< Jesu Tondiba Tuona 2 >

1 Pantekoti daali ń pundi, bi kuli dentaani ki kaanyendu i.
In the course of the Festival at the close of the Harvest the disciples had all met together,
2 Bi ti ludi ki gbadi ke fuugu ñani tanpoli ki nani faaciangu yeni, ki gbie ban bi ye ya dieli nni yeni kuli.
when suddenly there came from the heavens a noise like a strong wind rushing by; it filled the whole house in which they were sitting.
3 Ban la ke i landi tie nani mu yeni ki dɔgdi bi po, ki bɔgdi bɔgdi ki maani yuakuli po.
Then there appeared tongues of what seemed to be flame, separating, so that one settled on each of them;
4 Bikuli ń gbie yeni mi foŋanma, ki ji cili ki ya maadi mi maalanma nani foŋanma ń puni ba ke ban maadi maama.
and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in different languages as the Spirit prompted their utterances.
5 Layognu, Juufinba yaaba daani U Tienu nni den ñani ŋanduna dogi nni kuli, ki cua ki dá ye Jerusalema.
Now there were then staying in Jerusalem religious Jews from every country in the world;
6 Ban gbadi ku fuugu, ban taani ki sani ki cua, lan lidi ba yeni yuakuli ń gbia ke bi maadi o danba maama nni.
and, when this sound was heard, numbers of people collected, in the greatest excitement, because each of them heard the disciples speaking in his own language.
7 Bi den ye ku yaalidgu yeni li pamancianli nni; bi den maadi: “Ti ya ba maadi i mɔni, bani yaaba n maadi ne kuli ki tie Galile yaaba ka aa?
They were utterly amazed, and kept asking in astonishment, ‘What! Are not all these people who are speaking Galileans?
8 Li nan tieni ledi i, ke ti gbia bi maama yuakuli danba maama nni?
Then how is it that we each of us hear them in our own language?
9 Persi yaaba, Medesi yaaba yeni Elamiti yaaba yeni yaaba n kua Mesopotami, Jude diema nni, yeni Kapadɔsi, Pɔn yeni Asi,
Some of us are Parthians, some Medes, some Elamites; and some of us live in Mesopotamia, in Judea and Cappadocia, in Pontus and Roman Asia,
10 Friji yeni Panfili, Ejipti nni yeni Libi dogi yia n ye Sireni po, yeni ya canba n ñani Roma ki cua,
in Phrygia and Pamphylia, in Egypt and the districts of Libya adjoining Cyrene; some of us are visitors from Rome,
11 Juufinba yeni Proselitinba, Kretan yeni Arabi yaaba, ti den gbia ke bi maadi ti danba maama nni U Tienu paaciamu tuonli”
either Jews by birth or converts, and some are Cretans and Arabians – yet we all alike hear them speaking in our own languages of the great things that God has done.’
12 Bi den ye li pamancianli nni kaa bani ban ba tieni yaali kuli; bi den maadi bi ŋmiali nni: “Ne mo ya niima nni nan ji tie be i?”
They were all utterly amazed and bewildered. ‘What does it mean?’ they asked one another.
13 Ama bi tianba den ñuadi ba ki maadi, “Bikuli ñuni mi daamɔnpaanma i ke li ga ba.”
But there were some who said with a sneer, ‘They have had too much new wine.’
14 Ama Pieri den fii wani yeni li piiga n yendo, ki duoni u nialu, ki yedi ba, “Jude niba yeni yinba yaaba n kua Jrusalema nni, li ŋani yin bandi yaali ne yin ŋanbi ki cengi n lanbona.
Then Peter, surrounded by the eleven other apostles, stood up, and, raising his voice, addressed the crowd. ‘People of Judea,’ he began, ‘and all you who are staying in Jerusalem, let me tell you what this means. Mark well my words.
15 Kelima, ya niba ne ki ñuni daama ki guo nani yin maali maama ka, kelima ti dá ye siŋaagu, kudi taa yognu i.
These people are not drunk, as you suppose; for it is only now nine in the morning! No!
16 Li tie o sawalpualo Joweli ń den waani ya maama i:
This is what is spoken of in the prophet Joel –
17 “A daajuodidana ya pundi,” U Tienu ń yedi yaali n ne, “N ba yadi n foŋanma gbannandi kuli po. I bijaba yeni i bisiaba ba tua sawapuaba, i naacenba yeni i jifanba ba la mi dɔgdima, i nikpelba ń ya laadi a bona ti dangdi nni.
