< 2 Timothée 3 >

1 Sache que, dans les derniers jours, il y aura des temps difficiles.
[You need to] realize that during the last days [MTY] [before Christ returns, evil people will make] it difficult [for believers to behave as they should].
2 Car les hommes seront égoïstes, amis de l’argent, fanfarons, hautains, blasphémateurs, rebelles à leurs parents, ingrats, irréligieux,
This is because [such evil] people will be habitually loving themselves and loving money. They will habitually boast [about themselves], they will be proud, and will often say bad things [about others. They] will disobey [their] parents. They will not be thankful, nor will they respect [anything that is good].
3 insensibles, déloyaux, calomniateurs, intempérants, cruels, ennemis des gens de bien,
They will not [even] love their own family, nor agree with [anybody] (OR, [they never forgive anyone]). They will tell lies about people. They will not control what they say and do, nor allow anyone to control them. They will not love [anything that is] good.
4 traîtres, emportés, enflés d’orgueil, aimant le plaisir plus que Dieu,
They will (betray others/hand others over to their enemies) and act foolishly. They will be overly/very proud of themselves, and they will love to please themselves instead of loving God.
5 ayant l’apparence de la piété, mais reniant ce qui en fait la force. Éloigne-toi de ces hommes-là.
[And, although they will] pretend that they worship God, they will not let [God’s Spirit] work powerfully [in their lives]. Do not associate with such people (OR, Do not let such people join [your congregation]),
6 Il en est parmi eux qui s’introduisent dans les maisons, et qui captivent des femmes d’un esprit faible et borné, chargées de péchés, agitées par des passions de toute espèce,
because some such [people, even now], subtly/deceivingly persuade foolish women to let them come into their houses, and then they deceive those women [so that they control what those women think. These women] have been burdened with sins {have sinned very much} and they have been led to do {they do} the many [evil] things that they strongly desire to do.
7 apprenant toujours et ne pouvant jamais arriver à la connaissance de la vérité.
[Even though] they are always [wanting to] learn new things, they are never able to recognize what is true.
8 De même que Jannès et Jambrès s’opposèrent à Moïse, de même ces hommes s’opposent à la vérité, étant corrompus d’entendement, réprouvés en ce qui concerne la foi.
Just like Jannes and Jambres [long ago] very much opposed Moses, so also some [people] now oppose the true [message. Those] people think only what is evil. God rejects them [because they do not] believe [what is true].
9 Mais ils ne feront pas de plus grands progrès; car leur folie sera manifeste pour tous, comme le fut celle de ces deux hommes.
Nevertheless, they will not continue to succeed, because most [HYP] people will understand clearly that such people are foolish, just like people also realized [clearly that Jannes and Jambres were foolish].
10 Pour toi, tu as suivi de près mon enseignement, ma conduite, mes résolutions, ma foi, ma douceur, ma charité, ma constance,
But as for yourself, you have fully known what I have taught. You have known [and imitated] the way in which I conducted my life, [and] what I have been trying to do. [You have] trusted [God as] I have. You have been patient as I have been. [You have] loved people [as] I have, and [you have] endured [as you suffered like] I have [suffered].
11 mes persécutions, mes souffrances. A quelles souffrances n’ai-je pas été exposé à Antioche, à Icone, à Lystre? Quelles persécutions n’ai-je pas supportées? Et le Seigneur m’a délivré de toutes.
[You know how I endured many times when people] harmed me. [They] caused me to suffer at Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra [cities]. [But although they caused me to suffer], I endured it; and every time [they] did those things to me, the Lord rescued me.
12 Or, tous ceux qui veulent vivre pieusement en Jésus-Christ seront persécutés.
(Indeed/You know that), for us [(inc)] who want to live (in a [godly manner/] a [manner that pleases God]), we will always be persecuted {there will always be people who will cause us to suffer} because we [have a close relationship with] Christ Jesus.
13 Mais les hommes méchants et imposteurs avanceront toujours plus dans le mal, égarant les autres et égarés eux-mêmes.
Evil people (OR, And those) who deceive other people will (get worse/teach things that are more and more wrong). [Specifically, they will] deceive other people, and [those who hear them will] deceive others.
14 Toi, demeure dans les choses que tu as apprises, et reconnues certaines, sachant de qui tu les as apprises;
But you, in contrast, must continue [to believe] what you have learned and (been assured of/firmly believe). [I know that you are confident/sure that it is true because] you know that you have learned it from all [of us who taught you] ([God’s truth/what is right]).
15 dès ton enfance, tu connais les saintes lettres, qui peuvent te rendre sage à salut par la foi en Jésus-Christ.
From [the time when you were] a child you have known the holy writings/Scriptures. [You now know that] they enabled you to become wise so that God saved you because of your believing in Christ Jesus.
16 Toute Écriture est inspirée de Dieu, et utile pour enseigner, pour convaincre, pour corriger, pour instruire dans la justice,
God (inspired/put into men’s minds) everything [that is written] in the Scriptures {they [wrote] in the holy writings}, and those writings are all useful to teach [us what is true], to cause us to know [when we are] wrong and then (to correct us/to show us what we have done that is wrong), and to train/teach us to do what is right.
17 afin que l’homme de Dieu soit accompli et propre à toute bonne œuvre.
What [is written] {they wrote} is useful to help us who [serve] God to be ready/prepared to do all that we should do. By means of it, we are equipped {God gives us what we need} in order to do every [kind of] good deeds.

< 2 Timothée 3 >