< Κατα Λουκαν 5 >

1 εγενετο δε εν τω τον οχλον επικεισθαι αυτω του ακουειν τον λογον του θεου και αυτοσ ην εστωσ παρα την λιμνην γεννησαρετ
AND it came to pass, as the multitude were thronging upon him, in order to hear the word of God, that he was standing by the lake of Gennesaret:
2 και ειδεν δυο πλοια εστωτα παρα την λιμνην οι δε αλιεισ αποβαντεσ απ αυτων απεπλυναν τα δικτυα
and he saw two vessels a-ground near the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of them, and washing their nets.
3 εμβασ δε εισ εν των πλοιων ο ην του σιμωνοσ ηρωτησεν αυτον απο τησ γησ επαναγαγειν ολιγον και καθισασ εδιδασκεν εκ του πλοιου τουσ οχλουσ
Then he went on board one of the vessels, which was Simon’s, and desired him to put off a little from the land: and sitting down, he taught the multitudes out of the vessel.
4 ωσ δε επαυσατο λαλων ειπεν προσ τον σιμωνα επαναγαγε εισ το βαθοσ και χαλασατε τα δικτυα υμων εισ αγραν
And when he ceased speaking, he said to Simon, Go off into deep water, and shoot your nets for a draught.
5 και αποκριθεισ ο σιμων ειπεν αυτω επιστατα δι ολησ τησ νυκτοσ κοπιασαντεσ ουδεν ελαβομεν επι δε τω ρηματι σου χαλασω το δικτυον
And Simon answering, said unto him, Sir, we have been toiling all night, and have taken nothing: but at thy command I will shoot the net.
6 και τουτο ποιησαντεσ συνεκλεισαν πληθοσ ιχθυων πολυ διερρηγνυτο δε το δικτυον αυτων
And having done so, they inclosed a prodigious multitude of fishes; and their net was broken.
7 και κατενευσαν τοισ μετοχοισ τοισ εν τω ετερω πλοιω του ελθοντασ συλλαβεσθαι αυτοισ και ηλθον και επλησαν αμφοτερα τα πλοια ωστε βυθιζεσθαι αυτα
And they made signals to their partners in the other vessels, that they should come to their assistance. And they came, and filled both the vessels, so that they were ready to founder.
8 ιδων δε σιμων πετροσ προσεπεσεν τοισ γονασιν ιησου λεγων εξελθε απ εμου οτι ανηρ αμαρτωλοσ ειμι κυριε
Then Simon Peter seeing it, fell down on his knees before Jesus, saying, Go from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord!
9 θαμβοσ γαρ περιεσχεν αυτον και παντασ τουσ συν αυτω επι τη αγρα των ιχθυων η συνελαβον
For amazement had seized on him, and on all who were with him, at the draught of fishes which they had taken:
10 ομοιωσ δε και ιακωβον και ιωαννην υιουσ ζεβεδαιου οι ησαν κοινωνοι τω σιμωνι και ειπεν προσ τον σιμωνα ο ιησουσ μη φοβου απο του νυν ανθρωπουσ εση ζωγρων
as also on James and John the sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. And Jesus said to Simon, Fear not: henceforward thou shalt catch men.
11 και καταγαγοντεσ τα πλοια επι την γην αφεντεσ απαντα ηκολουθησαν αυτω
And when they had brought their vessels on shore, they left all, and followed him.
12 και εγενετο εν τω ειναι αυτον εν μια των πολεων και ιδου ανηρ πληρησ λεπρασ και ιδων τον ιησουν πεσων επι προσωπον εδεηθη αυτου λεγων κυριε εαν θελησ δυνασαι με καθαρισαι
And it came to pass as he was just at one of the cities, behold, a man full of leprosy! and seeing Jesus, he fell on his face, and besought him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.
13 και εκτεινασ την χειρα ηψατο αυτου ειπων θελω καθαρισθητι και ευθεωσ η λεπρα απηλθεν απ αυτου
And he stretching out his hand touched him, saying, I will: be thou cleansed. And instantly the leprosy departed from him.
