< Πραξεις 24 >

1 μετα δε πεντε ημερασ κατεβη ο αρχιερευσ ανανιασ μετα των πρεσβυτερων και ρητοροσ τερτυλλου τινοσ οιτινεσ ενεφανισαν τω ηγεμονι κατα του παυλου
After then five days came down the high priest Ananias with (of the *k*) elders (some *NO*) and an orator Tertullus certain, who made a representation to the governor against Paul.
2 κληθεντοσ δε αυτου ηρξατο κατηγορειν ο τερτυλλοσ λεγων πολλησ ειρηνησ τυγχανοντεσ δια σου και κατορθωματων γινομενων τω εθνει τουτω δια τησ σησ προνοιασ
When was invited then he began to accuse Tertullus saying; Great peace we are attaining through you and (excellent reforms *N(K)O*) are being done to the nation this [one] through your foresight
3 παντη τε και πανταχου αποδεχομεθα κρατιστε φηλιξ μετα πασησ ευχαριστιασ
in every way both and everywhere we gladly accept [it], most excellent Felix, with all thankfulness.
4 ινα δε μη επι πλειον σε εγκοπτω παρακαλω ακουσαι σε ημων συντομωσ τη ση επιεικεια
In order that however not to any longer you I may be a hindrance, I implore to hear you us briefly in your kindness.
5 ευροντεσ γαρ τον ανδρα τουτον λοιμον και κινουντα στασιν πασιν τοισ ιουδαιοισ τοισ κατα την οικουμενην πρωτοστατην τε τησ των ναζωραιων αιρεσεωσ
Having found for man this a pest and stirring (insurrections *N(K)O*) among all the Jews in the world a leader then of the of the Nazarenes sect;
6 οσ και το ιερον επειρασεν βεβηλωσαι ον και εκρατησαμεν
who even the temple attempted to profane, whom also we seized (and according to our own law we wanted to judge. *K*)
(having come up now Lysias the commander with great violence from the hands of us being carried away, *K*)
8 παρ ου δυνηση αυτοσ ανακρινασ περι παντων τουτων επιγνωναι ων ημεισ κατηγορουμεν αυτου
(having commanded the accusers of him to come upon you; *K*) From him you will be able yourself having examined [him] concerning all these things to know of which we ourselves accuse him.
9 συνεπεθεντο δε και οι ιουδαιοι φασκοντεσ ταυτα ουτωσ εχειν
(Agreed *N(k)O*) then also the Jews declaring these things so to be.
10 απεκριθη δε ο παυλοσ νευσαντοσ αυτω του ηγεμονοσ λεγειν εκ πολλων ετων οντα σε κριτην τω εθνει τουτω επισταμενοσ ευθυμοτερον τα περι εμαυτου απολογουμαι
Answered (then *N(k)O*) Paul, when was signalling to him the governor to speak: For many years as being you judge to nation this knowing [these] encouraging things, concerning myself I present a defense;
11 δυναμενου σου γνωναι οτι ου πλειουσ εισιν μοι ημεραι δεκαδυο αφ ησ ανεβην προσκυνησων εν ιερουσαλημ
Being able you (to know *N(k)O*) that not more there are to me days (than *k*) (twelve *N(k)O*) from which I went up to then worship (in *N(k)O*) Jerusalem;
12 και ουτε εν τω ιερω ευρον με προσ τινα διαλεγομενον η επισυστασιν ποιουντα οχλου ουτε εν ταισ συναγωγαισ ουτε κατα την πολιν
And neither in the temple did they find me with anyone reasoning or (obstruction *N(k)O*) making of a crowd nor in the synagogues nor in the city;
13 ουτε παραστησαι με δυνανται περι ων νυν κατηγορουσιν μου
(nor *N(k)O*) to prove are they able (to you *N(K)O*) concerning [the things] of which (now *N(k)O*) they accuse me.
