< 2 Istwa 36 >

1 Moun peyi Jida yo chwazi Joakaz, pitit gason Joas la, yo mete l' wa nan plas papa l'.
Then the people of the land took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah, and made him king in his father’s stead in Jerusalem.
2 Joakaz te gen venntwazan lè li moute wa nan peyi Jida. Li gouvènen lavil Jerizalèm pandan twa mwa.
Joahaz was twenty and three years old when he began to reign; and he reigned three months in Jerusalem.
3 Neko, wa peyi Lejip la, mete l' atè, li fòse peyi Jida a ba li sètmil senksan (7500) liv ajan ak swasannkenz liv lò.
And the king of Egypt deposed him at Jerusalem, and fined the land a hundred talents of silver and a talent of gold.
4 Apre sa, Neko pran Elyakim, frè Joakaz, li mete l' wa nan plas li. Lè sa a, li chanje non Elyakim, li rele l' Jojakim. Lèfini, li pran Joakaz, li mennen l' nan peyi Lejip.
And the king of Egypt made Eliakim his brother king over Judah and Jerusalem, and changed his name to Jehoiakim. And Neco took Joahaz his brother, and carried him to Egypt.
5 Jojakim te gen vennsenkan lè li moute wa peyi Jida. Li gouvènen nan lavil Jerizalèm pandan onzan. Li te fè sa ki mal devan Seyè a, Bondye li a.
Jehoiakim was twenty and five years old when he began to reign; and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem: and he did that which was evil in the sight of Jehovah his God.
6 Nebikadneza, wa Babilòn, anvayi peyi Jida, li fè wa Jojakim prizonye, li mete l' anba chenn doub, li mennen l' lavil Babilòn.
Against him came up Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and bound him in fetters, to carry him to Babylon.
7 Nebikadneza pran tout bèl bagay ki te nan Tanp Seyè a, li pote yo lavil Babilòn, li mete yo nan tanp bondye pa l'.
Nebuchadnezzar also carried of the vessels of the house of Jehovah to Babylon, and put them in his temple at Babylon.
8 Tout rès istwa Jojakim lan, jan li te sèvi vye zidòl yo ak tout mechanste li te fè yo, nou jwenn tou sa ekri nan liv Istwa wa peyi Jida ak wa peyi Izrayèl yo. Se Jojakin, pitit li, ki moute wa nan plas li.
Now the rest of the acts of Jehoiakim, and his abominations which he did, and that which was found in him, behold, they are written in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah: and Jehoiachin his son reigned in his stead.
9 Jojakin te gen dizwitan lè li moute wa peyi Jida. Li gouvènen nan lavil Jerizalèm pandan twa mwa dis jou. Li menm tou, li te fè sa ki mal devan Seyè a.
Jehoiachin was eight years old when he began to reign; and he reigned three months and ten days in Jerusalem: and he did that which was evil in the sight of Jehovah.
10 Nan sezon prentan ki vin apre sa, wa Nebikadneza fè Jojakin prizonye, li mennen l' lavil Babilòn. Li pran tout richès ki te nan Tanp Seyè a pote ale. Apre sa, Nebikadneza pran Sedesyas, frè papa Jojakin, li mete l' wa lavil Jerizalèm nan peyi Jida.
And at the return of the year king Nebuchadnezzar sent, and brought him to Babylon, with the goodly vessels of the house of Jehovah, and made Zedekiah his brother king over Judah and Jerusalem.
11 Sedesyas te gen venteyennan lè li vin wa peyi Jida. Li pase onzan lavil Jerizalèm ap gouvènen peyi a.
Zedekiah was twenty and one years old when he began to reign; and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem:
12 Li fè sa ki mal devan Seyè a, li pa t' soumèt devan pwofèt Jeremi ki t'ap pale pawòl Bondye nan zòrèy li.
and he did that which was evil in the sight of Jehovah his God; he humbled not himself before Jeremiah the prophet [speaking] from the mouth of Jehovah.
13 Sedesyas leve kont wa Nebikadneza ki te fè l' sèmante devan Bondye li t'ap toujou soumèt devan li. Li fè tèt di, li derefize chanje lavi li t'ap mennen an pase pou l' ta tounen vin jwenn Seyè a, Bondye pèp Izrayèl la.
And he also rebelled against king Nebuchadnezzar, who had made him swear by God: but he stiffened his neck, and hardened his heart against turning unto Jehovah, the God of Israel.
