< Mathayo 10 >

1 Nake Jesũ nĩetire arutwo ake ikũmi na eerĩ moke harĩ we, nake akĩmahe ũhoti wa kũingata ngoma thũku na kũhonia mĩrimũ yothe na ndwari ciothe.
Jesus called his twelve disciples together and gave them power to throw out evil spirits, and to heal all kinds of diseases and sicknesses.
2 Maya nĩmo marĩĩtwa ma arutwo acio ikũmi na eerĩ: Wa mbere nĩ Simoni (ũrĩa wĩtagwo Petero), na mũrũ wa nyina Anderea; na Jakubu mũrũ wa Zebedi, na mũrũ wa nyina Johana;
These are the names of the twelve apostles: first, Simon, (also called Peter), Andrew his brother, James the son of Zebedee, John his brother,
3 na Filipu, na Baritholomayo; na Toma, na Mathayo ũrĩa mwĩtia wa mbeeca cia igooti; na Jakubu mũrũ wa Alifayo, na Thadayo;
Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew the tax-collector, James the son of Alphaeus, Thaddeus,
4 na Simoni ũrĩa Mũzelote, na Judasi Mũisikariota, ũrĩa wamũkunyanĩire.
Simon the revolutionary, and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus.
5 Aya ikũmi na eerĩ nĩo Jesũ aatũmire na akĩmataara ũũ: “Mũtigathiĩ kũrĩ andũ-a-Ndũrĩrĩ kana mũtoonye itũũra rĩa Asamaria.
These Twelve Jesus sent out, telling them, “Don't go to the foreigners, or to any Samaritan city.
6 Nĩ kaba mũthiĩ kũrĩ ngʼondu iria ciũrĩte cia Isiraeli.
You are to go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
7 Mwathiĩ-rĩ, hunjagiai ndũmĩrĩri ĩno: ‘Ũthamaki wa igũrũ nĩũkuhĩrĩirie.’
Wherever you go, tell the people, ‘The kingdom of heaven is near.’
8 Honagiai andũ arĩa arũaru, na mũriũkagie arĩa akuũ, na mũtheragie arĩa marĩ na mangũ, na mũingatage ndaimono. Mũheetwo tũhũ, heanagai tũhũ.
Heal those who are sick. Resurrect the dead. Cure the lepers. Drive out demons. You received freely, so give freely!
9 Mũtigekuuĩre thahabu, kana betha, kana gĩcango mĩcibi-inĩ yanyu;
Don't carry any gold, silver, or copper coins in your pockets,
10 O na ningĩ mũtigekuuĩre mũhuko rũgendo-inĩ, kana nguo igĩrĩ, kana iraatũ, kana mũtirima; nĩgũkorwo mũruti wa wĩra nĩabataire kũheo gĩa kũmũtũũria muoyo.
or a bag for your journey, or two cloaks, or sandals, or a walking stick, for a worker deserves to be supported.
11 “Itũũra o rĩothe kana gatũũra karĩa mũngĩtoonya-rĩ, tuĩriai mũmenye mũndũ ũrĩa mwagĩrĩru kuo, mũikare gwake nginya rĩrĩa mũkoima kuo.
Wherever you go, whatever town or village, ask for someone who lives according to good principles, and remain there until you leave.
12 Mwatoonya mũciĩ ũcio-rĩ, geithagiai ene kuo.
When you enter the house, give it your blessing.
13 Angĩkorwo mũciĩ ũcio nĩwagĩrĩire-rĩ, ũrathimei na thayũ wanyu; angĩkorwo ndwagĩrĩire-rĩ, rekei kĩrathimo kĩanyu kĩmũcookerere.
If the home deserves it, let your peace rest on it, but if it doesn't deserve it, let your peace return to you.
14 Mũndũ o wothe angĩrega kũmũnyiita ũgeni kana arege gũthikĩrĩria ciugo cianyu-rĩ, mũkiuma mũciĩ ũcio kana itũũra rĩu-rĩ, mũkaaribariba magũrũ manyu nĩguo rũkũngũ rũitĩke.
If someone doesn't welcome you, and refuses to listen to what you have to say, then leave that house or that town, shaking its dust off your feet as you go.
