< Ἰώβ 7 >

1 πότερον οὐχὶ πειρατήριόν ἐστιν ὁ βίος ἀνθρώπου ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς καὶ ὥσπερ μισθίου αὐθημερινοῦ ἡ ζωὴ αὐτοῦ
Knyythod is lijf of man on erthe, and his daies ben as the daies of an hired man.
2 ἢ ὥσπερ θεράπων δεδοικὼς τὸν κύριον αὐτοῦ καὶ τετευχὼς σκιᾶς ἢ ὥσπερ μισθωτὸς ἀναμένων τὸν μισθὸν αὐτοῦ
As an hert desireth schadowe, and as an hirede man abideth the ende of his werk;
3 οὕτως κἀγὼ ὑπέμεινα μῆνας κενούς νύκτες δὲ ὀδυνῶν δεδομέναι μοί εἰσιν
so and Y hadde voide monethis, and Y noumbrede trauailous niytes to me.
4 ἐὰν κοιμηθῶ λέγω πότε ἡμέρα ὡς δ’ ἂν ἀναστῶ πάλιν πότε ἑσπέρα πλήρης δὲ γίνομαι ὀδυνῶν ἀπὸ ἑσπέρας ἕως πρωί
If Y schal slepe, Y schal seie, Whanne schal Y rise? and eft Y schal abide the euentid, and Y schal be fillid with sorewis `til to derknessis.
5 φύρεται δέ μου τὸ σῶμα ἐν σαπρίᾳ σκωλήκων τήκω δὲ βώλακας γῆς ἀπὸ ἰχῶρος ξύων
Mi fleisch is clothid with rot, and filthis of dust; my skyn driede vp, and is drawun togidere.
6 ὁ δὲ βίος μού ἐστιν ἐλαφρότερος λαλιᾶς ἀπόλωλεν δὲ ἐν κενῇ ἐλπίδι
My daies passiden swiftliere thanne a web is kit doun `of a webstere; and tho daies ben wastid with outen ony hope.
7 μνήσθητι οὖν ὅτι πνεῦμά μου ἡ ζωὴ καὶ οὐκέτι ἐπανελεύσεται ὁ ὀφθαλμός μου ἰδεῖν ἀγαθόν
God, haue thou mynde, for my lijf is wynde, and myn iye schal not turne ayen, that it se goodis.
8 οὐ περιβλέψεταί με ὀφθαλμὸς ὁρῶντός με οἱ ὀφθαλμοί σου ἐν ἐμοί καὶ οὐκέτι εἰμὶ
Nethir the siyt of man schal biholde me; but thin iyen ben in me, and Y schal not `be in deedli lijf.
9 ὥσπερ νέφος ἀποκαθαρθὲν ἀπ’ οὐρανοῦ ἐὰν γὰρ ἄνθρωπος καταβῇ εἰς ᾅδην οὐκέτι μὴ ἀναβῇ (Sheol h7585)
As a cloude is wastid, and passith, so he that goith doun to helle, schal not stie; (Sheol h7585)
10 οὐδ’ οὐ μὴ ἐπιστρέψῃ ἔτι εἰς τὸν ἴδιον οἶκον οὐδὲ μὴ ἐπιγνῷ αὐτὸν ἔτι ὁ τόπος αὐτοῦ
nether schal turne ayen more in to his hows, and his place schal no more knowe hym.
11 ἀτὰρ οὖν οὐδὲ ἐγὼ φείσομαι τῷ στόματί μου λαλήσω ἐν ἀνάγκῃ ὤν ἀνοίξω πικρίαν ψυχῆς μου συνεχόμενος
Wherfor and Y schal not spare my mouth; Y schal speke in the tribulacioun of my spirit, Y schal talke togidere with the bitternesse of my soule.
12 πότερον θάλασσά εἰμι ἢ δράκων ὅτι κατέταξας ἐπ’ ἐμὲ φυλακήν
Whether Y am the see, ethir a whal, for thou hast cumpassid me with prisoun?
13 εἶπα ὅτι παρακαλέσει με ἡ κλίνη μου ἀνοίσω δὲ πρὸς ἐμαυτὸν ἰδίᾳ λόγον τῇ κοίτῃ μου
If Y seie, My bed schal coumfort me, and Y schal be releeuyd, spekynge with me in my bed;
14 ἐκφοβεῖς με ἐνυπνίοις καὶ ἐν ὁράμασίν με καταπλήσσεις
thou schalt make me aferd bi dremys, and thou schalt schake me with `orrour, ethir hidousnesse, `bi siytis.
15 ἀπαλλάξεις ἀπὸ πνεύματός μου τὴν ψυχήν μου ἀπὸ δὲ θανάτου τὰ ὀστᾶ μου
Wherfor my soule `chees hangyng, and my boonys cheesiden deth.
16 οὐ γὰρ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα ζήσομαι ἵνα μακροθυμήσω ἀπόστα ἀπ’ ἐμοῦ κενὸς γάρ μου ὁ βίος
`Y dispeiride, now Y schal no more lyue; Lord, spare thou me, for my daies ben nouyt.
17 τί γάρ ἐστιν ἄνθρωπος ὅτι ἐμεγάλυνας αὐτὸν ἢ ὅτι προσέχεις τὸν νοῦν εἰς αὐτὸν
What is a man, for thou `magnifiest hym? ether what settist thou thin herte toward hym?
18 ἢ ἐπισκοπὴν αὐτοῦ ποιήσῃ ἕως τὸ πρωὶ καὶ εἰς ἀνάπαυσιν αὐτὸν κρινεῖς
Thou visitist hym eerly, and sudeynli thou preuest hym.
19 ἕως τίνος οὐκ ἐᾷς με οὐδὲ προΐῃ με ἕως ἂν καταπίω τὸν πτύελόν μου ἐν ὀδύνῃ
Hou long sparist thou not me, nether suffrist me, that Y swolowe my spotele?
20 εἰ ἐγὼ ἥμαρτον τί δύναμαί σοι πρᾶξαι ὁ ἐπιστάμενος τὸν νοῦν τῶν ἀνθρώπων διὰ τί ἔθου με κατεντευκτήν σου εἰμὶ δὲ ἐπὶ σοὶ φορτίον
Y haue synned; A! thou kepere of men, what schal Y do to thee? Whi hast thou set me contrarie to thee, and Y am maad greuouse to my silf?
21 καὶ διὰ τί οὐκ ἐποιήσω τῆς ἀνομίας μου λήθην καὶ καθαρισμὸν τῆς ἁμαρτίας μου νυνὶ δὲ εἰς γῆν ἀπελεύσομαι ὀρθρίζων δὲ οὐκέτι εἰμί
Whi doist thou not awei my sinne, and whi takist thou not awei my wickidnesse? Lo! now Y schal slepe in dust, and if thou sekist me eerli, Y schal not abide.

< Ἰώβ 7 >