< 2 Istwa 31 >

1 Lè fèt la fini, tout moun pèp Izrayèl ki te la yo ale nan tout lavil pèyi Jida yo. Yo kraze moniman wòch yo, yo jete estati zidòl Achera yo, yo demoli dènye tanp ak lotèl kote yo fè sèvis pou zidòl yo. Yo mache fè sa nan tout peyi Jida a, nan peyi moun Benjamen, moun Efrayim ak moun Manase yo. Lèfini, tout moun pèp Izrayèl yo tounen lakay yo nan peyi pa yo.
Now when all this was finished, all Israel who were present went out to the cities of Judah and broke the pillars in pieces, cut down the Asherah poles, and broke down the high places and the altars out of all Judah and Benjamin, also in Ephraim and Manasseh, until they had destroyed them all. Then all the children of Israel returned, every man to his possession, into their own cities.
2 Apre sa, Ezekyas separe prèt yo ak moun Levi yo an gwoup ankò. Li bay chak gwoup lè pou yo pran sèvis yonn apre lòt. Nan chak gwoup, chak moun te gen travay pa yo pou fè lè y'ap boule bèt nèt pou Seyè a, lè y'ap fè ofrann pou mande Bondye padon, lè y'ap di Bondye mèsi, lè y'ap fè lwanj li, lè y'ap sèvi l' nan papòt Tanp Seyè a.
Hezekiah appointed the divisions of the priests and the Levites after their divisions, every man according to his service, both the priests and the Levites, for burnt offerings and for peace offerings, to minister, to give thanks, and to praise in the gates of the LORD’s camp.
3 Apre sa, li pran nan bèt ki pou li yo li bay pou yo boule nèt pou Seyè a chak maten, chak aswè, pou ofrann jou repo yo, pou fèt lalin nouvèl ak pou lòt gwo jou fèt yo, jan sa ekri nan Lalwa Seyè a.
He also appointed the king’s portion of his possessions for the burnt offerings: for the morning and evening burnt offerings, and the burnt offerings for the Sabbaths, for the new moons, and for the set feasts, as it is written in the LORD’s law.
4 Lèfini, li mande moun ki rete lavil Jerizalèm yo pou yo fè ofrann pou prèt ak moun Levi yo, pou mesye sa yo ka bay tout tan yo nan fè travay yo, jan Lalwa Seyè a mande l' la.
Moreover he commanded the people who lived in Jerusalem to give the portion of the priests and the Levites, that they might give themselves to the LORD’s law.
5 Lè nouvèl la gaye, moun pèp Izrayèl yo pote premye sa yo rekolte nan ble, nan diven, nan lwil oliv, nan siwo myèl ak nan tout lòt danre jaden yo an kantite. Lèfini, yo pote yon dizyèm sou tou sa yo te genyen.
As soon as the commandment went out, the children of Israel gave in abundance the first fruits of grain, new wine, oil, honey, and of all the increase of the field; and they brought in the tithe of all things abundantly.
6 Tout moun peyi Izrayèl ak moun peyi Jida ki t'ap viv nan lòt lavil peyi Jida yo te bay yon bèt pou chak dis bèf osinon kabrit ak mouton yo te genyen. Yo pote yon dizyèm nan tout bagay yo te mete apa pou Bondye, sèl Mèt yo a. Yo pote yo fè pil sou pil.
The children of Israel and Judah, who lived in the cities of Judah, also brought in the tithe of cattle and sheep, and the tithe of dedicated things which were consecrated to the LORD their God, and laid them in heaps.
7 Yo konmanse pote kado yo depi nan twazyèm mwa a rive sou setyèm mwa a.
In the third month, they began to lay the foundation of the heaps, and finished them in the seventh month.
8 Lè wa Ezekyas ak chèf li yo wè kantite bagay moun yo te bay, yo di Bondye mèsi, yo fè lwanj pou pèp Izrayèl la, pèp Bondye a.
When Hezekiah and the princes came and saw the heaps, they blessed the LORD and his people Israel.
9 Lè sa a, Ezekyas pale ak prèt yo ansanm ak moun Levi yo sou koze ofrann yo.
Then Hezekiah questioned the priests and the Levites about the heaps.
10 Azarya, granprèt la, moun fanmi Zadòk yo, di l' konsa: -Depi lè pèp la konmanse ap pote ofrann nan Tanp lan, gen kont manje pou moun manje. Lèfini, rete yon bon kantite, paske Seyè a beni pèp li a. Sa ki rete la a, se sa ki te anplis la.
Azariah the chief priest, of the house of Zadok, answered him and said, “Since people began to bring the offerings into the LORD’s house, we have eaten and had enough, and have plenty left over, for the LORD has blessed his people; and that which is left is this great store.”
