< 1 Samyèl 23 >

1 Yon jou, David vin konnen moun Filisti yo t' al atake lavil Keyila, yo t'ap vòlò tout grenn jaden moun yo te gen sou glasi yo.
And they told David, saying, Behold, the Philistines are fighting against Keilah, and are robbing the threshing-floors.
2 Lè sa a, David al mande Seyè a: -Eske mwen mèt al atake moun Filisti yo? Seyè a di David: -Ou mèt ale! Atake yo. Delivre lavil Keyila.
Therefore David inquired of Jehovah, saying, Shall I go and smite these Philistines? And Jehovah said unto David, Go, and smite the Philistines, and save Keilah.
3 Men, moun David yo di l' konsa: -Kote nou ye bò isit la nan peyi Jida, nou te pè kont kò nou deja. Sa pral pi rèd pou nou si se pou n' al lavil Keyila pou n' goumen ak lame moun Filisti yo.
And David’s men said unto him, Behold, we are afraid here in Judah: how much more then if we go to Keilah against the armies of the Philistines?
4 David tounen al pale ak Seyè a ankò. Seyè a reponn li: -Leve non! Desann lavil Keyila, paske m'ap lage moun Filisti yo nan men ou.
Then David inquired of Jehovah yet again. And Jehovah answered him, and said, Arise, go down to Keilah; for I will deliver the Philistines into thy hand.
5 Se konsa, David mache sou lavil Keyila avèk tout moun ki te avè l' yo. Li atake moun Filisti yo. Li touye anpil nan yo, epi li pran tout zannimo yo. Se konsa David te delivre moun lavil Keyila yo.
And David and his men went to Keilah, and fought with the Philistines, and brought away their cattle, and slew them with a great slaughter. So David saved the inhabitants of Keilah.
6 Lè Abyata, pitit gason Akimelèk la, te sove al jwenn David, li te desann lavil Keyila avèk Bwat Kontra Bondye a nan men l'.
And it came to pass, when Abiathar the son of Ahimelech fled to David to Keilah, that he came down with an ephod in his hand.
7 Yo vin di Sayil David te desann lavil Keyila. Epi Sayil di: -Bondye lage l' nan men m' koulye a. Gade ki jan David al fèmen kò l' nan yon lavil ki gen gwo miray ak gwo pòtay byen solid!
And it was told Saul that David was come to Keilah. And Saul said, God hath delivered him into my hand; for he is shut in, by entering into a town that hath gates and bars.
8 Se konsa Sayil fè rele tout lame li a pou y' al goumen, pou yo mache sou lavil Keyila, pou yo sènen David ansanm ak tout moun ki te avè l' yo.
And Saul summoned all the people to war, to go down to Keilah, to besiege David and his men.
9 Lè David tande Sayil te fè lide vin atake l', li rele Abyata, prèt la, li di l' konsa: -Pote Bwat Bondye a vini!
And David knew that Saul was devising mischief against him; and he said to Abiathar the priest, Bring hither the ephod.
10 Epi David di: -Seyè, ou menm ki Bondye pèp Izrayèl la, mwen tande yo di Sayil pare pou l' antre lavil Keyila, pou l' kraze l' nèt e se dèyè m' li ye.
Then said David, O Jehovah, the God of Israel, thy servant hath surely heard that Saul seeketh to come to Keilah, to destroy the city for my sake.
11 Eske moun lavil Keyila yo pral lage m' nan men l'? Eske se tout bon Sayil ap desann jan yo di m' li an? O Seyè, Bondye pèp Izrayèl la, tanpri, di m' si se vre? Seyè a reponn: -Sayil ap desann vre!
Will the men of Keilah deliver me up into his hand? will Saul come down, as thy servant hath heard? O Jehovah, the God of Israel, I beseech thee, tell thy servant. And Jehovah said, He will come down.
12 David di li: -Eske moun lavil Keyila yo pral lage m' nan men Sayil? Seyè a reponn: -Y'ap fè l' vre.
Then said David, Will the men of Keilah deliver up me and my men into the hand of Saul? And Jehovah said, They will deliver thee up.
13 Se konsa David leve ansanm ak tout moun ki te avè l' yo. Yo te sisan (600) konsa. Yo kite lavil Keyila lamenm, yo pati, yo pran mache san konnen kote yo prale. Lè Sayil vin konnen David te chape soti lavil Keyila, li chanje lide, li pa mache sou Keyila ankò.
Then David and his men, who were about six hundred, arose and departed out of Keilah, and went whithersoever they could go. And it was told Saul that David was escaped from Keilah; and he forbare to go forth.
14 David te rete kache nan falèz ki nan dezè Zif la, Sayil menm chak jou t'ap chache l'. Men, Bondye pa janm lage David nan men Sayil.
And David abode in the wilderness in the strongholds, and remained in the hill-country in the wilderness of Ziph. And Saul sought him every day, but God delivered him not into his hand.