“It will come about in the last days,” God says, “That I will pour out my Spirit on all humanity; your sons and your daughters will become prophets, your young men will see visions, and your old men dream dreams;
18 Li baa tie yeni i, n tuonsɔnba, bi puoba yeni bi jaba po li dana nni N ba yadi n foŋanma bi po, ban ya pua sawali.
yes, even on the slaves – for they are mine – both men and women, I will in those days pour out my Spirit, and they will become prophets;
19 N ba cedi yaalidgu bona ń tieni tanpoli po, ki tieni li pagli maalma ki tinga po, mi sɔma, u mu yeni i muñii walgu.
and I will show wonders in the heavens above, and signs on the earth below – blood and fire and mist of smoke;
20 u yienu ba kpandi bɔnbɔnli, o ŋmaalo ń kpandi sɔma ki sua ya daacianli ke i ba la ki bandi O Diedo guanma pundi.
the sun will become darkness, and the moon blood-red, before the day of the Lord comes – that great and awful day.
21 Li ba tieni ke yua n jaandi U Tienu O Diedo yeli po ba baa mi faabma.
Then will everyone who invokes the name of the Lord be saved.”
22 Israyeli yaaba, cengi mani ya lanbona ne: Nasareti Jesu, U Tienu ń tieni yua ya po kasiedi i kuli ya nunbu nni yaali n nua o yaalidgu tuonŋama, U Tienu ń cedi ke o tieni ya bancianma yeni ya maalma ke ikuli bani,
People of Israel, listen to what I am saying. Jesus of Nazareth, a man whose mission from God to you was proved by miracles, wonders, and signs, which God showed among you through him, as you know full well –
23 Nani U tienu ń bobni maama, ke li ŋua o bancianma, bi kuadi o, ki cuo o ki mubni yaaba n fali yiko nui nni, ke bi kpaa o li daapɔnpɔnli po, ki kpa o.
he, I say, in accordance with God’s definite plan and with his previous knowledge, was betrayed, and you, by the hands of lawless men, nailed him to a cross and put him to death.
24 U Tienu yiedi o, ki faabi o yeni mi kuuma fala, kelima, li bo ki buali ke wan ya ye mi kuuma nuu nni.
But God released him from the pangs of death and raised him to life, it being impossible for death to retain its hold on him.
25 Kelima Dafidi yedi yaali ne o po: “N den tundi ki nua O Diedo ke o ye n liiga, kelima o ye n nuujienu po ke mii ji pia begma.
Indeed he was the one David was referring to when he said – “I have had the Lord ever before my eyes, for he stands at my right hand, so that I should not be disquieted.
26 Lanwani ii, n ye li pamancianli nni, ki mangidi n pali yeni n lanbu. Yaali n pugdi, n gbannandi baa ye li dandanli nni.
Therefore my heart was cheered, and my tongue told its delight; yes, even my body, too, will rest in hope;
27 Kelima a kan ñɔli ki ŋa n naano bi kpienba diema nni, a go kan ŋa a niŋamo gbannandi ń bedi. (Hadēs g86)
For you will not abandon my soul to Hades, nor surrender me, your holy one, to undergo corruption. (Hadēs g86)
28 A dɔgdi li mi yema sani, ki waani nni, a ba cedi min gbie yeni a yema.
You have shown me the path to life, you will fill me with gladness in your presence.”
29 N kpiiba, n ba maadi yeni yi li dandanli nni ti yaaja Dafiidi maama: o den kpe, ke bi pii o, ke o kakuli ye ti siiga nni hali yeni mɔlane.
Friends, I can speak to you the more confidently about the patriarch David, because he is dead and buried, and his tomb is here among us to this very day.
30 Nani wan den tie sawalpualo, ki bani ke U Tienu bo loli yni o ku dɔnligu, ki niani o ke o ba cedi o puoliŋuani nni, yendo ń kali o badigbandi po yeni.
David, then, prophet as he was, knowing that God had solemnly sworn to him to set one of his descendants on his throne, looked into the future,
31 o bo tuodi ki bandi, ki maadi Jesu yiedma po, “Bi den ki ñɔli ki ŋa o bi kpienba tinga nni, ke o gbannandi mo ki bandi bedma. (Hadēs g86)
and referred to the resurrection of the Christ when he said that he had not been abandoned to Hades, nor had his body undergone corruption. (Hadēs g86)
32 Lan ya Jesu, U Tienu duoni o yeli, tikuli tie li kesiedinba.
It was this Jesus, whom God raised to life; and of that we are ourselves all witnesses.
