< Κατα Λουκαν 2 >

1 εγενετο δε εν ταις ημεραις εκειναις εξηλθεν δογμα παρα καισαρος αυγουστου απογραφεσθαι πασαν την οικουμενην
About that time an edict was issued by the Emperor Augustus that a census should be taken of the whole Empire.
2 αυτη η απογραφη πρωτη εγενετο ηγεμονευοντος της συριας κυρηνιου
(This was the first census taken while Quirinius was Governor of Syria).
3 και επορευοντο παντες απογραφεσθαι εκαστος εις την ιδιαν πολιν
And everyone went to his own town to be registered.
4 ανεβη δε και ιωσηφ απο της γαλιλαιας εκ πολεως ναζαρεθ εις την ιουδαιαν εις πολιν δαβιδ ητις καλειται βηθλεεμ δια το ειναι αυτον εξ οικου και πατριας δαβιδ
Among others Joseph went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Bethlehem, the town of David, in Judea – because he belonged to the family and house of David –
5 απογραψασθαι συν μαριαμ τη μεμνηστευμενη αυτω γυναικι ουση εγκυω
to be registered with Mary, his engaged wife, who was about to become a mother.
6 εγενετο δε εν τω ειναι αυτους εκει επλησθησαν αι ημεραι του τεκειν αυτην
While they were there her time came,
7 και ετεκεν τον υιον αυτης τον πρωτοτοκον και εσπαργανωσεν αυτον και ανεκλινεν αυτον εν τη φατνη διοτι ουκ ην αυτοις τοπος εν τω καταλυματι
and she gave birth to her first child, a son. And because there was no room for them in the inn, she swathed him around and laid him in a manger.
8 και ποιμενες ησαν εν τη χωρα τη αυτη αγραυλουντες και φυλασσοντες φυλακας της νυκτος επι την ποιμνην αυτων
In that same countryside were shepherds out in the open fields, watching their flocks that night,
9 και ιδου αγγελος κυριου επεστη αυτοις και δοξα κυριου περιελαμψεν αυτους και εφοβηθησαν φοβον μεγαν
when an angel of the Lord suddenly stood by them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them; and they were seized with fear.
10 και ειπεν αυτοις ο αγγελος μη φοβεισθε ιδου γαρ ευαγγελιζομαι υμιν χαραν μεγαλην ητις εσται παντι τω λαω
“Have no fear,” the angel said. “For I bring you good news of a great joy in store for all the nation.
11 οτι ετεχθη υμιν σημερον σωτηρ ος εστιν χριστος κυριος εν πολει δαβιδ
This day there has been born to you, in the town of David, a Savior, who is Christ and Lord.
12 και τουτο υμιν το σημειον ευρησετε βρεφος εσπαργανωμενον κειμενον εν τη φατνη
And this will be the sign for you. You will find the infant swathed, and lying in a manger.”
13 και εξαιφνης εγενετο συν τω αγγελω πληθος στρατιας ουρανιου αινουντων τον θεον και λεγοντων
Then suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly Host, praising God, and singing –
14 δοξα εν υψιστοις θεω και επι γης ειρηνη εν ανθρωποις ευδοκια
“glory to God on high, and on earth peace among those in whom he finds pleasure.”
15 και εγενετο ως απηλθον απ αυτων εις τον ουρανον οι αγγελοι και οι ανθρωποι οι ποιμενες ειπον προς αλληλους διελθωμεν δη εως βηθλεεμ και ιδωμεν το ρημα τουτο το γεγονος ο ο κυριος εγνωρισεν ημιν
Now, when the angels had left them and gone back to heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let us go at once to Bethlehem, and see this thing that has happened, of which the Lord has told us.”
16 και ηλθον σπευσαντες και ανευρον την τε μαριαμ και τον ιωσηφ και το βρεφος κειμενον εν τη φατνη
So they went quickly, and found Mary and Joseph, and the infant lying in a manger;
17 ιδοντες δε διεγνωρισαν περι του ρηματος του λαληθεντος αυτοις περι του παιδιου τουτου
and, when they saw it, they told of all that had been said to them about this child.
18 και παντες οι ακουσαντες εθαυμασαν περι των λαληθεντων υπο των ποιμενων προς αυτους
All who heard the shepherds were astonished at their story,
19 η δε μαριαμ παντα συνετηρει τα ρηματα ταυτα συμβαλλουσα εν τη καρδια αυτης
while Mary treasured in her heart all that they said, and thought about it often.
