< 1 Istwa 20 >

1 Nan prentan apre sa, nan epòk wa yo konn soti al fè lagè, Joab pati ak pifò sòlda lame pèp Izrayèl la. Yo ravaje peyi Amon an, yo sènen lavil Raba. David menm te rete lavil Jerizalèm. Joab pran lavil la, li kraze l'.
Forsothe it was doon after the ende of a yeer, in that tyme wherinne kyngis ben wont to go forth to batels, Joab gederide the oost, and the strengthe of chyualrie, and he wastide the lond of the sones of Amon, and yede, and bisegide Rabath; forsothe Dauid dwellide in Jerusalem, whanne Joab smoot Rabath, and distriede it.
2 Estati Milkòm, zidòl moun Amon yo, te gen yon gwo kouwòn fèt an lò sou tèt li. Kouwòn lan te peze swasannkenz liv, li te gen yon gwo pyè koute chè ladan l'. David pran kouwòn lò ki te sou tèt zidòl la, li mete l' sou tèt pa l'. Lèfini, se pa de bagay li pa pran nan lavil la.
Forsothe Dauid took the coroun of Melchon fro his heed, and foond therynne the weiyt of gold a talent, and moost precious iemmes, and he made therof a diademe to hym silf; also he took ful many spuylis of the citee.
3 Li pran moun ki te rete nan lavil la, li mete yo fè travay ak goyin, wou ak rach. Li fè menm bagay la tou nan tout lòt lavil peyi Amon an. Apre sa, David tounen lavil Jerizalèm ak tout moun li yo.
Sotheli he ledde out the puple that was therynne, and made breris, `ethir instrumentis bi whiche cornes ben brokun, and sleddis, and irone charis, to passe on hem, so that alle men weren kit in to dyuerse partis, and weren al to-brokun; Dauid dide thus to alle the `cytees of the sones of Amon, and turnede ayen with al his puple in to Jerusalem.
4 Apre sa, lagè pete ankò ant moun Filisti yo ak moun pèp Izrayèl yo bò lavil Gezè. Lè sa a, Sibekayi, yon moun lavil Ousa, touye Sipayi, yon moun nan ras Arafa yo. Yo fè moun Filisti yo soumèt devan yo.
Aftir these thingis a batel was maad in Gazer ayens Filisteis, wherynne Sobochai Vsachites slow Saphai of the kyn of Raphym, and mekide hem.
5 Pandan yon lòt batay ak moun Filisti yo ankò, Elkanan, pitit gason Jayi, touye Lami, frè Golyat, yon moun lavil Gat. Frenn Lami an te gen yon manch menm gwosè ak yon gwo manch pilon.
Also another batel was don ayens Filisteis, in which a man youun of God, the sone of forest, a man of Bethleem, killide Goliath of Geth, the brother of giauntis, of whos schaft the tre was as the beem of webbis.
6 Vin gen yon lòt batay ankò lavil Gat. Lè sa a, te gen yon sòlda bèl wotè ki te gen sis dwèt nan chak men, sis zòtèy nan chak pye. Se te yonn nan ras moun Arafa yo.
But also another batel bifelde in Geth, in which a ful long man was, hauynge sixe fyngris, that is, togidere foure and twenti, and he was gendrid of the generacioun of Raphaym;
7 Li t'ap pase moun pèp Izrayèl yo nan betiz. Jonatan, pitit gason Chimeya, frè David la, touye l'.
he blasfemyde Israel, and Jonathan, the sone of Samaa, brother of Dauid, killide hym.
8 Kat sòlda peyi Filisti sa yo te soti nan ras moun Arafa yo, nan lavil Gat. David ak sòlda li yo touye yo.
These ben the sones of Raphaym in Geth, that felden doun in the hond of Dauid and of hise seruauntis.

< 1 Istwa 20 >