14 ομολογω δε τουτο σοι οτι κατα την οδον ην λεγουσιν αιρεσιν ουτωσ λατρευω τω πατρωω θεω πιστευων πασιν τοισ κατα τον νομον και τοισ προφηταισ γεγραμμενοισ
I confess however this to you that according to the Way which they name a sect so I serve the ancestral God believing in all [things] throughout the law and (that in *no*) the Prophets written,
15 ελπιδα εχων εισ τον θεον ην και αυτοι ουτοι προσδεχονται αναστασιν μελλειν εσεσθαι νεκρων δικαιων τε και αδικων
a hope having in God which also they themselves await, [that] a resurrection to ensue to then be (of [the] dead-*K*) of [the] just both and of [the] unjust;
16 εν τουτω δε αυτοσ ασκω απροσκοπον συνειδησιν εχων προσ τον θεον και τουσ ανθρωπουσ δια παντοσ
In this (also *N(k)O*) I myself strive without offense a conscience (to have *NK(o)*) toward God and men (through *N(K)O*) (all [times]. *N(k)O*)
17 δι ετων δε πλειονων παρεγενομην ελεημοσυνασ ποιησων εισ το εθνοσ μου και προσφορασ
After years now many alms to then bring to the nation of mine I came and offerings,
18 εν οισ ευρον με ηγνισμενον εν τω ιερω ου μετα οχλου ουδε μετα θορυβου τινεσ απο τησ ασιασ ιουδαιοι
during (which *N(k)O*) they found me purified in the temple not with a crowd nor in tumult, Some however [are] from Asia Jews
19 ουσ δει επι σου παρειναι και κατηγορειν ει τι εχοιεν προσ με
who (it was necessary *N(k)O*) before you to appear and to make accusation, if anything they would have against me myself.
20 η αυτοι ουτοι ειπατωσαν τι ευρον εν εμοι αδικημα σταντοσ μου επι του συνεδριου
Otherwise themselves it they should say (if *k*) any they found (in me myself *ko*) unrighteousness when was standing I before the Council,
21 η περι μιασ ταυτησ φωνησ ησ εκραξα εστωσ εν αυτοισ οτι περι αναστασεωσ νεκρων εγω κρινομαι σημερον υφ υμων
[other] than concerning one this voice which I cried out among them standing that Concerning [the] resurrection of [the] dead I myself am judged this day (by *N(k)O*) you.
22 ακουσασ δε ταυτα ο φηλιξ ανεβαλετο αυτουσ ακριβεστερον ειδωσ τα περι τησ οδου ειπων οταν λυσιασ ο χιλιαρχοσ καταβη διαγνωσομαι τα καθ υμασ
(having heard these things *K*) deferred then them Felix more precisely knowing the [things] concerning the Way having said; When Lysias the commander may have come down, I will examine the [things] as to you.
23 διαταξαμενοσ τε τω εκατονταρχη τηρεισθαι τον παυλον εχειν τε ανεσιν και μηδενα κωλυειν των ιδιων αυτου υπηρετειν η προσερχεσθαι αυτω
having commanded (also *k*) to the centurion to keep (*k*) (him, *N(K)O*) to [let him] have then ease and not to forbid the private [friends] of him to minister (or to come near *K*) to him.
24 μετα δε ημερασ τινασ παραγενομενοσ ο φηλιξ συν δρουσιλλη τη γυναικι ουση ιουδαια μετεπεμψατο τον παυλον και ηκουσεν αυτου περι τησ εισ χριστον πιστεωσ
After then days some having arrived Felix with Drusilla the (own *N(k)O*) wife being a Jewess he sent for Paul and heard him concerning the in Christ (Jesus *NO*) faith.
25 διαλεγομενου δε αυτου περι δικαιοσυνησ και εγκρατειασ και του κριματοσ του μελλοντοσ εσεσθαι εμφοβοσ γενομενοσ ο φηλιξ απεκριθη το νυν εχον πορευου καιρον δε μεταλαβων μετακαλεσομαι σε
When reasoning then he concerning righteousness and self-control and the judgment which is coming (to be [in the future] *K*) frightened having become Felix answered; For the present being do go away; opportunity then having found I will call for you;
26 αμα και ελπιζων οτι χρηματα δοθησεται αυτω υπο του παυλου οπωσ λυση αυτον διο και πυκνοτερον αυτον μεταπεμπομενοσ ωμιλει αυτω
At the same time (now *k*) also he is hoping that riches will be given to him by Paul (so that may release him *K*) Therefore also often him sending for he was talking with him.
27 διετιασ δε πληρωθεισησ ελαβεν διαδοχον ο φηλιξ πορκιον φηστον θελων τε χαριτασ καταθεσθαι τοισ ιουδαιοισ ο φηλιξ κατελιπεν τον παυλον δεδεμενον
When two years however having been completed he received [as] successor Felix Porcius Festus, wishing then (favor *N(k)O*) to acquire for himself with the Jews Felix left Paul imprisoned.

< Πραξεις 24 >