< Πραξεις 26 >

1 αγριππασ δε προσ τον παυλον εφη επιτρεπεται σοι υπερ σεαυτου λεγειν τοτε ο παυλοσ απελογειτο εκτεινασ την χειρα
Agrippa then to Paul was saying; It is permitted you (for *N(k)O*) yourself to speak. Then Paul having stretched out the hand was presenting a defense:
2 περι παντων ων εγκαλουμαι υπο ιουδαιων βασιλευ αγριππα ηγημαι εμαυτον μακαριον επι σου μελλων απολογεισθαι σημερον
Concerning all of which I am accused by [the] Jews, King Agrippa, I have esteemed myself fortunate before you being about today to present a defense;
3 μαλιστα γνωστην οντα σε παντων των κατα ιουδαιουσ ηθων τε και ζητηματων διο δεομαι σου μακροθυμωσ ακουσαι μου
Especially acquainted being you with all the of [the] Jews (customs *NK(o)*) and also controversies. therefore I implore (you *k*) patiently to hear me.
4 την μεν ουν βιωσιν μου την εκ νεοτητοσ την απ αρχησ γενομενην εν τω εθνει μου εν ιεροσολυμοισ ισασιν παντεσ οι ιουδαιοι
The indeed then manner of life of mine which [is] from youth from [its] beginning having been among the nation of mine in (also *no*) Jerusalem know all the Jews
5 προγινωσκοντεσ με ανωθεν εαν θελωσιν μαρτυρειν οτι κατα την ακριβεστατην αιρεσιν τησ ημετερασ θρησκειασ εζησα φαρισαιοσ
knowing me from the first, if they may be willing to testify that according to the strictest sect of our own religion I lived [as] a Pharisee;
6 και νυν επ ελπιδι τησ προσ τουσ πατερασ επαγγελιασ γενομενησ υπο του θεου εστηκα κρινομενοσ
And now for [the] hope of the (to *N(k)O*) the fathers of us promise having been made by God I have stood being judged,
7 εισ ην το δωδεκαφυλον ημων εν εκτενεια νυκτα και ημεραν λατρευον ελπιζει καταντησαι περι ησ ελπιδοσ εγκαλουμαι βασιλευ αγριππα υπο ιουδαιων
to which the twelve tribes of us in earnestness night and day serving they hope to attain, concerning which hope I am accused (Agrippa *K*) by (the *k*) Jews, O king,
8 τι απιστον κρινεται παρ υμιν ει ο θεοσ νεκρουσ εγειρει
Why incredible is it judged by you if God [the] dead raises?
9 εγω μεν ουν εδοξα εμαυτω προσ το ονομα ιησου του ναζωραιου δειν πολλα εναντια πραξαι
I myself indeed therefore thought in myself to the name of Jesus of Nazareth needing many things contrary to do,
10 ο και εποιησα εν ιεροσολυμοισ και πολλουσ των αγιων εγω φυλακαισ κατεκλεισα την παρα των αρχιερεων εξουσιαν λαβων αναιρουμενων τε αυτων κατηνεγκα ψηφον
which also I did in Jerusalem and many (also *no*) of the saints I myself (in *no*) prisons locked up the from the chief priests authority having received, when were being executed then they I cast against [them] a vote;
11 και κατα πασασ τασ συναγωγασ πολλακισ τιμωρων αυτουσ ηναγκαζον βλασφημειν περισσωσ τε εμμαινομενοσ αυτοισ εδιωκον εωσ και εισ τασ εξω πολεισ
And in all the synagogues often punishing them I was compelling [them] to blaspheme, Excessively then being furious against them I was persecuting [them] as far as even to foreign cities.
12 εν οισ και πορευομενοσ εισ την δαμασκον μετ εξουσιασ και επιτροπησ τησ παρα των αρχιερεων
during which (and *k*) journeying to Damascus with [the] authority and commission which [is] (from *k*) the chief priests
13 ημερασ μεσησ κατα την οδον ειδον βασιλευ ουρανοθεν υπερ την λαμπροτητα του ηλιου περιλαμψαν με φωσ και τουσ συν εμοι πορευομενουσ
At day mid on the road I saw, O king, from heaven above the brightness of the sun having shone around me a light and those with me myself journeying.
14 παντων δε καταπεσοντων ημων εισ την γην ηκουσα φωνην λαλουσαν προσ με και λεγουσαν τη εβραιδι διαλεκτω σαουλ σαουλ τι με διωκεισ σκληρον σοι προσ κεντρα λακτιζειν
All (and *N(k)O*) when were falling down we to the ground I heard a voice (saying *N(k)O*) to me (and saying *k*) in the Hebrew language; Saul Saul, why Me persecute you? [It is] hard for you against [the] goads to kick.
15 εγω δε ειπον τισ ει κυριε ο δε ειπεν εγω ειμι ιησουσ ον συ διωκεισ
I myself then said; Who are You Lord? And (the Lord *no*) said; I myself am Jesus whom you yourself are persecuting.
