< Προς Κορινθιους Β΄ 10 >

1 αυτος δε εγω παυλος παρακαλω υμας δια της πραοτητος και επιεικειας του χριστου ος κατα προσωπον μεν ταπεινος εν υμιν απων δε θαρρω εις υμας
Now I Paul, myself, entreat you by the humility and gentleness of Christ, I who in your presence am lowly amongst you, but being absent am bold towards you.
2 δεομαι δε το μη παρων θαρρησαι τη πεποιθησει η λογιζομαι τολμησαι επι τινας τους λογιζομενους ημας ως κατα σαρκα περιπατουντας
Yes, I beg you that I may not, when present, show courage with the confidence with which I intend to be bold against some, who consider us to be walking according to the flesh.
3 εν σαρκι γαρ περιπατουντες ου κατα σαρκα στρατευομεθα
For though we walk in the flesh, we don’t wage war according to the flesh;
4 τα γαρ οπλα της στρατειας ημων ου σαρκικα αλλα δυνατα τω θεω προς καθαιρεσιν οχυρωματων
for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but mighty before God to the throwing down of strongholds,
5 λογισμους καθαιρουντες και παν υψωμα επαιρομενον κατα της γνωσεως του θεου και αιχμαλωτιζοντες παν νοημα εις την υπακοην του χριστου
throwing down imaginations and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,
6 και εν ετοιμω εχοντες εκδικησαι πασαν παρακοην οταν πληρωθη υμων η υπακοη
and being in readiness to avenge all disobedience when your obedience is made full.
7 τα κατα προσωπον βλεπετε ει τις πεποιθεν εαυτω χριστου ειναι τουτο λογιζεσθω παλιν αφ εαυτου οτι καθως αυτος χριστου ουτως και ημεις χριστου
Do you look at things only as they appear in front of your face? If anyone trusts in himself that he is Christ’s, let him consider this again with himself, that even as he is Christ’s, so we also are Christ’s.
8 εαν τε γαρ και περισσοτερον τι καυχησωμαι περι της εξουσιας ημων ης εδωκεν ο κυριος ημιν εις οικοδομην και ουκ εις καθαιρεσιν υμων ουκ αισχυνθησομαι
For even if I boast somewhat abundantly concerning our authority, which the Lord gave for building you up and not for casting you down, I will not be ashamed,
9 ινα μη δοξω ως αν εκφοβειν υμας δια των επιστολων
that I may not seem as if I desire to terrify you by my letters.
10 οτι αι μεν επιστολαι φησιν βαρειαι και ισχυραι η δε παρουσια του σωματος ασθενης και ο λογος εξουθενημενος
For, “His letters”, they say, “are weighty and strong, but his bodily presence is weak, and his speech is despised.”
11 τουτο λογιζεσθω ο τοιουτος οτι οιοι εσμεν τω λογω δι επιστολων αποντες τοιουτοι και παροντες τω εργω
Let such a person consider this, that what we are in word by letters when we are absent, such are we also in deed when we are present.
12 ου γαρ τολμωμεν εγκριναι η συγκριναι εαυτους τισιν των εαυτους συνιστανοντων αλλα αυτοι εν εαυτοις εαυτους μετρουντες και συγκρινοντες εαυτους εαυτοις ου συνιουσιν
For we are not bold to number or compare ourselves with some of those who commend themselves. But they themselves, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves with themselves, are without understanding.
13 ημεις δε ουχι εις τα αμετρα καυχησομεθα αλλα κατα το μετρον του κανονος ου εμερισεν ημιν ο θεος μετρου εφικεσθαι αχρι και υμων
But we will not boast beyond proper limits, but within the boundaries with which God appointed to us, which reach even to you.
14 ου γαρ ως μη εφικνουμενοι εις υμας υπερεκτεινομεν εαυτους αχρι γαρ και υμων εφθασαμεν εν τω ευαγγελιω του χριστου
For we don’t stretch ourselves too much, as though we didn’t reach to you. For we came even as far as to you with the Good News of Christ,
15 ουκ εις τα αμετρα καυχωμενοι εν αλλοτριοις κοποις ελπιδα δε εχοντες αυξανομενης της πιστεως υμων εν υμιν μεγαλυνθηναι κατα τον κανονα ημων εις περισσειαν
not boasting beyond proper limits in other men’s labours, but having hope that as your faith grows, we will be abundantly enlarged by you in our sphere of influence,
16 εις τα υπερεκεινα υμων ευαγγελισασθαι ουκ εν αλλοτριω κανονι εις τα ετοιμα καυχησασθαι
so as to preach the Good News even to the parts beyond you, not to boast in what someone else has already done.
17 ο δε καυχωμενος εν κυριω καυχασθω
But “he who boasts, let him boast in the Lord.”
18 ου γαρ ο εαυτον συνιστων εκεινος εστιν δοκιμος αλλ ον ο κυριος συνιστησιν
For it isn’t he who commends himself who is approved, but whom the Lord commends.

< Προς Κορινθιους Β΄ 10 >