< Ἱερεμίας 36 >

1 καὶ οὗτοι οἱ λόγοι τῆς βίβλου οὓς ἀπέστειλεν Ιερεμιας ἐξ Ιερουσαλημ πρὸς τοὺς πρεσβυτέρους τῆς ἀποικίας καὶ πρὸς τοὺς ἱερεῖς καὶ πρὸς τοὺς ψευδοπροφήτας ἐπιστολὴν εἰς Βαβυλῶνα τῇ ἀποικίᾳ καὶ πρὸς ἅπαντα τὸν λαὸν
and to be in/on/with year [the] fourth to/for Jehoiakim son: child Josiah king Judah to be [the] word [the] this to(wards) Jeremiah from with LORD to/for to say
2 ὕστερον ἐξελθόντος Ιεχονιου τοῦ βασιλέως καὶ τῆς βασιλίσσης καὶ τῶν εὐνούχων καὶ παντὸς ἐλευθέρου καὶ δεσμώτου καὶ τεχνίτου ἐξ Ιερουσαλημ
to take: take to/for you scroll scroll: document and to write to(wards) her [obj] all [the] word which to speak: speak to(wards) you upon Israel and upon Judah and upon all [the] nation from day to speak: speak to(wards) you from day Josiah and till [the] day [the] this
3 ἐν χειρὶ Ελεασα υἱοῦ Σαφαν καὶ Γαμαριου υἱοῦ Χελκιου ὃν ἀπέστειλεν Σεδεκιας βασιλεὺς Ιουδα πρὸς βασιλέα Βαβυλῶνος εἰς Βαβυλῶνα λέγων
perhaps to hear: hear house: household Judah [obj] all [the] distress: harm which I to devise: devise to/for to make: do to/for them because to return: repent man: anyone from way: conduct his [the] bad: evil and to forgive to/for iniquity: crime their and to/for sin their
4 οὕτως εἶπεν κύριος ὁ θεὸς Ισραηλ ἐπὶ τὴν ἀποικίαν ἣν ἀπῴκισα ἀπὸ Ιερουσαλημ
and to call: call to Jeremiah [obj] Baruch son: child Neriah and to write Baruch from lip: word Jeremiah [obj] all word LORD which to speak: speak to(wards) him upon scroll scroll: document
5 οἰκοδομήσατε οἴκους καὶ κατοικήσατε καὶ φυτεύσατε παραδείσους καὶ φάγετε τοὺς καρποὺς αὐτῶν
and to command Jeremiah [obj] Baruch to/for to say I to restrain not be able to/for to come (in): come house: temple LORD
6 καὶ λάβετε γυναῖκας καὶ τεκνοποιήσατε υἱοὺς καὶ θυγατέρας καὶ λάβετε τοῖς υἱοῖς ὑμῶν γυναῖκας καὶ τὰς θυγατέρας ὑμῶν ἀνδράσιν δότε καὶ πληθύνεσθε καὶ μὴ σμικρυνθῆτε
and to come (in): come you(m. s.) and to call: read out in/on/with scroll which to write from lip: word my [obj] word LORD in/on/with ear: hearing [the] people house: temple LORD in/on/with day fast and also in/on/with ear: hearing all Judah [the] to come (in): come from city their to call: read out them
7 καὶ ζητήσατε εἰς εἰρήνην τῆς γῆς εἰς ἣν ἀπῴκισα ὑμᾶς ἐκεῖ καὶ προσεύξασθε περὶ αὐτῶν πρὸς κύριον ὅτι ἐν εἰρήνῃ αὐτῆς ἔσται εἰρήνη ὑμῖν
perhaps to fall: fall supplication their to/for face: before LORD and to return: repent man: anyone from way: conduct his [the] bad: evil for great: large [the] face: anger and [the] rage which to speak: promise LORD to(wards) [the] people [the] this
8 ὅτι οὕτως εἶπεν κύριος μὴ ἀναπειθέτωσαν ὑμᾶς οἱ ψευδοπροφῆται οἱ ἐν ὑμῖν καὶ μὴ ἀναπειθέτωσαν ὑμᾶς οἱ μάντεις ὑμῶν καὶ μὴ ἀκούετε εἰς τὰ ἐνύπνια ὑμῶν ἃ ὑμεῖς ἐνυπνιάζεσθε
and to make: do Baruch son: child Neriah like/as all which to command him Jeremiah [the] prophet to/for to call: read out in/on/with scroll: document word LORD house: temple LORD
9 ὅτι ἄδικα αὐτοὶ προφητεύουσιν ὑμῖν ἐπὶ τῷ ὀνόματί μου καὶ οὐκ ἀπέστειλα αὐτούς
and to be in/on/with year [the] fifth to/for Jehoiakim son: child Josiah king Judah in/on/with month [the] ninth to call: call out fast to/for face: before LORD all [the] people in/on/with Jerusalem and all [the] people [the] to come (in): come from city Judah in/on/with Jerusalem
10 ὅτι οὕτως εἶπεν κύριος ὅταν μέλλῃ πληροῦσθαι Βαβυλῶνι ἑβδομήκοντα ἔτη ἐπισκέψομαι ὑμᾶς καὶ ἐπιστήσω τοὺς λόγους μου ἐφ’ ὑμᾶς τοῦ τὸν λαὸν ὑμῶν ἀποστρέψαι εἰς τὸν τόπον τοῦτον