33 Ama, nani wan doni, ki kali U Tienu jienu yeni, o baa Báa ń den niani o ya foŋanma, o yadi lan ya foŋanma i ti po ke i la ki go gbadi ne.
And now that he has been exalted to the right hand of God, and has received from the Father the promised gift of the Holy Spirit, he has begun to pour out that gift, as you yourselves now see and hear.
34 Kelima, Dafiidi naa den doni tanpoli, ama, o den maadi, “O Diedo yedi N Diedo, «Kali n jienu,
It was not David who went up into heaven; for he himself says – “The Lord said to my master, ‘Sit on my right hand,
35 hali min ba cedi a yibalinba ń tua taaŋmaakaanu»
Until I put your enemies as a footstool under your feet.’”
36 Lanyapo i, ke li buali ke Israyeli diegu kuli ń bandi yeni i mɔni ke yin kpaa ya Jesu li daapɔnpɔnli po yeni, U Tienu cedi ke o tua Diedo yeni Kiristi»
So let the whole nation of Israel know beyond all doubt, that God has made him both Lord and Christ – this Jesus whom you crucified.’
37 Ban gbadi lanya maama, ki mi sia bi pala, ke bi buali Pieri yeni ya tondba n sieni, “Ti kpiiba, ti ji ba tieni ledi i?”
When the people heard this, they were conscience-smitten, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, ‘Friends, what can we do?’
38 Ke Pieri guani ki jiini ba, “Yuakuli ń biidi o pali o tuonbiadi po, ki tieni mi ñinwulma bogdili Jesu Kiristi yeli po, ke wan di sugli o biidi po, i ba baa U Tienu Foŋanma paabu,
‘Repent,’ answered Peter, ‘and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
39 Kelima li nɔnianu tie yinba yeni i bila yaama i yeni yaaba n ye fagma, hali ban yabi maama kuli, ke U Tienu ba yini.”
For the promise is for you and for your children, and also for all those now far away, who may be called by the Lord our God.’
40 O den maadi mi maama boncianla, ki kadi ki waani ba, ki paani bi pala; O den maadi ne, “Yin fangi j yula yeni ya nifiima n kua mi tudma nni ne.
Peter spoke to them for a long time using many other arguments and pleaded with them – ‘Save yourselves from the perverse spirit of this age.’
41 Lanwani ii, bi den tuo ki ga o maama, ke bi tieni ba mi ñinwulma bogdili, ke li daali mɔno, yaaba n den pugni bi ŋɔdkaaba po den kiluo niba tuda taa.
So those who accepted his teaching were baptized, and about three thousand people joined the disciples on that day alone.
42 Bi den tugni bi tuona ki tundi yaali n tie mi yenŋɔdma, ki bɔgdi kpanu bi ŋmiali nni, ki tie bi jaandi.
They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the Common life of the church, to the breaking of the bread and to the Prayers.
43 Ti jawaandi ń cuo naano kuli, ku yaalidgu yeni mi bancianma maalma boncianla ń tieni bi ŋɔdkaaba dandanli po.
A deep impression was made on everyone, and many wonders and signs were done at the hands of the apostles.
44 Yaaba n den tie dugkaaba kuli den taani ki ye kaanyendu, ke ban den pia yaali kuli den tie tantaanbona i.
All who became believers in Christ held everything for the common use;
45 Bi den kuadi bi piama yeni bi bonkubkaali ki bɔgi bi ŋmiali nni, yuakuli yeni wan dagdi yeni yaali.
they sold their property and their goods, and shared the proceeds among them all, according to their individual needs.
46 Li den tie yeni i daali ń tuu daali bi den ye li jaandieli nni, ki taa payianyendu, ki ŋmiidi kpanu, ki bɔgi bi ŋmiali nni, ki taandi ki di yeni li pamanli yeni li pali yumiinli,
Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the Temple Courts, and to the breaking of bread at their homes, while they partook of their food in simple-hearted gladness, praising God, and winning the goodwill of all the people.
47 Bi den pugu U Tienu, ke bi niba taa bi po, ki selni ba. Daali ń tuu daali, O Diedo den pugdi bi po yaaba n den baa mi faabma.
And the Lord daily added to their company those who were in the path of salvation.

< Jesu Tondiba Tuona 2 >