15 Ngũmwĩra atĩrĩ na ma ituĩro rĩa itũũra rĩu rĩgaakorwo rĩrĩ inene gũkĩra rĩa Sodomu na Gomora mũthenya ũrĩa wa ciira.
I tell you the truth, it will be better for Sodom and Gomorrah at the Day of Judgment than for that town!
16 Atĩrĩrĩ ndamũtũma o ta ngʼondu gatagatĩ ka njũũi. Nĩ ũndũ ũcio, gĩai na ũũgĩ ta nyoka, na mwage ũũru ta ndutura.
Look, I'm sending you out like sheep among wolves. So be as wise as serpents and harmless as doves.
17 “Mwĩmenyererei andũ; tondũ nĩmakamũneana ciama-inĩ, na mamũhũũre na iboko thunagogi-inĩ ciao.
Watch out for those who will hand you over to be tried by town councils and will whip you in their synagogues.
18 Nĩ ũndũ wa ũhoro wakwa-rĩ, nĩmũgatwarwo mbere ya aathani na athamaki nĩgeetha mũtuĩke aira kũrĩ o na kũrĩ andũ-a-Ndũrĩrĩ.
You will be dragged before governors and kings because of me, to witness to them and to the foreigners.
19 No rĩrĩa makaamũnyiita-rĩ, mũtikanetange nĩ ũndũ wa ũrĩa mũkoiga kana ũrĩa mũgaacookia. Hĩndĩ ĩyo nĩmũkeerwo ũrĩa mũkoiga,
But when they put you on trial, don't worry about how you should speak or what you should say, because you'll be told what to say at the right time.
20 nĩgũkorwo ti inyuĩ mũgaakorwo mũkĩaria, no nĩ Roho wa Ithe wanyu ũkaaria arĩ thĩinĩ wanyu.
For it isn't you who will speak but the spirit of the Father will speak through you.
21 “Mũndũ nĩagakunyanĩra mũrũ wa nyina ooragwo, na ithe wa mũndũ akunyanĩre mwana wake; ciana nĩikaremera aciari a cio na imoragithie.
Brother will betray brother and have him killed, and a father will do the same to his child. Children will rebel against their parents, and have them put to death.
22 Andũ othe nĩmakamũmena nĩ ũndũ wakwa, no ũrĩa ũgaakirĩrĩria nginya hĩndĩ ya mũthia nĩakahonoka.
Everyone will hate you because you follow me, but those who endure until the end will be saved.
23 Hĩndĩ ĩrĩa mwanyariirwo itũũra-inĩ rĩmwe-rĩ, ũrĩrai rĩrĩa rĩngĩ. Ngũmwĩra na ma atĩ, mũtigaakorwo mũthiĩte matũũra mothe ma Isiraeli, Mũrũ wa Mũndũ atookĩte.
When you're persecuted in one town, run away to the next. I'm telling the truth: you won't finish going to the towns of Israel before the Son of man comes.
24 “Mũrutwo ti mũnene kũrĩ mũrutani wake, o na ndungata ti nene kũrĩ mũmĩathi.
Disciples are not more important than their teacher; servants are not more important than their master.
25 Nĩkũiganĩire mũrutwo aiganane na mũrutani wake, o na ndungata ĩiganane na mũmĩathi. Angĩkorwo mwene nyũmba nĩetĩtwo Beelizebuli-rĩ, githĩ andũ a nyũmba yake matigetwo marĩĩtwa mooru gũkĩra rĩu!
Disciples should be satisfied to become like their teacher, and servants like their master. If the head of the house has been called the head demon Beelzebub, then the members of his household will be demonized even more!
26 “Nĩ ũndũ ũcio-rĩ, mũtikametigĩre. Gũtirĩ ũndũ mũhithanie ũtakaguũrio, kana ũndũ mũhithe ũtakamenyeka.
So don't be frightened of them, for there's nothing covered that won't be exposed, and nothing hidden that won't be made known.
27 Ũrĩa ngũmwĩra nduma-inĩ-rĩ, wariei mũthenya barigici, na ũrĩa warĩtio na mĩheehũ matũ-inĩ manyu-rĩ, wanĩrĩrei mũrĩ nyũmba-igũrũ.
What I tell you here in the dark, declare when it's light, and what you hear whispered in your ear, shout from the rooftops.