15 Atousa David te pè toujou paske li te konnen Sayil te soti pou touye l'. David te bò lavil Oreya, nan dezè Zif la.
And David saw that Saul was come out to seek his life: and David was in the wilderness of Ziph in the wood.
16 Jonatan, pitit Sayil la, al jwenn li la, li t'ap ba l' kouraj. Li t'ap di l' ki jan Bondye ap toujou la avèk li.
And Jonathan, Saul’s son, arose, and went to David into the wood, and strengthened his hand in God.
17 Li t'ap di l' konsa: -David monchè, ou pa bezwen pè! Sayil, papa m', p'ap janm ka jwenn ou. Se ou menm ki gen pou wa pèp Izrayèl la. Mwen menm, m'ap vin apre ou. Ata Sayil, papa m', konn sa tou!
And he said unto him, Fear not; for the hand of Saul my father shall not find thee; and thou shalt be king over Israel, and I shall be next unto thee; and that also Saul my father knoweth.
18 De mesye yo koupe yon kontra pou yo toujou zanmi devan Seyè a. David rete lavil Oreya, Jonatan ale ale l' lakay li.
And they two made a covenant before Jehovah: and David abode in the wood, and Jonathan went to his house.
19 Kèk moun nan zòn Zif la moute al jwenn Sayil lavil Gibeya, y' al di l': -Men David kache nan peyi nou an, nan falèz ki bò lavil Oreya, sou mòn Akiya ki nan bò sid dezè Jida a.
Then came up the Ziphites to Saul to Gibeah, saying, Doth not David hide himself with us in the strongholds in the wood, in the hill of Hachilah, which is on the south of the desert?
20 Nenpòt kilè ou fè lide desann lakay nou, ou mèt desann, n'a mete men sou li pou nou ba ou li.
Now therefore, O king, come down, according to all the desire of thy soul to come down; and our part shall be to deliver him up into the king’s hand.
21 Sayil reponn yo: -Se pou Seyè a beni nou pou sa n'ap fè pou mwen la a.
And Saul said, Blessed be ye of Jehovah; for ye have had compassion on me.
22 Ale non. Ale wè si se vre. Se pou nou chache konnen byen kote li fè, ki moun ki wè l' la. Paske yo di m' li malen anpil.
Go, I pray you, make yet more sure, and know and see his place where his haunt is, [and] who hath seen him there; for it is told me that he dealeth very subtly.
23 Chache konnen tout kote li kab kache. Epi lè n'a sèten tout bon, n'a tounen vin jwenn mwen. Lè sa a, m'a desann avèk nou. Si li la toujou nan peyi a, m' aval chache l', menm si m' dwe fouye nan tout rakwen peyi Jida a.
See therefore, and take knowledge of all the lurking-places where he hideth himself, and come ye again to me of a certainty, and I will go with you: and it shall come to pass, if he be in the land, that I will search him out among all the thousands of Judah.
24 Se konsa moun Zif yo leve, yo pran devan wa a, yo pati pou peyi yo. David menm ansanm ak moun li yo te nan dezè Maon an, nan fon ki nan pòsyon sid dezè a.
And they arose, and went to Ziph before Saul: but David and his men were in the wilderness of Maon, in the Arabah on the south of the desert.
25 Sayil ak moun pa l' yo mete chache David. Men David vin konn sa. Li desann nan Pas Galèt la, ki nan dezè Maon an. Epi li rete la. Lè Sayil vin konn sa, li desann dèyè David nan dezè Maon an.
And Saul and his men went to seek him. And they told David: wherefore he came down to the rock, and abode in the wilderness of Maon. And when Saul heard [that], he pursued after David in the wilderness of Maon.
26 Sayil ak mesye l' yo t'ap mache sou yon bò ravin lan sou flan mòn lan. David menm ak mesye pa l' yo t'ap mache sou lòt bò a, sou flan mòn anfas la tou. Li t'ap kouri pou l' te ka mete bèl distans ant li ak Sayil ki t'ap pwoche dèyè l'. Sayil te prèt pou mete men sou li.
And Saul went on this side of the mountain, and David and his men on that side of the mountain: and David made haste to get away for fear of Saul; for Saul and his men compassed David and his men round about to take them.
27 Lè sa a, yon mesaje vin jwenn Sayil, li di l' konsa: -Tounen touswit, paske men moun Filisti yo ap anvayi peyi a.
But there came a messenger unto Saul, saying, Haste thee, and come; for the Philistines have made a raid upon the land.
28 Sayil sispann kouri dèyè David, l' al mache kontre moun Filisti yo. Se poutèt sa yo rele ravin sa a Galèt Separasyon.
So Saul returned from pursuing after David, and went against the Philistines: therefore they called that place Sela-hammahlekoth.
29 David menm ale nan falèz Angedi yo, li rete kache la.
And David went up from thence, and dwelt in the strongholds of En-gedi.

< 1 Samyèl 23 >