14 και αυτοσ παρηγγειλεν αυτω μηδενι ειπειν αλλα απελθων δειξον σεαυτον τω ιερει και προσενεγκε περι του καθαρισμου σου καθωσ προσεταξεν μωσησ εισ μαρτυριον αυτοισ
And he commanded him to tell no man: but go shew thyself to the priest, and offer for thy purification, as Moses enjoined, for a testimony unto them.
15 διηρχετο δε μαλλον ο λογοσ περι αυτου και συνηρχοντο οχλοι πολλοι ακουειν και θεραπευεσθαι υπ αυτου απο των ασθενειων αυτων
Now the discourse concerning him more and more spread through the country: and vast multitudes came together to hear him, and to be cured by him of their disorders.
16 αυτοσ δε ην υποχωρων εν ταισ ερημοισ και προσευχομενοσ
But he himself was in the desert for retirement and prayer.
17 και εγενετο εν μια των ημερων και αυτοσ ην διδασκων και ησαν καθημενοι φαρισαιοι και νομοδιδασκαλοι οι ησαν εληλυθοτεσ εκ πασησ κωμησ τησ γαλιλαιασ και ιουδαιασ και ιερουσαλημ και δυναμισ κυριου ην εισ το ιασθαι αυτουσ
And on a certain day it happened that he was teaching, and there were sitting Pharisees, and doctors of the law, who had come from every town of Galilee, and Judea, and Jerusalem: and the power of the Lord for healing them was exercised.
18 και ιδου ανδρεσ φεροντεσ επι κλινησ ανθρωπον οσ ην παραλελυμενοσ και εζητουν αυτον εισενεγκειν και θειναι ενωπιον αυτου
And behold, men carried on a couch a man who was a paralytic; and sought to bring him into the house, and to place him before him.
19 και μη ευροντεσ ποιασ εισενεγκωσιν αυτον δια τον οχλον αναβαντεσ επι το δωμα δια των κεραμων καθηκαν αυτον συν τω κλινιδιω εισ το μεσον εμπροσθεν του ιησου
And not discovering by what means they could introduce him, because of the crowd, they went up to the roof, and through the tiling let him down with his little couch into the midst, before Jesus.
20 και ιδων την πιστιν αυτων ειπεν αυτω ανθρωπε αφεωνται σοι αι αμαρτιαι σου
And seeing their faith, he saith to him, Man, thy sins are forgiven thee.
21 και ηρξαντο διαλογιζεσθαι οι γραμματεισ και οι φαρισαιοι λεγοντεσ τισ εστιν ουτοσ οσ λαλει βλασφημιασ τισ δυναται αφιεναι αμαρτιασ ει μη μονοσ ο θεοσ
And the scribes and Pharisees began to reason, saying, Who is this that speaketh blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God alone?
22 επιγνουσ δε ο ιησουσ τουσ διαλογισμουσ αυτων αποκριθεισ ειπεν προσ αυτουσ τι διαλογιζεσθε εν ταισ καρδιαισ υμων
And Jesus knowing their reasoning, in reply said to them, Why do ye reason in your hearts?
23 τι εστιν ευκοπωτερον ειπειν αφεωνται σοι αι αμαρτιαι σου η ειπειν εγειραι και περιπατει
for which is the easier? to say, Thy sins are forgiven; or to say, Arise and walk?
24 ινα δε ειδητε οτι εξουσιαν εχει ο υιοσ του ανθρωπου επι τησ γησ αφιεναι αμαρτιασ ειπεν τω παραλελυμενω σοι λεγω εγειραι και αρασ το κλινιδιον σου πορευου εισ τον οικον σου
But that ye may know that the Son of man hath authority upon earth to forgive sins, (he saith to the paralytic, ) I say to thee, Arise, and take up thy couch, and go into thy house.
25 και παραχρημα αναστασ ενωπιον αυτων αρασ εφ ο κατεκειτο απηλθεν εισ τον οικον αυτου δοξαζων τον θεον
And instantly he rose up before them, took up that on which he had lain, and went away to his house, giving glory to God.
