< Psaumes 71 >

1 Éternel, je me réfugie vers toi: que je ne sois jamais confondu!
Yahweh, I have come to you to (get refuge/be protected); never allow me to become ashamed [because of being defeated].
2 Par ta justice sauve et délivre-moi! Penche vers moi ton oreille, et sois-moi secourable!
Because you always do what is right, help me and rescue me; listen to me, and save me!
3 Sois pour moi un rocher où je trouve un asile, pour que je m'y retire en tout temps! Tu as résolu de me sauver, car tu es ma citadelle et mon fort.
Be [like an overhanging] rock [MET] under which I [can be] safe/protected; [be like] a strong fortress in which I am safe [DOU]. You [continually] command (OR, [Continually] command) [your angels] to rescue me.
4 Mon Dieu, sauve-moi de la main de l'impie, du bras du méchant et de l'oppresseur!
God, rescue me from wicked [people], from the power of unjust and evil men.
5 Car tu es mon espérance, Seigneur, Éternel, dès mon jeune âge en toi je me confie;
Yahweh, my Lord, you are the one whom I confidently expect [to help me]; I have trusted in you since I was young.
6 sur toi je m'appuie dès le sein de ma mère, et c'est toi qui m'as tiré de ses flancs; tu es toujours l'objet de mes louanges.
I have depended on you all my life; you have taken care of me [IDM] since the day that I was born, [so] I will always praise you.
7 Je suis comme un miracle pour plusieurs: c'est que tu es mon puissant recours.
The manner in which I have conducted my life has been an example to many [people], because [they realize that] you have been my strong defender.
8 Ma bouche est remplie de tes louanges, tous les jours je te glorifie!
I praise you all day long, and I proclaim that you are glorious/wonderful.
9 Ne me rejette pas au temps de ma vieillesse! Quand ma force dépérit, ne me délaisse pas!
Now, when I have become an old man, do not reject/abandon me; do not abandon me now, when I am not strong any more.
10 Car mes ennemis parlent de moi, et ceux qui épient mon âme, se concertent ensemble,
My enemies say [that they want to kill] me; they plan together [how they can do that].
11 disant: « Dieu l'a délaissé, poursuivez, saisissez-le; car il est sans libérateur! »
They say [about me], “God has abandoned him; so now we can pursue him and seize him, because there is no one who will rescue him.”
12 O Dieu, ne sois pas loin de moi! Mon Dieu, accours à mon aide!
God, do not stay far away from me; hurry to help me!
13 Qu'ils soient confondus, exterminés, les ennemis de mon âme, couverts de honte et d'opprobre, ceux qui cherchent ma perte!
Cause those who (accuse me/say that I have done things that are wrong) to be defeated and destroyed; cause those who want to harm me to be shamed and disgraced.
14 Mais j'aurai toujours espérance, et je pourrai ajouter encore à toutes tes louanges.
But [as for me], I will continually and confidently expect [you to do great things for me], and I will praise you more and more.
15 Ma bouche dira ta justice, chaque jour ton salut, car je ne saurais compter [tous tes bienfaits].
I will tell people that you do what is right; all day long I will tell people how you have saved me, although what you have done is more than I can fully understand.
16 Je viendrai chantant tes hauts faits, Seigneur; Éternel, c'est ta justice seule que je célébrerai.
Yahweh, my Lord, I will praise you for your mighty deeds; I will proclaim that only you always act justly.
17 O Dieu, tu m'as instruit dès mon jeune âge, et jusques aujourd'hui je publie tes merveilles.
God, you have taught me [many/those things] ever since I was young, and I still tell people about your wonderful deeds.
18 Mais, toi aussi, jusqu'à la vieillesse, aux cheveux blancs, ô Dieu, ne me délaisse pas! afin que j'annonce tes faits aux hommes d'à présent, et à tous ceux qui naîtront, ta puissance.
And now, God, when I am old and my hair is gray, do not abandon me. [Stay with me] while I continue to proclaim to my children and grandchildren [HYP] that you are [very] powerful!
19 Aussi bien ta justice, ô Dieu, atteint au ciel. Tu as fait de grandes choses, ô Dieu; qui est pareil à toi?
God, you do many righteous deeds; [it is as though] they extend up to the sky. You have done great things; there is no one like you [RHQ].
20 Tu nous fis voir beaucoup d'angoisses et de maux: de nouveau tu nous donneras la vie, et tu nous tireras encore des abîmes de la terre.
You have caused me to have many troubles and to suffer much, [but] you will cause me to become strong again; when I am almost dead [HYP], you will keep me alive.
21 Daigne augmenter ma grandeur, te tourner vers moi, et me consoler!
You will cause me to be greatly honored and you will encourage/comfort me again.
22 Et au son du luth je te louerai, dirai la fidélité, mon Dieu, je te chanterai avec la harpe, Saint d'Israël!
I will also praise you [while I play] my harp; I will praise you, my God, for faithfully [doing what you have promised to do]. I will play hymns to praise you, the holy God whom [we] Israelis [worship].
23 La joie sera sur mes lèvres, car c'est toi que je chanterai, et dans mon âme, car tu l'as délivrée;
I [SYN] will shout joyfully while I play [the harp] for you; with my entire inner being I will sing because you have rescued me.
24 ma langue aussi toujours dira ta justice; car ils sont couverts de honte et d'opprobre ceux qui cherchent ma perte.
All day long I will tell people that you act righteously, because those who wanted to harm me will have been defeated and disgraced.

< Psaumes 71 >