and to call: read out Baruch in/on/with scroll: document [obj] word Jeremiah house: temple LORD in/on/with chamber Gemariah son: child Shaphan [the] secretary in/on/with court [the] high entrance gate house: temple LORD [the] New (Gate) in/on/with ear: hearing all [the] people
11 καὶ λογιοῦμαι ἐφ’ ὑμᾶς λογισμὸν εἰρήνης καὶ οὐ κακὰ τοῦ δοῦναι ὑμῖν ταῦτα
and to hear: hear Micaiah son: child Gemariah son: child Shaphan [obj] all word LORD from upon [the] scroll: document
12 καὶ προσεύξασθε πρός με καὶ εἰσακούσομαι ὑμῶν
and to go down house: palace [the] king upon chamber [the] secretary and behold there all [the] ruler to dwell Elishama [the] secretary and Delaiah son: child Shemaiah and Elnathan son: child Achbor and Gemariah son: child Shaphan and Zedekiah son: child Hananiah and all [the] ruler
13 καὶ ἐκζητήσατέ με καὶ εὑρήσετέ με ὅτι ζητήσετέ με ἐν ὅλῃ καρδίᾳ ὑμῶν
and to tell to/for them Micaiah [obj] all [the] word which to hear: hear in/on/with to call: read out Baruch in/on/with scroll: document in/on/with ear: hearing [the] people
14 καὶ ἐπιφανοῦμαι ὑμῖν
and to send: depart all [the] ruler to(wards) Baruch [obj] Jehudi son: child Nethaniah son: child Shelemiah son: child Cushi to/for to say [the] scroll which to call: read out in/on/with her in/on/with ear: hearing [the] people to take: take her in/on/with hand your and to go: come and to take: take Baruch son: child Neriah [obj] [the] scroll in/on/with hand his and to come (in): come to(wards) them
15 ὅτι εἴπατε κατέστησεν ἡμῖν κύριος προφήτας ἐν Βαβυλῶνι
and to say to(wards) him to dwell please and to call: read out her in/on/with ear: to ears our and to call: read out Baruch in/on/with ear: to ears their
and to be like/as to hear: hear they [obj] all [the] word to dread man: anyone to(wards) neighbor his and to say to(wards) Baruch to tell to tell to/for king [obj] all [the] word [the] these
and [obj] Baruch to ask to/for to say to tell please to/for us how? to write [obj] all [the] word [the] these from lip: word his
and to say to/for them Baruch from lip his to call: read out to(wards) me [obj] all [the] word [the] these and I to write upon [the] scroll: document in/on/with ink
and to say [the] ruler to(wards) Baruch to go: went to hide you(m. s.) and Jeremiah and man: anyone not to know where? you(m. p.)
and to come (in): come to(wards) [the] king court [to] and [obj] [the] scroll to reckon: put in/on/with chamber Elishama [the] secretary and to tell in/on/with ear: to ears [the] king [obj] all [the] word
21 οὕτως εἶπεν κύριος ἐπὶ Αχιαβ καὶ ἐπὶ Σεδεκιαν ἰδοὺ ἐγὼ δίδωμι αὐτοὺς εἰς χεῖρας βασιλέως Βαβυλῶνος καὶ πατάξει αὐτοὺς κατ’ ὀφθαλμοὺς ὑμῶν
and to send: depart [the] king [obj] Jehudi to/for to take: take [obj] [the] scroll and to take: take her from chamber Elishama [the] secretary and to call: read out her Jehudi in/on/with ear: to ears [the] king and in/on/with ear: to ears all [the] ruler [the] to stand: stand from upon [the] king
22 καὶ λήμψονται ἀπ’ αὐτῶν κατάραν ἐν πάσῃ τῇ ἀποικίᾳ Ιουδα ἐν Βαβυλῶνι λέγοντες ποιήσαι σε κύριος ὡς Σεδεκιαν ἐποίησεν καὶ ὡς Αχιαβ οὓς ἀπετηγάνισεν βασιλεὺς Βαβυλῶνος ἐν πυρὶ
and [the] king to dwell house: palace [the] autumn in/on/with month [the] ninth and [obj] [the] hearth to/for face: before his to burn: burn
