< 1 Akorinitho 16 >

1 Na rĩrĩ, ha ũhoro wa mũhothi nĩ ũndũ wa andũ a Ngai ũtariĩ ũũ: Ĩkagai ũrĩa ndeerire makanitha ma Galatia mekage.
Now concerning the offering for the saints, you also are to do as I directed the church of Galatia.
2 Mũthenya wa mbere wa kiumia-rĩ, o mũndũ wanyu nĩagĩrĩirwo nĩkũigaga mbeeca ta ũrĩa ũthũkũmi wake ũigana, agaciigaga, nĩguo hĩndĩ ĩrĩa ngooka kũu gũtikanagĩe na mũhothi.
On the first day of each week let each of you put aside something, keeping it in store as he may prosper, so that when I come there may be no collections going on.
3 Na ndaakinya-rĩ, andũ arĩa mũgaakorwo mũgathĩrĩirie nĩngamahe marũa ma kũmamenyithania na ndĩmatũme Jerusalemu na iheo cianyu.
On my arrival I will send those whom you may accredit by letter to carry your bounty to Jerusalem.
4 Na kũngĩkoneka kwagĩrĩire o na niĩ thiĩ-rĩ, nĩngatwarana nao.
And if it is worth while for me to go too, they will accompany me.
5 Ndaarĩkia gũtuĩkanĩria Makedonia-rĩ, nĩgũkorwo nĩngatuĩkanĩria kuo, nĩngooka kũrĩ inyuĩ.
Now I shall come to you after I have gone through Macedonia.
6 Hihi ngaikara na inyuĩ gwa kahinda, o na kana njikare kũu hĩndĩ ya heho yothe, nĩguo mũkaahota kũndeithĩrĩria gũthiĩ rũgendo-inĩ rwakwa kũrĩa guothe ngaathiĩ.
I shall remain some time with you; possibly spending the winter, in order that you may help me forward in whatever journey I take.
7 Ndikwenda kuonana na inyuĩ hĩndĩ ĩno ndĩrahĩtũkĩra kũu, tondũ ngwĩhoka atĩ nĩtũgaikarania na inyuĩ kwa ihinda, Mwathani etĩkĩra.
For I do not wish at this present time to see you merely in passing; but if the Lord permits, I hope to remain some time with you.
8 No nĩngũikara gũkũ Efeso nginya hĩndĩ ya Bendegothito,
I am staying for the present in Ephesus, until Pentecost;
9 tondũ ndĩmũhingũrĩre mweke mũnene wa kũruta wĩra mwega ũrĩ na uumithio, no nacio thũ nĩ nyingĩ.
for a door has opened to me, great and effectual, and the opponents are many.
10 Timotheo angĩũka-rĩ, menyererai nĩguo aikare kũu na inyuĩ atarĩ na guoya, nĩgũkorwo nĩ wĩra wa Mwathani araruta, o ta ũrĩa ndĩraruta.
If Timothy come, see to it that he is among you without trepidation; for he is doing the Lord’s work, as I am, so let no one disparage him.
11 Nĩ ũndũ ũcio-rĩ, gũtirĩ mũndũ wagĩrĩirwo nĩ kwaga kũmwamũkĩra. Mumagariei na thayũ nĩgeetha akinye kũrĩ niĩ. Nĩndĩmwetereire marĩ hamwe na ariũ na aarĩ a Ithe witũ.
Whenever he comes to me, send him on his way in peace, for I am expecting him with the other brothers.
12 Na rĩrĩ, ha ũhoro ũkoniĩ mũrũ wa Ithe witũ Apolo-rĩ: nĩndamũringĩrĩirie mũno ooke kũrĩ inyuĩ arĩ hamwe na ariũ na aarĩ a Ithe witũ. Nowe ndeendaga gũũka ihinda rĩu, no nĩarĩũka aagĩa na mweke.
As for our Apollos, I have many times urged him to go to you with the others, but he was always unwilling to go to you at this time. He will come, however, whenever he has a good opportunity.
13 Ikaragai mwĩhũgĩte, na mwĩhaande mũrũmĩte wega thĩinĩ wa wĩtĩkio; ningĩ mũtuĩke andũ omĩrĩru; na mũgĩe na hinya.
Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, be manly, be strong.
14 Ĩkagai maũndũ mothe mũrĩ na wendani.
Let all that you do be done in love.
15 Inyuĩ nĩmũũĩ atĩ andũ a nyũmba ya Stefana nĩo maarĩ a mbere gwĩtĩkia kũu bũrũri wa Akaia, na nĩmerutĩire gũtungatagĩra andũ arĩa aamũre. Nĩngũkĩmũringĩrĩria, ariũ na aarĩ a Ithe witũ,
I beg you this, my brothers - you know the household of Stephanus, that they were the first-fruits of Achaia, and that they devoted themselves to the service of the saints -
16 mwathĩkagĩre andũ ta acio, na mũndũ o wothe ũrĩa ũrutithanagia wĩra na ithuĩ, akĩũnogagĩra.
so I want you also to show deference to such, and to every fellow worker, and laborer.
17 Nĩndakenire rĩrĩa Stefana, marĩ na Fotunato, na Akaiko maakinyire, nĩ ũndũ nĩo maahingĩirie ũndũ ũrĩa itaarĩ naguo kuuma kũrĩ inyuĩ.
I am glad that Stephanus and Fortunatus and Achaicus have arrived, for they have made up for your absence.
18 Nĩgũkorwo nĩmacanjamũrire roho wakwa o na wanyu. Andũ ta acio nĩmagĩrĩirwo kũheagwo gĩtĩĩo.
They refresh my spirit as they do yours. So cultivate the acquaintance of such men.
19 Makanitha ma bũrũri wa Asia nĩmamũgeithia. Akula na Pirisila nĩmamũgeithia mũno thĩinĩ wa Mwathani, o na kanitha ũrĩa ũcemanagia kwao nyũmba nĩwamũgeithia.
The churches of Asia greet you. Aquila and Priscilla (Prisca), with the church that meets in their house, greet you heartily in the Lord.
20 Ariũ na aarĩ a Ithe witũ othe arĩa marĩ gũkũ nĩmamũgeithia. O mũndũ nĩageithie ũrĩa ũngĩ na ngeithi theru cia kĩmumunyano.
All the brothers send greetings. Greet one another with a holy kiss.
21 Niĩ, Paũlũ, nĩ niĩ ndandĩka ngeithi ici na guoko gwakwa.
The greeting of me, Paul, with my own hand.
22 Angĩkorwo he mũndũ o na ũ ũtendete Mwathani-rĩ, arogwatwo nĩ kĩrumi. Ũka, Mwathani!
If any one does not love the Lord, let him be accursed. Our Lord is coming.
23 Wega wa Mwathani Jesũ ũroikara na inyuĩ.
The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.
24 Wendani wakwa ũromũkinyĩra inyuĩ inyuothe mũrĩ thĩinĩ wa Kristũ Jesũ. Ameni.
My love be with you all in Christ Jesus.

< 1 Akorinitho 16 >