< 1 Timothée 2 >

1 J’exhorte donc, avant toutes choses, à faire des prières, des supplications, des requêtes, des actions de grâces, pour tous les hommes,
The first (OR, most important) thing that I urge [you to tell your congregation] is that [Christians] should continually ask [God] for [what they need]. They should also pray to God [for all other people], and they should be thanking [God].
2 pour les rois et pour tous ceux qui sont élevés en dignité, afin que nous menions une vie paisible et tranquille, en toute piété et honnêteté.
Specifically, they should pray for rulers and for all [other people] who (are in important government positions/have authority), in order that [God will help them to rule]. [As God enables the rulers to rule well], we can live very peaceably as we conduct ours lives doing all that God and others consider to be right and proper.
3 Cela est bon et agréable devant Dieu notre Sauveur,
It is good [to pray like that, and] it pleases God, who saves us, when we pray like that.
4 qui veut que tous les hommes soient sauvés et parviennent à la connaissance de la vérité.
He desires to save everyone. He wants everyone to fully know [and accept] his true [message].
5 Car il y a un seul Dieu, et aussi un seul médiateur entre Dieu et les hommes, Jésus-Christ homme,
He is the [only] one [true] God! And there is [only] one person who talks to God on behalf of people. That person is Christ Jesus, who [himself] is a man!
6 qui s’est donné lui-même en rançon pour tous. C’est là le témoignage rendu en son propre temps,
He gave (his [life/himself]) [as a sacrifice] in order to ransom/redeem all [people], which showed at the proper time [that God desires that all people be saved] {[to save all people]}.
7 et pour lequel j’ai été établi prédicateur et apôtre, je dis la vérité, je ne mens pas, chargé d’instruire les païens dans la foi et la vérité.
As for me, he appointed me to declare [this message] and to be an apostle. I am telling the truth [about God appointing me]. I am not lying! He appointed me to teach the non-Jews that they should believe God’s true message.
8 Je veux donc que les hommes prient en tout lieu, en élevant des mains pures, sans colère ni mauvaises pensées.
I desire that in every place [where believers worship], the men who pray publicly [MTY] should be men who are not practicing sin. When they pray, they should not be angry [with anyone] and they should not doubt [that God will answer] their prayers (OR, should not quarrel with anyone).
9 Je veux aussi que les femmes, vêtues d’une manière décente, avec pudeur et modestie, ne se parent ni de tresses, ni d’or, ni de perles, ni d’habits somptueux,
[I would like that] the clothing that women wear be (modest and sensible/proper and appropriate) [DOU]. I want them to not fix their hair in fancy/elaborate ways, nor wear gold [jewelry], nor pearls, nor expensive clothing [in order that they may make themselves attractive].
10 mais qu’elles se parent de bonnes œuvres, comme il convient à des femmes qui font profession de servir Dieu.
Instead, they should be doing things that women who (claim to/say that they) worship God should do; that is, they should be doing good deeds.
11 Que la femme écoute l’instruction en silence, avec une entière soumission.
Women must learn to [listen] quietly [during the worship services] and to fully subject themselves [to the leaders of the congregation].
12 Je ne permets pas à la femme d’enseigner, ni de prendre de l’autorité sur l’homme; mais elle doit demeurer dans le silence.
I do not permit women to teach [men spiritual truth publicly], and I do not permit them to have authority over men. Instead, [I desire] that women [listen] quietly [during the worship services].
13 Car Adam a été formé le premier, Eve ensuite;
Keep in mind that God made Adam first, and afterwards he made Eve,
14 et ce n’est pas Adam qui a été séduit, c’est la femme qui, séduite, s’est rendue coupable de transgression.
and that it was not Adam whom [Satan] deceived. As a result of the woman being deceived, she sinned. She did what God had told her not to do.
15 Elle sera néanmoins sauvée en devenant mère, si elle persévère avec modestie dans la foi, dans la charité, et dans la sainteté.
But even though she did that, now women will be saved {God will accept women} as they bear children if they continue to trust [God] and if they continue to love others, and if they continue to live in a way that is [more and more] (acceptable to God/like God wants them to), and if they continue to be modest.

< 1 Timothée 2 >