< 2 Corinthiens 12 >

1 Il faut se glorifier… Cela n’est pas bon. J’en viendrai néanmoins à des visions et à des révélations du Seigneur.
[It seems that] I must go on boasting [about myself]. Although [I do] not [think that my telling you about] this will help [you to accept me as Christ’s representative to you], I [will say this anyway]. I will tell you about visions that the Lord [gave a certain man] and about things that he [supernaturally] revealed [to that man. I will tell you this because some of the people among you boast that it was in visions that they received the things that they teach].
2 Je connais un homme en Christ, qui fut, il y a quatorze ans, ravi jusqu’au troisième ciel (si ce fut dans son corps je ne sais, si ce fut hors de son corps je ne sais, Dieu le sait).
The man that I will tell you about is one [who believes] in Christ. Fourteen years ago he was taken {[Christ] took him} up into the third heaven, [the highest heaven, the place where God is]. I do not know whether he went there [in his physical body] or whether he was outside of his body [at that time and only his spirit went]. Only God really knows.
3 Et je sais que cet homme (si ce fut dans son corps ou sans son corps je ne sais, Dieu le sait)
But he was [suddenly] taken {[Christ suddenly] took him} up to [a place called] Paradise, [that wonderful place where God lives. I repeat that] I do not know whether his body [went there] or only his spirit. Only God knows [that. While he was there, God] told him some things that he does not allow [human beings] to tell [others about].
4 fut enlevé dans le paradis, et qu’il entendit des paroles ineffables qu’il n’est pas permis à un homme d’exprimer.
5 Je me glorifierai d’un tel homme, mais de moi-même je ne me glorifierai pas, sinon de mes infirmités.
I will proudly talk about that man. However, I will not be boasting [as] I say that I [am the one who saw and heard those wonderful things]. I will talk only about the things that [cause others to think of] me as a weak [human being like everyone else].
6 Si je voulais me glorifier, je ne serais pas un insensé, car je dirais la vérité; mais je m’en abstiens, afin que personne n’ait à mon sujet une opinion supérieure à ce qu’il voit en moi ou à ce qu’il entend de moi.
But even if I should choose to boast [to you about such wonderful things that happened to me], I would not be [speaking like] a fool, because I would be telling you the truth. But I will not [talk proudly about such things], because I do not want any of you to think highly of me [because of the things that have happened to me]. Instead, [I want you to decide what kind of person I am by the way you see] me [acting] and by what you hear me teach.
7 Et pour que je ne sois pas enflé d’orgueil, à cause de l’excellence de ces révélations, il m’a été mis une écharde dans la chair, un ange de Satan pour me souffleter et m’empêcher de m’enorgueillir.
In order that I might not become proud because of those many wonderful things [that Christ] revealed to me, [God permitted] Satan to send a messenger [to humble me] (OR, to [make me sick]). [What that messenger did to me was painful, like] [MET] a thorn pricking my body.
8 Trois fois j’ai prié le Seigneur de l’éloigner de moi,
Three times I prayed to the Lord about it, begging him to take this away from me.
9 et il m’a dit: Ma grâce te suffit, car ma puissance s’accomplit dans la faiblesse. Je me glorifierai donc bien plus volontiers de mes faiblesses, afin que la puissance de Christ repose sur moi.
But he said to me, “[No, I will not take this away from you. Instead], I will kindly help you, and that will be all that you need, because it is [when you are] weak that I [can] best [work] powerfully [to help you].” So, because of [what the Lord said to me], I will very gladly boast about [the things that make] me [seem] weak, so that [people may realize] that it is Christ who gives me power [to serve him].
10 C’est pourquoi je me plais dans les faiblesses, dans les outrages, dans les calamités, dans les persécutions, dans les détresses, pour Christ; car, quand je suis faible, c’est alors que je suis fort.
For that reason, [whenever I am] weak, or [when people] insult me, [or when I have to endure] hardships, or [when I am persecuted] {[people] cause me to suffer}, or [when I am in situations that] distress me, I am content because [I am serving] Christ. [I can say that] because at any time when I myself am weak, that is the [very] time when [Christ] powerfully [helps me].
11 J’ai été un insensé: vous m’y avez contraint. C’est par vous que je devais être recommandé, car je n’ai été inférieur en rien aux apôtres par excellence, quoique je ne sois rien.
It has been foolish for me [to talk about myself like this], but it is you who forced me to do it. Truly [if the Lord would not help me], I would be worthless, [as my opponents say that I am]. But none of the men whom you [wrongfully think] [IRO] are great apostles are greater in any way than I am. So it would have been right/proper for you to say good things about me.
12 Les preuves de mon apostolat ont éclaté au milieu de vous par une patience à toute épreuve, par des signes, des prodiges et des miracles.
[You should have done that, because] when I was with you [I] repeatedly did the things that showed you that [I am truly] an apostle, such as performing many [DOU] miracles.
