< 1 Chroniques 8 >

1 Or Benjamin engendra Balé son premier-né, Asbel le second, Ahara le troisième,
And, Benjamin, begat Bela his firstborn, —Ashbel, the second, and Aharah, the third, —
2 Nohaa le quatrième, et Rapha le cinquième.
Nohah, the fourth, and Rapha, the fifth.
3 Et les fils de Balé furent Addar, Géra et Ahiud,
And Bela had sons—Addar, and Gera, and Abihud, —
4 Abisué aussi, Naaman, et Ahoé;
and Abishua, and Naaman, and Ahoah, —
5 Mais encore Géra, Séphuphan et Huram.
and Gera, and Shephuphan, and Huram.
6 Ceux-là sont fils d’Ahod, et princes des familles habitant à Gabaa, lesquels furent transférés à Manahath:
And, these, are the sons of Ehud, —these, are the ancestral chiefs to the inhabitants of Geba, but they were carried away captive, unto Manahath;
7 C’est-à-dire Naaman, et Achia, et Géra; lui-même, Ahod, les transféra, et il engendra Oza et Ahiud.
and, as for Naaman and Ahijah and Gera, the same, carried them captive, —and he begat Uzza and Ahihud.
8 Mais Saharaïm engendra dans la contrée de Moab, après qu’il eut renvoyé Husim et Bara, ses femmes.
And, Shaharaim, begat children in the field of Moab, after he had sent away Hushim and Baara his wives.
9 Il engendra donc de Hodès, sa femme, Joab, Sébia, Mosa et Molchom:
Then begat he, of Hodesh his wife, —Jobab, and Zibia, and Mesha, and Malcam;
10 Jéhus aussi, et Séchia, et Marma; ceux-là sont ses fils et princes dans leurs familles.
and Jeuz, and Sachia, and Mirmah, —these, were his sons, ancestral chiefs.
11 Or Méhusim engendra Abitob et Elphaal.
And, of Hushim, he begat Abitub, and Elpaal.
12 Mais les fils d’Elphaal sont Héber, Misaam, et Samad: celui-ci bâtit Ono, et Lod et ses filles,
And, the sons of Elpaal, Eber, and Misham, and Shemed, —he, built Ono, and Lod, and the villages thereof.
13 Baria et Sama lurent princes des familles habitant à Aïalon: ce sont eux qui chassèrent les habitants de Geth.
And, as for Beriah and Shema, they, were ancestral chiefs to the inhabitants of Aijalon, —they, put to flight the inhabitants of Gath;
14 De plus, Ahio, Sésac, Jérimoth,
and Ahio, Shashak, and Jeremoth, —
15 Zabadia, Arod, Héder,
and Zebadiah, and Arad, and Eder, —
16 Michaël, Jespha et Joha, sont les fils de Baria,
and Michael, and Ishpah, and Joha, sons of Beriah, —
17 Et Zabadia, Mosollam, Hézéci, Aéber,
and Zebadiah, and Meshullam, and Hizki, and Heber, —
18 Jésamari, Jezlia et Johab, les fils d’Elphaal;
and Ishmerai, and Izliah, and Jobab, sons of Elpaal, —
19 Jacim, Zéchri, Zabdi,
and Jakim, and Zichri, and Zabdi—
20 Elioénaï, Séléthaï, Eliel,
and Elienai, and Zillethai, and Eliel, —
21 Adaïa. Baraïa et Samarath, les fils de Séméi;
and Adaiah, and Beraiah, and Shimrath, sons of Shimei, —
22 Jespham, Héber, Eliel,
and Ishpan, and Eber, and Eliel, —
23 Abdon, Zéchri, Hanan,
and Abdon, and Zichri, and Hanan, —
24 Hanania, Aelam, Anathothia,
and Hananiah, and Elam, and Anthothijah, —
25 Jephdaïa et Phanuel, les fils de Sésac;
and Iphdeiah, and Penuel, sons of Shashak, —
26 Samsari, Sohoria, Otholia,
and Shamsherai, and Shehariah, and Athaliah, —
27 Jersia, Elia et Zéchri, les fils de Jéroham.
and Jaareshiah, and Elijah, and Zichri, sons of Jeroham:
28 Ce sont là les patriarches et les princes des familles qui ont habité à Jérusalem.
these, were ancestral chiefs to their generations, chief men, —these, dwelt in Jerusalem;
29 Mais à Gabaod habitèrent Abigabaaon, dont le nom de la femme était Maacha;
And, in Gibeon, dwelt the father of Gibeon [Jeiel], the name of whose wife, was Maacah, —
30 Son fils, premier-né, Abdon, et les autres, Sur, Cis, Baal et Nadab,
and his firstborn son, Abdon, and Zur and Kish, and Baal and Ner and Nadab, —
31 Et aussi Gédor, Ahio, Zacher et Macelloth;
and Gedor, and Ahio, and Zecher.
32 Et Macelloth engendra Samaa; et ils habitèrent vis-à-vis de leurs frères, à Jérusalem, avec leurs frères.
And, Mikloth, begat Shimeah, —moreover also, they, over against their brethren, did dwell in Jerusalem, with their own brethren.
33 Or Ner engendra Cis, et Cis engendra Saül. Mais Saül engendra Jonathan, Melchisua, Abinadab et Esbaal.
So then, Ner, begat Kish, and, Kish, begat Saul, —and, Saul, begat Jonathan, and Malchishua, and Abinadab, and Eshbaal.
34 Et le fils de Jonathan fut Méribbaal, et Méribbaal engendra Micha.
And, the son of Jonathan, was Merib-baal, —and, Merib-baal, begat Micah.
35 Les fils de Micha furent Phithon, Mélech, Tharaa et Ahaz,
And, the sons of Micah, were Pithon, and Melech, and Tarea, and Ahaz.
36 Et Ahaz engendra Joada, et Joada engendra Alamath, Azmoth et Zamri: or Zamri engendra Mosa;
And, Ahaz, begat Jehoaddah, and, Jehoaddah, begat Alemeth, and Azmaveth, and Zimri, —and, Zimri, begat Moza;
37 Et Mosa engendra Banaa, dont le fils fut Rapha, de qui est né Elasa, qui engendra Asel.
and, Moza, begat Binea, —Raphah was his son, Eleasah his son, Azel his son.
38 Or Asel eut six fils de ces noms: Ezricam, Bocru, Ismaël, Saria, Obdia et Hanan: tous ceux-là furent fils d’Asel.
And, Azel, had six sons, and, these, were their names—Azrikam, Bocheru, and Ishmael, and Sheariah, and Obediah, and Hanan and Asah, —all these, were sons of Azel.
39 Mais les fils d’Esec, son frère: Ulam, le premier-né, Jéhus, le second, et Eliphalet, le troisième.
And, the sons of Eshek his brother, were Ulam his firstborn, Jeush the second, and Eliphelet the third.
40 Et les fils d’Ulam furent des hommes très vigoureux et tendant l’arc avec une grande force; ayant beaucoup de fils et de petits-fils, jusqu’à cent cinquante. Tous ceux-là sont les fils de Benjamin.
And the sons of Ulam became men that were heroes of valour, archers, with many sons, and sons’ sons, a hundred and fifty. All these, were of the sons of Benjamin.

< 1 Chroniques 8 >