23 δῑ ἣν ἐποίησαν ἀνομίαν ἐν Ισραηλ καὶ ἐμοιχῶντο τὰς γυναῖκας τῶν πολιτῶν αὐτῶν καὶ λόγον ἐχρημάτισαν ἐν τῷ ὀνόματί μου ὃν οὐ συνέταξα αὐτοῖς καὶ ἐγὼ μάρτυς φησὶν κύριος
and to be like/as to call: read out Jehudi three door and four to tear her in/on/with razor [the] secretary and to throw to(wards) [the] fire which to(wards) [the] hearth till to finish all [the] scroll upon [the] fire which upon [the] hearth
24 καὶ πρὸς Σαμαιαν τὸν Νελαμίτην ἐρεῖς
and not to dread and not to tear [obj] garment their [the] king and all servant/slave his [the] to hear: hear [obj] all [the] word [the] these
25 οὐκ ἀπέστειλά σε τῷ ὀνόματί μου καὶ πρὸς Σοφονιαν υἱὸν Μαασαιου τὸν ἱερέα εἰπέ
and also Elnathan and Delaiah and Gemariah to fall on in/on/with king to/for lest to burn [obj] [the] scroll and not to hear: hear to(wards) them
26 κύριος ἔδωκέν σε εἰς ἱερέα ἀντὶ Ιωδαε τοῦ ἱερέως γενέσθαι ἐπιστάτην ἐν τῷ οἴκῳ κυρίου παντὶ ἀνθρώπῳ προφητεύοντι καὶ παντὶ ἀνθρώπῳ μαινομένῳ καὶ δώσεις αὐτὸν εἰς τὸ ἀπόκλεισμα καὶ εἰς τὸν καταρράκτην
and to command [the] `the king` [obj] Jerahmeel son: child [the] `the king` and [obj] Seraiah son: child Azriel and [obj] Shelemiah son: child Abdeel to/for to take: take [obj] Baruch [the] secretary and [obj] Jeremiah [the] prophet and to hide them LORD
27 καὶ νῦν διὰ τί συνελοιδορήσατε Ιερεμιαν τὸν ἐξ Αναθωθ τὸν προφητεύσαντα ὑμῖν
and to be word LORD to(wards) Jeremiah after to burn [the] king [obj] [the] scroll and [obj] [the] word which to write Baruch from lip: word Jeremiah to/for to say
28 οὐ διὰ τοῦτο ἀπέστειλεν πρὸς ὑμᾶς εἰς Βαβυλῶνα λέγων μακράν ἐστιν οἰκοδομήσατε οἰκίας καὶ κατοικήσατε καὶ φυτεύσατε κήπους καὶ φάγεσθε τὸν καρπὸν αὐτῶν
to return: again to take: take to/for you scroll another and to write upon her [obj] all [the] word [the] first: previous which to be upon [the] scroll [the] first which to burn Jehoiakim king Judah
29 καὶ ἀνέγνω Σοφονιας τὸ βιβλίον εἰς τὰ ὦτα Ιερεμιου
and upon Jehoiakim king Judah (to say *LA(bh)*) thus to say LORD you(m. s.) to burn [obj] [the] scroll [the] this to/for to say why? to write upon her to/for to say to come (in): come to come (in): come king Babylon and to ruin [obj] [the] land: country/planet [the] this and to cease from her man and animal
30 καὶ ἐγένετο λόγος κυρίου πρὸς Ιερεμιαν λέγων
to/for so thus to say LORD upon Jehoiakim king Judah not to be to/for him to dwell upon throne David and carcass his to be to throw to/for drought in/on/with day and to/for ice in/on/with night
31 ἀπόστειλον πρὸς τὴν ἀποικίαν λέγων οὕτως εἶπεν κύριος ἐπὶ Σαμαιαν τὸν Νελαμίτην ἐπειδὴ ἐπροφήτευσεν ὑμῖν Σαμαιας καὶ ἐγὼ οὐκ ἀπέστειλα αὐτόν καὶ πεποιθέναι ἐποίησεν ὑμᾶς ἐπ’ ἀδίκοις
and to reckon: punish upon him and upon seed: children his and upon servant/slave his [obj] iniquity: crime their and to come (in): bring upon them and upon to dwell Jerusalem and to(wards) man: anyone Judah [obj] all [the] distress: harm which to speak: promise to(wards) them and not to hear: hear
32 διὰ τοῦτο οὕτως εἶπεν κύριος ἰδοὺ ἐγὼ ἐπισκέψομαι ἐπὶ Σαμαιαν καὶ ἐπὶ τὸ γένος αὐτοῦ καὶ οὐκ ἔσται αὐτῶν ἄνθρωπος ἐν μέσῳ ὑμῶν τοῦ ἰδεῖν τὰ ἀγαθά ἃ ἐγὼ ποιήσω ὑμῖν οὐκ ὄψονται
and Jeremiah to take: take scroll another and to give: give her to(wards) Baruch son: child Neriah [the] secretary and to write upon her from lip: word Jeremiah [obj] all word [the] scroll: document which to burn Jehoiakim king Judah in/on/with fire and still to add upon them word many like/as them

< Ἱερεμίας 36 >