14 Ata lòt chèf peyi Jida yo, prèt yo ansanm ak tout pèp la te lage kò yo nan sèvi yon bann vye zidòl, tankou tout lòt nasyon yo te konn fè. Yo derespekte Tanp Seyè a te mete apa pou li menm lavil Jerizalèm.
Moreover all the chiefs of the priests, and the people, trespassed very greatly after all the abominations of the nations; and they polluted the house of Jehovah which he had hallowed in Jerusalem.
15 Seyè a, Bondye zansèt yo a, pa t' manke voye pwofèt pou avèti pèp li a, paske li pa t' vle anyen rive ni pèp li a ni Tanp li a.
And Jehovah, the God of their fathers, sent to them by his messengers, rising up early and sending, because he had compassion on his people, and on his dwelling-place:
16 Men, yo pase mesaje Bondye yo nan betiz, yo pa okipe sa Bondye te di yo, yo pase pwofèt yo anba rizib. Bout pou bout, Seyè a te vin sitèlman fache pa t' gen rechap pou yo ankò.
but they mocked the messengers of God, and despised his words, and scoffed at his prophets, until the wrath of Jehovah arose against his people, till there was no remedy.
17 Se konsa Seyè a fè wa Babilòn lan moute vin atake yo. Wa a touye tout jenn gason peyi Jida a nan Tanp lan menm. Li pa t' gen pitye pou pesonn, granmoun kou timoun, fanm kou gason, malad ou pa malad. Bondye lage yo tout nan men wa a.
Therefore he brought upon them the king of the Chaldeans, who slew their young men with the sword in the house of their sanctuary, and had no compassion upon young man or virgin, old man or hoary-headed: he gave them all into his hand.
18 Wa a menm pran dènye sa ki te nan Tanp lan ak nan pyès trezò Tanp lan ansanm ak richès wa a ak richès lòt gwo chèf yo, li pote yo lavil Babilòn.
And all the vessels of the house of God, great and small, and the treasures of the house of Jehovah, and the treasures of the king, and of his princes, all these he brought to Babylon.
19 Lèfini, li mete dife nan Tanp lan. Li kraze miray lavil la. Li boule tout gwo kay yo ak tout bèl bagay koute chè ki te ladan yo.
And they burnt the house of God, and brake down the wall of Jerusalem, and burnt all the palaces thereof with fire, and destroyed all the goodly vessels thereof.
20 Li pran tout moun ki pa t' mouri yo, li depòte yo lavil Babilòn kote yo sèvi l', li menm ansanm ak pitit li yo, tankou esklav, jouk gouvènman an pase nan men wa peyi Pès la.
And them that had escaped from the sword carried he away to Babylon; and they were servants to him and his sons until the reign of the kingdom of Persia:
21 Se konsa, sa Seyè a te mete nan bouch pwofèt Jeremi an rive vre: Pandan swasanndizan tè a pral rete san yon moun ladan l', li pral pran repo pou tout jou repo yo pa t' janm ba li a.
to fulfil the word of Jehovah by the mouth of Jeremiah, until the land had enjoyed its sabbaths: [for] as long as it lay desolate it kept sabbath, to fulfil threescore and ten years.
22 Lè sa a, wa Siris pa t' ankò gen ennan depi li t'ap gouvènen peyi Pès la, lè Seyè a mete lide nan tèt wa a pou li bay yon lòd, fè kouche l' sou papye, voye l' toupatou nan peyi a pou yo te ka li l' pou tout moun tande. Sa te pase konsa pou pawòl Seyè a te mete nan bouch pwofèt Jeremi an te ka rive vre. Men lòd la:
Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of Jehovah by the mouth of Jeremiah might be accomplished, Jehovah stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, so that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and [put it] also in writing, saying,
23 -Mwen menm Siris, wa peyi Pès la, men lòd mwen bay: Seyè a, Bondye nan syèl la, te mete m' chèf sou tout peyi ki sou latè. Li ban m' reskonsablite pou m' bati yon Tanp pou li lavil Jerizalèm nan peyi Jida. Nou mande pou Bondye pèp sa a beni tout moun ki fè pati pèp Izrayèl la, pou yo moute lavil Jerizalèm.
Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, All the kingdoms of the earth hath Jehovah, the God of heaven, given me; and he hath charged me to build him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Whosoever there is among you of all his people, Jehovah his God be with him, and let him go up.

< 2 Istwa 36 >