< Προς Κολοσσαεις 4 >

1 οι κυριοι το δικαιον και την ισοτητα τοις δουλοις παρεχεσθε ειδοτες οτι και υμεις εχετε κυριον εν ουρανοις
Masters, do what is right and fair by your slaves, for you know that you also have a Master – in heaven.
2 τη προσευχη προσκαρτερειτε γρηγορουντες εν αυτη εν ευχαριστια
Devote yourselves to prayer. Give your whole mind to it, and also offer thanksgiving;
3 προσευχομενοι αμα και περι ημων ινα ο θεος ανοιξη ημιν θυραν του λογου λαλησαι το μυστηριον του χριστου δι ο και δεδεμαι
and at the same time pray for us, so that God may give us an opening for our message, so that we may speak of the truths hidden in the Christ – the truths for which I am in chains!
4 ινα φανερωσω αυτο ως δει με λαλησαι
Then I will make them known, as I ought to do.
5 εν σοφια περιπατειτε προς τους εξω τον καιρον εξαγοραζομενοι
Show tact in your behavior to the outside world, making the most of every opportunity.
6 ο λογος υμων παντοτε εν χαριτι αλατι ηρτυμενος ειδεναι πως δει υμας ενι εκαστω αποκρινεσθαι
Let your conversation always be kindly, but not bland, season it, as it were, with salt; be aware in each case of the answer you should be giving.
7 τα κατ εμε παντα γνωρισει υμιν τυχικος ο αγαπητος αδελφος και πιστος διακονος και συνδουλος εν κυριω
Our dear friend, Tychicus, will tell you all about me. He is a faithful minister, and a fellow servant in the Master’s cause.
8 ον επεμψα προς υμας εις αυτο τουτο ινα γνω τα περι υμων και παρακαλεση τας καρδιας υμων
I send him to you expressly that you may learn our circumstances, and that he may give you encouragement.
9 συν ονησιμω τω πιστω και αγαπητω αδελφω ος εστιν εξ υμων παντα υμιν γνωριουσιν τα ωδε
With him will be Onesimus, our dear faithful friend, who is one of yourselves. They will tell you all that is going on here.
10 ασπαζεται υμας αρισταρχος ο συναιχμαλωτος μου και μαρκος ο ανεψιος βαρναβα περι ου ελαβετε εντολας εαν ελθη προς υμας δεξασθε αυτον
My fellow prisoner, Aristarchus, sends you his greeting, and Barnabas’s cousin, Mark, sends his. (You have received directions about him. If he comes to you, make him welcome.)
11 και ιησους ο λεγομενος ιουστος οι οντες εκ περιτομης ουτοι μονοι συνεργοι εις την βασιλειαν του θεου οιτινες εγενηθησαν μοι παρηγορια
Joshua, who is called Justus, also sends his greeting. These are the only converts from Judaism who have worked with me for the kingdom of God; I have found them a great comfort.
12 ασπαζεται υμας επαφρας ο εξ υμων δουλος χριστου παντοτε αγωνιζομενος υπερ υμων εν ταις προσευχαις ινα στητε τελειοι και πεπληρωμενοι εν παντι θεληματι του θεου
Epaphras, who is one of yourselves, sends you his greeting. He is a servant of Christ Jesus, and is always most earnest in your behalf in his prayers, praying that you may stand firm, with a matured faith and with a sure conviction of all that is in accordance with God’s will.
13 μαρτυρω γαρ αυτω οτι εχει ζηλον πολυν υπερ υμων και των εν λαοδικεια και των εν ιεραπολει
I can bear testimony to the deep interest he takes in you, as well as in the followers at Laodicea and at Hierapolis.
14 ασπαζεται υμας λουκας ο ιατρος ο αγαπητος και δημας
Luke, our dear doctor, sends you his greeting, and Demas sends his.
15 ασπασασθε τους εν λαοδικεια αδελφους και νυμφαν και την κατ οικον αυτου εκκλησιαν
Give my greeting to the followers at Laodicea, and to Nymphe, and to the church that meets at her house.
16 και οταν αναγνωσθη παρ υμιν η επιστολη ποιησατε ινα και εν τη λαοδικεων εκκλησια αναγνωσθη και την εκ λαοδικειας ινα και υμεις αναγνωτε
And when this letter has been read to you, see that it is also read before the church at Laodicea, and that you yourselves read the letter which will be forwarded from there.
17 και ειπατε αρχιππω βλεπε την διακονιαν ην παρελαβες εν κυριω ινα αυτην πληροις
Give this message to Archippus – ‘Take care to discharge to the best of your ability the office to which you were appointed in the Master’s cause.’
18 ο ασπασμος τη εμη χειρι παυλου μνημονευετε μου των δεσμων η χαρις μεθ υμων αμην [ προς κολοσσαεις εγραφη απο ρωμης δια τυχικου και ονησιμου ]
I, Paul, add this greeting in my own handwriting. Remember these chains of mine. God’s blessing be with you.

< Προς Κολοσσαεις 4 >