20 και επεστρεψαν οι ποιμενες δοξαζοντες και αινουντες τον θεον επι πασιν οις ηκουσαν και ειδον καθως ελαληθη προς αυτους
And the shepherds went back, giving glory and praise to God for all that they had heard and seen. It had all happened as they had been told.
21 και οτε επλησθησαν ημεραι οκτω του περιτεμειν το παιδιον και εκληθη το ονομα αυτου ιησους το κληθεν υπο του αγγελου προ του συλληφθηναι αυτον εν τη κοιλια
Eight days after the birth of the child, when it was time to circumcise him, he received the name Jesus – the name given him by the angel before his conception.
22 και οτε επλησθησαν αι ημεραι του καθαρισμου αυτης κατα τον νομον μωσεως ανηγαγον αυτον εις ιεροσολυμα παραστησαι τω κυριω
When the period of purification of mother and child, required by the Law of Moses, came to an end, his parents took the child up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord,
23 καθως γεγραπται εν νομω κυριου οτι παν αρσεν διανοιγον μητραν αγιον τω κυριω κληθησεται
in compliance with the Law of the Lord that every firstborn male will be dedicated to the Lord,
24 και του δουναι θυσιαν κατα το ειρημενον εν νομω κυριου ζευγος τρυγονων η δυο νεοσσους περιστερων
and also to offer the sacrifice required by the Law of the Lord – a pair of turtle-doves or two young pigeons.
25 και ιδου ην ανθρωπος εν ιερουσαλημ ω ονομα σιμεων και ο ανθρωπος ουτος δικαιος και ευλαβης προσδεχομενος παρακλησιν του ισραηλ και πνευμα αγιον ην επ αυτον
There was at that time in Jerusalem a man named Simeon, a righteous and devout man, who lived in constant expectation of Israel’s consulation, and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
26 και ην αυτω κεχρηματισμενον υπο του πνευματος του αγιου μη ιδειν θανατον πριν η ιδη τον χριστον κυριου
It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he should not die until he had seen the Lord’s Christ.
27 και ηλθεν εν τω πνευματι εις το ιερον και εν τω εισαγαγειν τους γονεις το παιδιον ιησουν του ποιησαι αυτους κατα το ειθισμενον του νομου περι αυτου
Moved by the Spirit, Simeon came into the Temple Courts, and, when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him what was customary under the Law,
28 και αυτος εδεξατο αυτο εις τας αγκαλας αυτου και ευλογησεν τον θεον και ειπεν
Simeon himself took the child in his arms, and blessed God, and said:
29 νυν απολυεις τον δουλον σου δεσποτα κατα το ρημα σου εν ειρηνη
“Now, Lord, you will let your servant go, according to your word, in peace,
30 οτι ειδον οι οφθαλμοι μου το σωτηριον σου
for my eyes have seen the salvation
31 ο ητοιμασας κατα προσωπον παντων των λαων
which you have prepared in the sight of all nations –
32 φως εις αποκαλυψιν εθνων και δοξαν λαου σου ισραηλ
a light to bring light to the Gentiles, and to be the glory of your people Israel.”
33 και ην ιωσηφ και η μητηρ αυτου θαυμαζοντες επι τοις λαλουμενοις περι αυτου
While the child’s father and mother were wondering at what was said about him,
34 και ευλογησεν αυτους σιμεων και ειπεν προς μαριαμ την μητερα αυτου ιδου ουτος κειται εις πτωσιν και αναστασιν πολλων εν τω ισραηλ και εις σημειον αντιλεγομενον
Simeon gave them his blessing, and said to Mary, the child’s mother, “This child is appointed to be the cause of the fall and rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign much spoken against –
35 και σου δε αυτης την ψυχην διελευσεται ρομφαια οπως αν αποκαλυφθωσιν εκ πολλων καρδιων διαλογισμοι
Yes, the sword will pierce your own heart – and so the thoughts in many minds will be disclosed.”