16 αλλα αναστηθι και στηθι επι τουσ ποδασ σου εισ τουτο γαρ ωφθην σοι προχειρισασθαι σε υπηρετην και μαρτυρα ων τε ειδεσ ων τε οφθησομαι σοι
But do rise up and do stand on the feet of you; to this [purpose] for I have appeared to you to appoint you a servant and a witness of that which both you have seen (of Me *NO*) of the things in which then I will appear to you,
17 εξαιρουμενοσ σε εκ του λαου και των εθνων εισ ουσ εγω σε αποστελλω
delivering you out from the people and (from *no*) the Gentiles, to whom (I myself *N(K)O*) am sending you
18 ανοιξαι οφθαλμουσ αυτων του υποστρεψαι απο σκοτουσ εισ φωσ και τησ εξουσιασ του σατανα επι τον θεον του λαβειν αυτουσ αφεσιν αμαρτιων και κληρον εν τοισ ηγιασμενοισ πιστει τη εισ εμε
to open eyes of them, that (to turn *NK(o)*) from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, [that] to receive they forgiveness of sins and [an] inheritance among those sanctified by faith which [is] in Me myself.
19 οθεν βασιλευ αγριππα ουκ εγενομην απειθησ τη ουρανιω οπτασια
So then, O king Agrippa, not I was disobedient to the heavenly vision,
20 αλλα τοισ εν δαμασκω πρωτον και ιεροσολυμοισ εισ πασαν τε την χωραν τησ ιουδαιασ και τοισ εθνεσιν απαγγελλων μετανοειν και επιστρεφειν επι τον θεον αξια τησ μετανοιασ εργα πρασσοντασ
but to those in Damascus first (both *no*) also in Jerusalem (into *k*) all both the region of Judea, and to the Gentiles (I was declaring *N(k)O*) to repent and to turn to God worthy of repentance works doing.
21 ενεκα τουτων οι ιουδαιοι με συλλαβομενοι εν τω ιερω επειρωντο διαχειρισασθαι
On account of these things me (the *k*) Jews having seized (being *n*) in the temple they were attempting to kill.
22 επικουριασ ουν τυχων τησ παρα του θεου αχρι τησ ημερασ ταυτησ εστηκα μαρτυρομενοσ μικρω τε και μεγαλω ουδεν εκτοσ λεγων ων τε οι προφηται ελαλησαν μελλοντων γινεσθαι και μωυσησ
Help therefore having obtained (from *N(k)O*) God unto day this I have stood (bearing witness *N(k)O*) to small both and to great, no [thing] other saying than what both the prophets said was about to happen and Moses,
23 ει παθητοσ ο χριστοσ ει πρωτοσ εξ αναστασεωσ νεκρων φωσ μελλει καταγγελλειν τω λαω και τοισ εθνεσιν
that would suffer the Christ, as first through resurrection from [the] dead light He is about to preach (to both *no*) our people and to the Gentiles.
24 ταυτα δε αυτου απολογουμενου ο φηστοσ μεγαλη τη φωνη εφη μαινη παυλε τα πολλα σε γραμματα εισ μανιαν περιτρεπει
These things now when he is presenting a defense Festus in a loud voice (said; *N(k)O*) You are insane Paul! The great of you learning to insanity turns [you]!
25 ο δε ου μαινομαι φησιν κρατιστε φηστε αλλα αληθειασ και σωφροσυνησ ρηματα αποφθεγγομαι
But (Paul; *no*) Not I am insane says most excellent Festus, but of truth and sobriety declarations I utter.
26 επισταται γαρ περι τουτων ο βασιλευσ προσ ον και παρρησιαζομενοσ λαλω λανθανειν γαρ αυτον τι τουτων ου πειθομαι ουδεν ου γαρ εν γωνια πεπραγμενον τουτο
Understands for concerning these things the king to whom also using boldness I speak; Hiding for him any of these things not I am persuaded no [thing]; not for is in a corner done of these things.
27 πιστευεισ βασιλευ αγριππα τοισ προφηταισ οιδα οτι πιστευεισ
Believe you, King Agrippa, in the prophets? I know that you believe.
28 ο δε αγριππασ προσ τον παυλον εφη εν ολιγω με πειθεισ χριστιανον γενεσθαι
Then Agrippa to Paul (was saying: *k*) Within so little [time] me you [seek to] persuade a Christian (to become! *N(k)O*)
29 ο δε παυλοσ ειπεν ευξαιμην αν τω θεω και εν ολιγω και εν πολλω ου μονον σε αλλα και παντασ τουσ ακουοντασ μου σημερον γενεσθαι τοιουτουσ οποιοσ καγω ειμι παρεκτοσ των δεσμων τουτων
And Paul (said; *k*) I would wish may God both in a little and in (much *N(k)O*) not only you but also all those hearing me this day to become such as also I myself am except chains these.
30 και ταυτα ειποντοσ αυτου ανεστη ο βασιλευσ και ο ηγεμων η τε βερνικη και οι συγκαθημενοι αυτοισ
(and these things when was speaking he *K*) rose up (then *no*) the king and the governor and Bernice and those sitting with them;
31 και αναχωρησαντεσ ελαλουν προσ αλληλουσ λεγοντεσ οτι ουδεν θανατου αξιον η δεσμων πρασσει ο ανθρωποσ ουτοσ
and having withdrawn they were speaking to one another saying that No [thing] of death or of chains worthy (any *NO*) is doing man this.
32 αγριππασ δε τω φηστω εφη απολελυσθαι εδυνατο ο ανθρωποσ ουτοσ ει μη επεκεκλητο καισαρα
Agrippa then to Festus was saying; to have been released was able man this, only unless he had appealed to Caesar.

< Πραξεις 26 >