And [the] rest of [the] matters of Joash and all that he did ¿ not [are] they written on [the] scroll of [the] matters of the days of [the] kings of Judah.
20 Se pwòp chèf li yo ki te moute yon konplo sou do l'. Yo touye l' nan kay yo te bati sou ranblè ki sou bò solèy leve lavil Jerizalèm lan, sou wout ki mennen desann bò Sila a.
And they arose servants his and they conspired a conspiracy and they struck down Joash Beth-Millo which goes down Silla.
21 Se Jozaka, pitit Chimeya, ak Jozabab, pitit Chomè, de chèf ki t'ap sèvi ak wa a, ki touye l'. Yo antere Joas nan lavil David nan kavo fanmi an. Se Amasya, pitit gason li, ki moute wa nan plas li.
And Jozabad [the] son of Shimeath and Jehozabad [the] son of Shomer - servants his they struck down him and he died and people buried him with ancestors his in [the] city of David and he became king Amaziah son his in place of him.

< 2 Wa 12 >