26 και εκστασισ ελαβεν απαντασ και εδοξαζον τον θεον και επλησθησαν φοβου λεγοντεσ οτι ειδομεν παραδοξα σημερον
And an extacy of admiration seized upon them all, and they glorified God; and they were filled with awe, saying, We have seen wondrously strange things to-day.
27 και μετα ταυτα εξηλθεν και εθεασατο τελωνην ονοματι λευιν καθημενον επι το τελωνιον και ειπεν αυτω ακολουθει μοι
And after these things he went out, and saw a farmer of the taxes, named Levi, sitting at the custom-house: and he said unto him, Follow me.
28 και καταλιπων απαντα αναστασ ηκολουθησεν αυτω
And leaving all behind, he rose, and followed him.
29 και εποιησεν δοχην μεγαλην λευισ αυτω εν τη οικια αυτου και ην οχλοσ τελωνων πολυσ και αλλων οι ησαν μετ αυτων κατακειμενοι
And Levi made him a great entertainment at his house and there was a great number of publicans and others, sitting at table with them.
30 και εγογγυζον οι γραμματεισ αυτων και οι φαρισαιοι προσ τουσ μαθητασ αυτου λεγοντεσ δια τι μετα των τελωνων και αμαρτωλων εσθιετε και πινετε
And their scribes and Pharisees murmured against his disciples, saying, Why do ye eat and drink with publicans and sinners?
31 και αποκριθεισ ο ιησουσ ειπεν προσ αυτουσ ου χρειαν εχουσιν οι υγιαινοντεσ ιατρου αλλ οι κακωσ εχοντεσ
And Jesus answering said unto them, They who are well, have no need of a physician: but they who have illness.
32 ουκ εληλυθα καλεσαι δικαιουσ αλλα αμαρτωλουσ εισ μετανοιαν
I came not to call righteous men, but sinners, to repentance.
33 οι δε ειπον προσ αυτον δια τι οι μαθηται ιωαννου νηστευουσιν πυκνα και δεησεισ ποιουνται ομοιωσ και οι των φαρισαιων οι δε σοι εσθιουσιν και πινουσιν
Then said they unto him, Why do the disciples of John observe frequent fasts, and make prayers; but thine are eating and drinking?
34 ο δε ειπεν προσ αυτουσ μη δυνασθε τουσ υιουσ του νυμφωνοσ εν ω ο νυμφιοσ μετ αυτων εστιν ποιησαι νηστευειν
And he said unto them, Can you make the children of the bridechamber fast, as long as the bridegroom is with them?
35 ελευσονται δε ημεραι και οταν απαρθη απ αυτων ο νυμφιοσ τοτε νηστευσουσιν εν εκειναισ ταισ ημεραισ
But the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, then shall they fast in those days.
36 ελεγεν δε και παραβολην προσ αυτουσ οτι ουδεισ επιβλημα ιματιου καινου επιβαλλει επι ιματιον παλαιον ει δε μηγε και το καινον σχιζει και τω παλαιω ου συμφωνει το απο του καινου
Then he spake a parable unto them, No man putteth a patch of new cloth on an old garment; but if otherwise, both the new makes a rent, and the patch from the new is not of a piece with the old.
37 και ουδεισ βαλλει οινον νεον εισ ασκουσ παλαιουσ ει δε μηγε ρηξει ο νεοσ οινοσ τουσ ασκουσ και αυτοσ εκχυθησεται και οι ασκοι απολουνται
And no man putteth new wine into old bottles; for if he doth, the new wine will burst the bottles, and it will itself be spilled, and the bottles be destroyed.
38 αλλα οινον νεον εισ ασκουσ καινουσ βλητεον και αμφοτεροι συντηρουνται
But new wine should be put into new bottles; then both are preserved.
39 και ουδεισ πιων παλαιον ευθεωσ θελει νεον λεγει γαρ ο παλαιοσ χρηστοτεροσ εστιν
And no man drinking old wine, immediately desires new: for he saith, The old is better.

< Κατα Λουκαν 5 >