13 En quoi avez-vous été traités moins favorablement que les autres Églises, sinon en ce que je ne vous ai point été à charge? Pardonnez-moi ce tort.
And I have [certainly treated] you as well as [I treated] the other congregations [that I helped to start. Or do you think that] by not asking you [to pay me for my work], I was not treating you as well as I treated the other congregations? (It is foolish for you to [think that] [IRO] [it] was wrong for me not [to ask for pay from you for my work, and therefore I should ask] you to forgive me for that!/Do you [think that it] was wrong for me not [to ask for pay from you for my work, and therefore I should ask] you to forgive me for that?) [RHQ]
14 Voici, pour la troisième fois je suis prêt à aller chez vous, et je ne vous serai point à charge; car ce ne sont pas vos biens que je cherche, c’est vous-mêmes. Ce n’est pas, en effet, aux enfants à amasser pour leurs parents, mais aux parents pour leurs enfants.
Now listen to me! It is time for me to come to you for a third [visit. When I come], I [still] will not insist that you [pay me for my work], because I do not want [any of] your [money] [EUP]! What I want is for you [MTY] [to love and appreciate me]. It is not [normally the duty of] children to save [money to provide for the needs of] their parents. Instead, it [is the duty of] parents to [provide] for their children [MET]. In the same way, [it is not your duty to provide for me. Instead, it is my duty to provide spiritual help for you because you are my spiritual children].
15 Pour moi, je dépenserai très volontiers, et je me dépenserai moi-même pour vos âmes, dussé-je, en vous aimant davantage, être moins aimé de vous.
So, for my part, [as a good parent would do], I will be very happy to use everything that I have, and do everything that I possibly can, [in order to help you]. And because I love you very much, (I will be very disappointed if [you] do not love me a little bit, too./will [you] not love me a little bit, too?) [RHQ]
16 Soit! Je ne vous ai point été à charge; mais, en homme astucieux, je vous ai pris par ruse!
[You all] know that I did not depend on you [to provide for my needs]. However, [there are some who accuse me, saying that] [IRO] I was very clever and got money from you by tricking you.
17 Ai-je tiré du profit de vous par quelqu’un de ceux que je vous ai envoyés?
But did I ever do that? No! I never [RHQ] asked any of the men whom I sent to you [to get money] from you [and bring it to me]
18 J’ai engagé Tite à aller chez vous, et avec lui j’ai envoyé le frère: est-ce que Tite a exigé quelque chose de vous? N’avons-nous pas marché dans le même esprit, sur les mêmes traces?
Titus went [and visited you because] I urged him to do so. I also sent the other believer, [whom you know], to go with Titus. [You know that] Titus did not [RHQ] trick [you in order to get money from you. And you certainly know that] he and I have always [RHQ] acted in exactly the same [honest] way [towards you].
19 Vous vous imaginez depuis longtemps que nous nous justifions auprès de vous. C’est devant Dieu, en Christ, que nous parlons; et tout cela, bien-aimés, nous le disons pour votre édification.
While [you have been reading this letter, if] you have been thinking that I have [just] been [saying these things to] defend myself [against those who accuse me, you are wrong]. I have been saying [these things honestly, knowing] that God is listening [to me. I also speak as one who has a close relationship] with Christ. Everything that I do and [everything that I say is] to [help you] whom I love (to grow [spiritually/] to become [spiritually] mature).
20 Car je crains de ne pas vous trouver, à mon arrivée, tels que je voudrais, et d’être moi-même trouvé par vous tel que vous ne voudriez pas. Je crains de trouver des querelles, de la jalousie, des animosités, des cabales, des médisances, des calomnies, de l’orgueil, des troubles.
[I have written this way to you] because I worry that when I come [to visit you], I will see that [some of] you are [not conducting your lives the way] that I want you [to]. If that is so, [when I get there] you will see that I will have [to act] in a [very severe way toward you, and I am sure] that you do not want that. Specifically, I am afraid that [some of you] may be quarreling, or that you are being jealous [of each other], or that you quickly get very angry [with them], or that you are acting selfishly, or that [some of] you are saying bad things about others, or that you are (spreading false rumors/saying false things) about each other, or that you are acting proudly, or that you are [doing things] in a disorderly manner.
21 Je crains qu’à mon arrivée mon Dieu ne m’humilie de nouveau à votre sujet, et que je n’aie à pleurer sur plusieurs de ceux qui ont péché précédemment et qui ne se sont pas repentis de l’impureté, de l’impudicité et des dissolutions auxquelles ils se sont livrés.
[I] ([feel anxious/am concerned]) [about you. I worry that] when I visit you again, God, the one whom I [serve], will make me feel ashamed of you [when I see that] you [still are not conducting your lives as believers should]. Then I will feel very sad about [some of] you who were sinning previously and have not stopped your sinful behavior. [Some of you] may still have impure [thoughts. Some of you] may be having sexual intercourse with those to whom you are not married. [And some of you] may be doing other shameful things.

< 2 Corinthiens 12 >