36 και ην αννα προφητις θυγατηρ φανουηλ εκ φυλης ασηρ αυτη προβεβηκυια εν ημεραις πολλαις ζησασα ετη μετα ανδρος επτα απο της παρθενιας αυτης
There was also a prophet named Hannah, a daughter of Phanuel and of the tribe of Asher. She was far advanced in years, having lived with her husband for seven years after marriage,
37 και αυτη χηρα ως ετων ογδοηκοντατεσσαρων η ουκ αφιστατο απο του ιερου νηστειαις και δεησεσιν λατρευουσα νυκτα και ημεραν
and then a widow, until she had reached the age of eighty-four. She never left the Temple Courts, but, fasting and praying, worshiped God night and day.
38 και αυτη αυτη τη ωρα επιστασα ανθωμολογειτο τω κυριω και ελαλει περι αυτου πασιν τοις προσδεχομενοις λυτρωσιν εν ιερουσαλημ
At that moment she came up, and began publicly to thank God and to speak about the child to all who were looking for the deliverance of Jerusalem.
39 και ως ετελεσαν απαντα τα κατα τον νομον κυριου υπεστρεψαν εις την γαλιλαιαν εις την πολιν αυτων ναζαρεθ
When the child’s parents had done everything required by the Law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee to their own town of Nazareth.
40 το δε παιδιον ηυξανεν και εκραταιουτο πνευματι πληρουμενον σοφιας και χαρις θεου ην επ αυτο
The child grew and became strong and wise, and the blessing of God was on him.
41 και επορευοντο οι γονεις αυτου κατ ετος εις ιερουσαλημ τη εορτη του πασχα
Every year the child’s parents used to go to Jerusalem at the Passover Festival.
42 και οτε εγενετο ετων δωδεκα αναβαντων αυτων εις ιεροσολυμα κατα το εθος της εορτης
When Jesus was twelve years old, they went according to custom to Jerusalem,
43 και τελειωσαντων τας ημερας εν τω υποστρεφειν αυτους υπεμεινεν ιησους ο παις εν ιερουσαλημ και ουκ εγνω ιωσηφ και η μητηρ αυτου
and had finished their visit; but, when they started to return, the boy Jesus remained behind in Jerusalem, without their knowing it.
44 νομισαντες δε αυτον εν τη συνοδια ειναι ηλθον ημερας οδον και ανεζητουν αυτον εν τοις συγγενεσιν και εν τοις γνωστοις
Thinking that he was with their fellow travelers, they went one day’s journey before searching for him among their relatives and acquaintances;
45 και μη ευροντες αυτον υπεστρεψαν εις ιερουσαλημ ζητουντες αυτον
and then, as they did not find him, they returned to Jerusalem, searching everywhere for him.
46 και εγενετο μεθ ημερας τρεις ευρον αυτον εν τω ιερω καθεζομενον εν μεσω των διδασκαλων και ακουοντα αυτων και επερωτωντα αυτους
It was not until the third day that they found him in the Temple Courts, sitting among the teachers, now listening to them, now asking them questions.
47 εξισταντο δε παντες οι ακουοντες αυτου επι τη συνεσει και ταις αποκρισεσιν αυτου
All who listened to him marveled at his intelligence and his answers.
48 και ιδοντες αυτον εξεπλαγησαν και προς αυτον η μητηρ αυτου ειπεν τεκνον τι εποιησας ημιν ουτως ιδου ο πατηρ σου καγω οδυνωμενοι εζητουμεν σε
His parents were amazed when they saw him, and his mother said to him, “My child, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been searching for you in great distress.”
49 και ειπεν προς αυτους τι οτι εζητειτε με ουκ ηδειτε οτι εν τοις του πατρος μου δει ειναι με
“What made you search for me?” he answered. “Didn’t you know that I must be in my Father’s house?”
50 και αυτοι ου συνηκαν το ρημα ο ελαλησεν αυτοις
His parents did not understand what he meant.
51 και κατεβη μετ αυτων και ηλθεν εις ναζαρεθ και ην υποτασσομενος αυτοις και η μητηρ αυτου διετηρει παντα τα ρηματα ταυτα εν τη καρδια αυτης
However he went down with them to Nazareth, and submitted himself to their control; and his mother treasured all that was said in her heart.
52 και ιησους προεκοπτεν σοφια και ηλικια και χαριτι παρα θεω και ανθρωποις
And Jesus grew in wisdom as he grew in years, and gained the blessing of God and people.

< Κατα Λουκαν 2 >