11 Ezekyas bay lòd pou yo pare kèk pyès nan Tanp lan pou sèvi depo. Lè depo yo fin pare,
Then Hezekiah commanded them to prepare rooms in the LORD’s house, and they prepared them.
12 li fè mete tout sa yo te pran sou rekòt yo, tout ladim yo ak tout bagay yo te mete apa pou Bondye yo ladan yo. Yo mete Konanya, yon moun Levi, chèf reskonsab ak Chimèyi, frè li, pou adjwen.
They brought in the offerings, the tithes, and the dedicated things faithfully. Conaniah the Levite was ruler over them, and Shimei his brother was second.
13 Yo chwazi dis moun pou travay sou lòd Konanya ak Chimèyi, frè li a, dapre lòd wa a ak Azarya, prèt reskonsab Tanp lan, te bay. Se te Jeiyèl, Azaryawou, Nakat, Asayèl, Jerimòt, Jozaba, Eliyèl, Jismakya, Makat ak Benaja.
Jehiel, Azaziah, Nahath, Asahel, Jerimoth, Jozabad, Eliel, Ismachiah, Mahath, and Benaiah were overseers under the hand of Conaniah and Shimei his brother, by the appointment of Hezekiah the king and Azariah the ruler of God’s house.
14 Kore, pitit Jimna a, yon moun Levi ki te chèf gad nan Pòtay sou solèy leve Tanp lan, te reskonsab resevwa kado moun yo te ofri pou Seyè a paske yo te vle. Se li tou ki pou te separe ofrann yo te fè pou Seyè a ak pòsyon yo te mete apa nèt pou Seyè a.
Kore the son of Imnah the Levite, the gatekeeper at the east gate, was over the free will offerings of God, to distribute the LORD’s offerings and the most holy things.
15 Nan lòt lavil kote prèt yo rete a, men moun ki te toujou la pou ede Kore: Se te Edèn, Menjamin, Jechwa, Chemaja, Amarya ak Chekanya. Se yo menm ki pou te separe manje a bay moun Levi parèy yo, gran kou piti, dapre travay yo gen pou fè.
Under him were Eden, Miniamin, Jeshua, Shemaiah, Amariah, and Shecaniah, in the cities of the priests, in their office of trust, to give to their brothers by divisions, to the great as well as to the small;
16 Non sèlman yo te bay tout moun Levi ki te gen non yo pote nan rejis fanmi yo, depi sa ki gen twazan laj pou pi piti, pòsyon manje pa yo, men yo te bay chak gwoup moun Levi ki te travay nan Tanp Seyè a chak jou, dapre jou travay yo ak dapre travay yo gen pou fè.
in addition to those who were listed by genealogy of males, from three years old and upward, even everyone who entered into the LORD’s house, as the duty of every day required, for their service in their offices according to their divisions;
17 Prèt yo te enskri dapre fanmi yo. Men moun Levi yo, depi sa ki gen ventan pou pi piti, te enskri dapre travay pou yo fè ak jou pou yo travay.
and those who were listed by genealogy of the priests by their fathers’ houses, and the Levites from twenty years old and upward, in their offices by their divisions;
18 Yo tout te enskri ansanm ak pitit gason yo, pitit fi yo, madanm yo ak tout moun ki sou kont yo, pou yo te ka bay tout tan yo pou travay nan Tanp Bondye a.
and those who were listed by genealogy of all their little ones, their wives, their sons, and their daughters, through all the congregation; for in their office of trust they sanctified themselves in holiness.
19 Yo te chwazi moun tou pou mete reskonsab separe manje bay tout prèt yo, moun fanmi Arawon yo, ak moun Levi ki te enskri nan rejis yo epi ki t'ap viv andeyò nan vwazinaj lavil prèt yo.
Also for the sons of Aaron the priests, who were in the fields of the pasture lands of their cities, in every city, there were men who were mentioned by name to give portions to all the males amongst the priests and to all who were listed by genealogy amongst the Levites.
20 Se konsa Ezekyas te fè nan tout peyi Jida a. Li te fè sa ki byen, sa ki dwat ak tout kè li devan Seyè a, Bondye li a.
Hezekiah did so throughout all Judah; and he did that which was good, right, and faithful before the LORD his God.
21 Nan tou sa li te fè pou sèvis Tanp Bondye a, pou lalwa ak pou kòmandman Bondye yo, li te chache fè volonte Bondye ak tout kè li. Se poutèt sa tout bagay te mache byen pou li.
In every work that he began in the service of God’s house, in the law, and in the commandments, to seek his God, he did it with all his heart and prospered.

< 2 Istwa 31 >