< Psalm 25 >

1 Von David. - Nach Dir verlangt mich, Herr.
Yahweh, my God, I give myself to you.
2 Mein Gott, auf Dich nur hoffe ich. Laß nimmer mich zuschanden werden! Laß meine Feinde über mich nicht jubeln!
I trust in you. Do not allow my enemies [to defeat me], with the result that I would be ashamed/disgraced. Do not allow my enemies to defeat/conquer me, with the result that they would rejoice.
3 Nicht einer, der auf Dich vertraut, wird je zuschanden. Doch leer gehn aus die Abgefallenen.
Do not allow any of those who trust in you to be disappointed/disgraced. Cause those who (act treacherously toward/try to deceive) others to be disappointed/disgraced.
4 Belehre, Herr, mich über Deine Wege! Gewöhne mich an Deine Pfade!
Yahweh, show me the way that I should (conduct my life/live as you want me to), teach me how to act in the manner that you want me to act/behave.
5 In Deiner Treue leite mich! Gewöhne mich daran! Denn Du bist meines Heiles Gott; stets hoffe ich auf Dich. -
Teach me to conduct my life [by obeying] your truth because you are my God, the one who saves me. All the time I trust in you.
6 Gedenke Deiner Liebe, Herr, und Güte! Sie sind von Ewigkeit.
Yahweh, do not forget how you have acted mercifully to me and have faithfully loved me; that is the way that you have acted toward me from long ago.
7 Gedenk nicht meiner Jugendsünden, meiner Missetaten nicht! Gedenk mir dessen nur, was Deiner Gnade würdig ist, um Deiner Güte willen, Herr! -
Forgive me for all the sinful things I did and the ways that I rebelled against you when I was young; I ask this because you faithfully love your people and do good things for them, Yahweh, do not forget me!
8 Der Herr ist gütig und wahrhaftig; drum zeigt er Irrenden die rechte Bahn.
Yahweh is good and fair/just; therefore he shows sinners (how they should conduct their lives/how to live as you want them to).
9 Bedrückte leitet er, wie's richtig ist, gewöhnt an seinen Weg die Dulder.
He shows humble people what is right for them to do and teaches them what he wants [them to do].
10 Des Herrn Wege all' sind Lieb' und Treue für die, die seinen Bund und seine Lehren halten. -
He always faithfully loves and does what he has promised to those who keep his agreement with them and who do what he requires.
11 Um Deines Namens willen, Herr, vergib mir meine Schuld, so groß ist sie! -
Yahweh, forgive me for all my sins, which are many, in order that I may honor you [MTY].
12 Ist irgendwo ein Mann in Furcht des Herrn, so zeigt er ihm den Weg, den jener wählen soll.
To all those who revere you [RHQ], you show them the (right way to conduct their lives/things that they should do).
13 Ihm ist das Glück auch hold; sein Stamm ererbt das Land.
They will always be prosperous, and their descendants will continue to live in [this] land.
14 Des Herrn Geheimnis eignet denen, die ihn fürchten; in seinen Bund weiht er sie ein.
Yahweh is a friend of those who have an awesome respect for him, and he teaches them the agreement that he [made with them].
15 Mein Auge schaut stets auf den Herrn; denn meine Füße kann er vor dem Netz bewahren.
I always ask [MTY] Yahweh to help me, and he rescues me from danger [MET].
16 Schau her auf mich! Sei gnädig mir! Verlassen bin ich, elend.
Yahweh, pay attention to me and be merciful to me, because I am alone, and I am very distressed because I am suffering/oppressed.
17 Erweitere mein beklemmtes Herz! Aus meinen Nöten rette mich!
Help me to not worry, and rescue me from my troubles.
18 Schau meine Pein, mein Elend an! Vergib mir alle meine Sünden! -
Note that I am distressed and troubled [DOU], and forgive [me for] all my sins.
19 Betrachte meine Feinde, welche Menge, den Haß, wie furchtbar sie mich hassen!
Also note that I have many enemies, see that they hate me very much.
20 Mein Leben schirme, rette mich, damit ich nicht zuschanden werde! Ich harre Dein.
Protect me, and rescue me from them; do not allow [them to defeat me], [with the result that] I would be ashamed/disgraced; I have come to you to (get refuge/be safe).
21 Mir bleibe Unschuld! Mir bleibe Redlichkeit! Ich harre Dein.
Protect me because I do what is good and honest/just [PRS], and because I trust in you.
22 Erlöse Israel aus allen seinen Nöten, Gott!
God, rescue [us] Israeli people from all of our troubles!

< Psalm 25 >