< 2 Corinthiens 9 >

1 Il est superflu que je vous écrive touchant l’assistance destinée aux saints.
Now [I want to write] more about the gift [of money] [EUP] that [you and other believers are preparing to send] to the believers [in Judea province]. I do not [really] need to [continue writing to you about it],
2 Je connais, en effet, votre bonne volonté, dont je me glorifie pour vous auprès des Macédoniens, en déclarant que l’Achaïe est prête depuis l’année dernière; et ce zèle de votre part a stimulé le plus grand nombre.
because I already know that you really want to help them. In fact, I have been boasting [about you], telling the [believers here in] Macedonia [province] that [you people in] Achaia [province] have been ready to help, since last year. As a result, because you are very eager to help [the believers in Judea province], you have made most of [the believers here in Macedonia province also want] to give [a gift].
3 J’envoie les frères, afin que l’éloge que nous avons fait de vous ne soit pas réduit à néant sur ce point-là, et que vous soyez prêts, comme je l’ai dit.
However, I am sending Titus and the other two believers in order that [they will be able to help you finish collecting the money. Then when I and others arrive later, the people with me will see for themselves that] the things that I have been boasting about you are true [LIT]. [I want] you [to have your gift] ready [for us(exc) to take to Jerusalem], just like I have been telling others that you were ready.
4 Je ne voudrais pas, si les Macédoniens m’accompagnent et ne vous trouvent pas prêts, que cette assurance tournât à notre confusion, pour ne pas dire à la vôtre.
When I come, if any of [the believers from] Macedonia come with me, [I do not want them to find that your gift is] [MTY, EUP] not ready. If that were [to happen], I would be very ashamed, and you yourselves would be even more ashamed.
5 J’ai donc jugé nécessaire d’inviter les frères à se rendre auparavant chez vous, et à s’occuper de votre libéralité déjà promise, afin qu’elle soit prête, de manière à être une libéralité, et non un acte d’avarice.
So that is why I felt that it was necessary to urge these [three] believers to go [and visit] you before I [come. In that way, they would be able to help you finish] collecting the generous gift [EUP] that had been promised by you {you had said you would give}. [If you do that, not only will] the gift be ready [by the time that we arrive, but everyone will see that you have given because you really want to give, and] not because anyone has forced you to give.
6 Sachez-le, celui qui sème peu moissonnera peu, et celui qui sème abondamment moissonnera abondamment.
Do not forget this: “[A farmer] who sows only a few [seeds] will not gather/reap a large [harvest], but the one who sows a lot [of seeds] will gather/reap a large [harvest] [MET].” [Similarly, if you give just a little to help others, God will give you only a few blessings. But if you give willingly and cheerfully to help people, you will receive in return many blessings from God].
7 Que chacun donne comme il l’a résolu en son cœur, sans tristesse ni contrainte; car Dieu aime celui qui donne avec joie.
Each of you should decide how much you [(sg)] should give, [and then give that amount]. You [(sg)] should not [be thinking to yourself], “[I really] do not want to give this money.” [And you(sg) should] not give [just] because someone tells [you to give. Instead, you should give willingly and cheerfully], because God loves those who give cheerfully.
8 Et Dieu peut vous combler de toutes sortes de grâces, afin que, possédant toujours en toutes choses de quoi satisfaire à tous vos besoins, vous ayez encore en abondance pour toute bonne œuvre,
Moreover, God can enable you to [give to others cheerfully. If you give that way], God will [in return] give you many good blessings. He will do that so that at all times you will always have everything that you need. Indeed, you will have even more [than you need. As a result, you will be able to do] many more good things [to help others].
9 selon qu’il est écrit: Il a fait des largesses, il a donné aux indigents; Sa justice subsiste à jamais. (aiōn g165)
[Those who give willingly and cheerfully will be rewarded like the man about whom] it is written {[about whom] (someone/the Psalmist) wrote} in the Scriptures, He generously [helps others], [he gives to those] who are poor. [God will remember] the good things that he did, [and reward him with] good things forever. (aiōn g165)
10 Celui qui Fournit de la semence au semeur, Et du pain pour sa nourriture, vous fournira et vous multipliera la semence, et il augmentera les fruits de votre justice.
[God always] gives seeds to farmers to plant, and also gives them food to eat. [So, similarly, God will] always make it possible for you to have enough money [MET], so that you will be able more and more to generously [help those who are needy].
11 Vous serez de la sorte enrichis à tous égards pour toute espèce de libéralités qui, par notre moyen, feront offrir à Dieu des actions de grâces.
[God] will [give you] many blessings in many different ways as a result of your generously [helping others]. Furthermore, [the] generous [gift that you are getting ready for] us [(exc) to take to the believers in Judea province] will cause [many people] to thank God.
12 Car le secours de cette assistance non seulement pourvoit aux besoins des saints, mais il est encore une source abondante de nombreuses actions de grâces envers Dieu.
[Also remember that] when you give money to [EUP] help God’s people, you not only give them what they need, but also, [because of that], [many people will] thank God very much [for you and for what you have done].
13 En considération de ce secours dont ils font l’expérience, ils glorifient Dieu de votre obéissance dans la profession de l’Évangile de Christ, et de la libéralité de vos dons envers eux et envers tous;
As a result of your giving [money to help others], they will praise God, not only because you have believed the good message about Christ, but also because you have [generously given some of your possessions] so that they and other [believers will all have] ([enough/their needs supplied]).
14 ils prient pour vous, parce qu’ils vous aiment à cause de la grâce éminente que Dieu vous a faite.
Also, when they pray for you, [asking God to bless you, they will remember how grateful they are] [IDM] that God [caused you to give] very willingly and cheerfully.
15 Grâces soient rendues à Dieu pour son don ineffable!
[Finally, we should all] thank God [because he gave us the greatest gift of all when he sent his Son to save/rescue us(inc)] ([from the guilt of our sin/from being punished for our sin]). That is a gift too wonderful for anyone to be able to tell about completely!

< 2 Corinthiens 9 >