28 Mũtigetigĩre arĩa moragaga o mwĩrĩ, no matingĩhota kũũraga ngoro. Nĩ kaba gwĩtigĩra Ũrĩa ũngĩananga ngoro na mwĩrĩ kũu Jehanamu. (Geenna g1067)
Don't be afraid of those who can kill you physically, but can't kill you spiritually. Instead, be afraid of the one who can destroy you physically and spiritually in the fires of destruction. (Geenna g1067)
29 Githĩ tũnyoni twĩrĩ tũtiendagio thendi ĩmwe? No gũtirĩ o na kamwe gatuo kangĩgũa thĩ Ithe wanyu atetĩkĩrĩte.
Aren't two sparrows sold for just one penny? But not a single one of them falls to the ground without your Father knowing about it.
30 O na njuĩrĩ cianyu cia mũtwe nĩndare.
Even the hairs on your head have all been counted.
31 Nĩ ũndũ ũcio mũtigetigĩre; mũrĩ a bata gũkĩra tũnyoni tũingĩ.
So don't worry—you're worth more than many sparrows!
32 “Ũrĩa wothe ũkaanyumbũra mbere ya andũ, o na niĩ nĩngamumbũra mbere ya Baba ũrĩa ũrĩ kũu igũrũ.
Anyone who publicly declares their commitment to me, I will also declare my commitment to them before my Father in heaven.
33 No ũrĩa wothe ũkangaana mbere ya andũ, na niĩ nĩngamũkaana mbere ya Baba ũrĩa ũrĩ igũrũ.
But anyone who publicly denies me, I will also deny before my Father in heaven.
34 “Mũtigeciirie atĩ njũkĩte kũrehe thayũ gũkũ thĩ. Ndiokire kũrehe thayũ, no ndookire kũrehe rũhiũ rwa njora.
Don't think I've come to bring peace on earth. I haven't come to bring peace, but a sword.
35 Nĩgũkorwo njũkĩte gũtũma “‘mũndũ okanĩrĩre na ithe, na mũirĩtu okanĩrĩre na nyina, nake mũtumia okanĩrĩre na nyaciarawe;
I've come ‘to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.
36 thũ cia mũndũ igaakorwo irĩ andũ a nyũmba yake kĩũmbe.’
Your enemies will be those of your own family!’
37 “Ũrĩa wothe wendete ithe kana nyina kũngĩra ndagĩrĩire gũtuĩka wakwa; na ũrĩa wothe wendete mũriũ kana mwarĩ kũngĩra ndagĩrĩire gũtuĩka wakwa;
If you love your father or mother more than me you don't deserve to be mine, and if you love your son or daughter more than me you don't deserve to be mine.
38 nake ũrĩa wothe ũtagakuua mũtharaba wake wa kwambĩrwo aanũmĩrĩre ndagĩrĩire gũtuĩka wakwa.
If you don't pick up your cross and follow me you don't deserve to be mine.
39 Ũrĩa wothe ũgeragia gũtũũria muoyo wake nĩakoorwo nĩguo; no ũrĩa wothe ũkoorwo nĩ muoyo wake nĩ ũndũ wakwa nĩakaũtũũria.
If you try to save your life, you will lose it, but if you lose your life because of me you will save it.
40 “Mũndũ ũrĩa ũmwamũkagĩra, nĩ niĩ amũkagĩra. Nake ũrĩa ũnyamũkagĩra, amũkagĩra ũrĩa wandũmire.
Those who welcome you welcome me, and those who welcome me welcome the one that sent me.
41 Ũrĩa wothe ũkaamũkĩra mũnabii tondũ nĩ mũnabii, nĩakamũkĩra kĩheo kĩrĩa kĩheagwo mũnabii, nake ũrĩa wothe ũkaamũkĩra mũndũ mũthingu tondũ nĩ mũthingu-rĩ, nĩakamũkĩra kĩheo kĩrĩa kĩheagwo mũndũ mũthingu.
Those who welcome a prophet because that's what they are will receive the same reward as a prophet. Those who welcome someone who does right will receive the same reward as someone who does right.
42 Nake ũrĩa wothe ũheaga ũmwe wa aya anini o na gĩkombe kĩa maaĩ mahehu tondũ nĩ mũrutwo wakwa-rĩ, ngũmwĩra atĩrĩ na ma, ndakaaga kũheo kĩheo gĩake.”
I tell you the truth, those who give a drink of cool water to the least important of my disciples will definitely not miss out on their reward.”

< Mathayo 10 >